Jovan (PNPC)

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Jovan (PNPC)

Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Jovan
Gender - male
DOB - 13/2
Age - 58
Location- Big Bay Seahold

Personality - Strong minded, leader, devoted

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - Soha, his sons, fishing
Dislikes - Igen Weyr
Hobbies - Spending time with his wife
Ambitions/Dreams - To have grandchildren, and to relocate to the Western Continent

Hair - reddish brown going grey
Eyes - blue
Weight - 220
Height - 6'2"

Features -

Character Model - Max Martini

Mother -
Father -
Siblings -
Spouse - Soha
Partner -
Children - Ja'vosh (Janovosh), Shovan- sons
Grandchildren- Navon

Craft - Fishercraft
Rank - Master
Master - Hycol

History - Jovan hales from Big Bay Seahold. Like most children at seaholds, the ocean caught his attention at a young age. Jovan was an accomplished sailor by the time he was 8 Turns old. At 10, he was heading out to sea with the other fishers, having already started his apprenticeship, at least when he wasn't off to Landing for school.
Jovan was 19 when he met the 16 Turn Soha, and fell in love with her. He courted her, and was pledged to marry her when they were both old enough to do so. He would be 23 when they were able to finally marry.
When he was 21, Jovan walked the tables become a journeyman fisher.
At the age of 29, he became a father for the first time, of a son that they named Janovosh. When Shovan, his second son was born, Jovan was 37. Shovan took after Jovan in looks. In agreement with Soha, neither boy was fostered out. And when both boys started following Jovan in his footsteps to become fishermen, he was proud. In their respective turns, when each son was Searched and went to the Weyr, Jovan was proud, to a point. He was also concerned, as any father would be, about his sons setting off on a new life that was completely different from what they had originally planned.
The day that Janovosh Impressed Bronze Quenath and became Ja'vosh was a day of both pride and grief for Jovan. His oldest son had become a dragonrider, something that even Soha had turned away from the chance of obtaining. His son had stepped into another world, one that Jovan could not follow Ja'vosh into. Instead, he forged a tighter bond with Shovan, even going as far as to help Soha track down a flit egg for the boy.
The day that Shovan went to the Weyr, having been Searched, was a sad day indeed for Jovan. Once his youngest son had left, he cried, holding Soha to his chest, and sharing his grief only with her.

Dragon -
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Fire lizard -
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Pets -
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Notes -
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Jovan (PNPC)

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o

Re: Jovan (PNPC)

Post by jackharper »

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Re: Jovan (PNPC)

Post by Talen »

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