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Post by jackharper »

Name: Whisper
Color: Bronze
Sire: Wild Bronze
Dam: Precious
Personality: Bronze firelizard whose light peaceful coloring that switches to a much lighter color from his throat, under his belly and to the underside tip of his tail. He’s almost a sandy Bronze tone. His wing sails are also this lighter coloring with the wing ribs a slightly darker shade. This Flitter is a bit larger than his clutchmate but considered average sized for a Bronze, he has a more lithe build.
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr, special friend to Phoenix
Description: A loving and serene firelizard he always knows when to insert his Bronze self into any given situation. He is no push over, but he is no bully either. This guy is a charmer and loves to show his ardent affection for ladies, human and firelizard.
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