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Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon


Post by Moon »

Name - Taya
Gender - Female
DOB - 09/13
Age - 19

Personality - Spitfire, unwilling to bend her morals,

Sexual Preferences - unknown

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Grey
Weight - 124 lbs.
Height - 5'2"

Features - She wears typical gear for a holder. A tunic top and a wraparound skirt and apron when there's chores to be done over a pair of trousers. The colors are nothing fancy and are actually restricted to browns and greens. She restricts herself to the old colors of green and brown, but has since added touchs of blue to her wardrobe. Regardless of her former appearance, Taya has taken in interest in her appearance and tries to appear more feminine despite her lack of attributes in that area. Old scars have faded with time, though can still be picked out against her skin if you look closely.


Character Model - Hailee Steinfeld

Mother - Ayasa (headwoman, d.)
Father - T'vyr (blue rider)
Siblings - T'vor
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Green Rider
Rank - Weyrwoman's Assistant to Weyrlings
Master -

History - At the age of four, Ayasa moved her young daughter around. Ayasa, her mother is rarely free to spend time with her young daughter. As for her father, T'vyr, these two have never met. Something that Ayasa plans to remedy as soon as she can. A dragon-mad daughter in a hold full of people... This can cause problems for the woman. Her child has just grown past the need for constant supervision. Supervision she got in the form of older children who were inclined to rant about dragons and firelizards.

Taya is often found wandering around when not involved with chores, punishments, or classes. Her favorite hobby is to try and draw dragons. Her drawings are not good. So, her sand slate often gets wiped in some effort for a better picture effort. Taya never keeps friends her age for long.

The most exciting point for the young girl was when she saw dragons or it might be when she hears a new song about them. Though being the daughter of a harper might also lend some talent to the fact that she makes up stories about the creatures. Her ideas about dragons are mostly made up from what she learned in the few moments she actually had at her mother's knee before her love for the creatures appeared more than it was.

Taya was just months away from being thirteen and her life has taken several unexpected twists and turns. She'd been injured, learned a fear of eggs and has braved the fear. She's acquired Glessy. Taya impressed a green dragon named Ariketh. Despite her shyness, Taya and her partner share a trait. Both will do whatever they have to and want to... regardless of the consuequences.

Name: Arikheth
Personality: She's definitely a lady, this one. Arikheth knows exactly what she wants and she will get it come hell or high water. Luckily or not, her memory is unusually short, even for a green, and she is distractable. She is also not terribly social--the one impressing her will have to accept that she really will be content with his or her company and that of the other dragons and that's all.
History: When Impression was made, Arikheth demanded to be fed in a proper and tame manner. It takes twice as long to please her as other dragonets. Mostly the two of them do well enough. Until Taya gets stubborn on her and they both end up digging in their heels. Despite that, the two females are always able to agree... eventually.
Description: From her spring-green muzzle, to the tip of her olive-shaded tail.

Name: Glessy
Color: Green
Personality: Glessy is a small green flit. As energetic as the girl she looks too, she's taken it into her skull to mimic Taya in her moods. Though, if startled, rather then dashing between as most Flits would, she takes flight and heads for cover into the nearest high place she can. Despises cats and other critters, she can be found often perched atop Taya's shoulder even in the midst of chores. Her coloring would be closey resembeled to forest green with pale underbelly.
History: Has made off with her partners hair bands and oil brushes one too many times. Glessy is Taya's loudest half and won't hesitate to scold.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
I will EDIT! :o
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