
Rarely used characters.
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Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon


Post by Moon »

Name - Makari
Gender - Female
DOB - 04/09
Age - 21

Personality - Not very motivated unless it comes to her few passions in life. She is other wise satisfied with the status qou of dragon, self, and her records.

Sexual Preferences - bi

Likes - books
Dislikes - noise and dust
Hobbies - singing
Ambitions/Dreams - none

Hair - Blond
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 158 lbs.
Height - 5'9"

Features - While Makari can be called quaintly pretty, her blond hair is cut too short for her facial structure bringing more attention to her less desirable facial traits. A thin set of lines mar her chin in a series of scars on the left side of her face. She has overly large brown eyes, set under relatively thin brows. Her body structure is rather average for her line of work, though a slightly bit more lean then the normal woman's stealing some of her femininity with it.

As far as her clothing needs are considered, Makari always wears a dress when not involved in caring for her dragon. All other times, she is almost impeccably dressed in her riding leathers which are always a dark brown in color.

Of course, there are those rare times, she is caught with her hair down and running about the place wearing her night clothes simply for a change of pace.


Character Model - Taylor Swift

Mother - Sandari
Father - Joir
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Blue Rider
Rank - Wing Rider
Master -

History - Born at High Reaches Weyr to a Lower Caverns Drudge and her one night stand with a master Healer, Makari has about as much motivation to succeed beyond what would expected of her. As a child, she was rather adventurous or perhaps it was the fist fights she would get into with the more conventional girls.Regardless of her childhood behavior, Makari could not be called a lacking student in the Harper classes or later when she began to yearn for something more. At the age of sixteen she transferred from her position as a lower caverns worker at High Reaches Weyr.

Makari became enthralled with the idea of standing on the sands as upon her arrival a green dragon made it's clear opinon of her felt. Makari was no doubt as surprised at her sudden search as the poor dragon's rider.Time as a candidate held few surprised for her beyond the expected. With the same results encountered in her Harper Classes, Makari bent herself to the tasks of chores with all her former enthusiasm of her pre-candidate days. No matter the results, she had told herself, the new territory was open to possiblities that would favor those daring enough to pursue them. She never imagined what awaited her on the sands. Nisynth can only be called her greatest delight, her louder half, and possibly the more graceful of the two.

While it was more then she'd ever expected, the sheer amount of work involved was above and beyond what Makari was used to dealing out. Yet, when it came to Nisynth it was with an enthusiasm lacking elsewhere. Almost contrary to her personaility, Makari showed signs of her former go-getter attitude that had disappeared with her childhood.

Name: Nisynth
Color: Blue
Personality: His personality is bright, happy, and loudly expressive when all things are related to food and Makari. Even given his small size, Nisynth approaches the idea of thread with an almost joyous eagerness to char the silvery menace from the sky. So long as he and his can approach life with passion, joy, and hope for a bright future, the two of them will never be knocked down for long.
History: Strong search dragon, most of his searched Candidates Impress the first time they stand.
Description: Nisynth is a small, light blue dragon with a dark underbelly.

Fire lizard -
Name -
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Pets -
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I will EDIT! :o
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