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Post by Moon »

Name - Quadelan
Alias - Qu'ade, Que'lan
Gender - male
DOB - 06/23
Age - 25

Personality - Well-meaning, protective of his brother, dedicated to any cause he considers right, though this can make him seem single minded. He is known for bending rules in the favor of those he knows, but he also really dislikes doing that and is quick to set things to right when he sets down to lecturing the one he bent the rules for.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - carpentry (shoddy though it may be)
Dislikes - being around dragons, being alone, forgetting things
Hobbies - he likes to carve things he sees in his dreams
Ambitions/Dreams - He knows he's forgotten something important, he just can't quite put it all together yet.

Hair - Light Brown
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 230
Height - 6'5"

Features -

Character Model - Chris Hemsworth

Mother - Audren
Father - Quinlan
Siblings - Quiller
Spouse - once intended to weyrmate D'tan
Partner -
Children -

Craft - beast craft
Rank - apprentice
Master -

History - Dragonless. He has no idea why he feels a large gaping presence in his chest, but he will sometimes wake up screaming names. Sometimes, he will simply sit out as near the ocean as he can get and just watch the waves. Quadelan is often in the company of his brother and in pursuit of the girl his brother left behind. He is not quite sure why he dislikes this idea, but he does.

(Before he forgot those few brief years) Qu'ade disapproved of his brothers relationship with a girl named Meeko for a set of different reasons. The first and primary one was her family and the scandal that surrounded them. The second was her weyrling status.

He was also in a promising relationship with a young woman named Daltan/D'ltan, a green rider before an accident away from the weyr stole his memory, his dragon, and nearly his own life. At the time it had become assumed the two of them were destined to become weyrmates. Life was good, he was in training to become a weyrling master's assistant, he was in love, and properly impressed to a handsome brown. A training accident would steal all that away.

He was eventually recovered by a seafaring vessel that he would spend turns on both with and without his brother. Always, always looking for the feeling of what had been stolen from him and the brief moments when he feels like his heart will crumble.

Dragon -
Name - Saeth
Color - brown
Sire- ???
Dam- ???
Personality - Steady and impressive with a few tricks he never got to pass on except to a brief few.
History - deceased, impressed to Qu'ade,
Description - Looks quite like a mature version of Rynith, with a few differences.

Dragon -
Name - Tenzith
Color - Bronze
Sire - Nicorth
Dam - Corianth
Personality - Loud, possessive; Cause his needs more-many-much love. Impatient and fidgety, Tenzith is known for broadcasting his love of his to anyone close enough to listen. He shows an uncompromising disposition to listen to his, even if it means he will be most displeased with the instructions. Tenzith is loyal to his and shows no sign of being interested in anything else. Well, perhaps, he can make a 'little' room for others.
History - Tenzith found his and almost took the small speaker down with the discovery.
Description - Bronze, similar pattern to the deceased Tagoth. Tenzith is a medium sized bronze who shows signs of growing into the same size of a small gold.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - dragonless, suffers from amnesia, shares a psychic link with his brother.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Quadelan (WIP)

Post by KBear »

If you need approval, I like him.
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Re: Quadelan (WIP)

Post by Moon »

They aren't quite finished, KBear. But thanks. :) WIP means writing in progress. TBE means to be edited.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Quadelan (WIP)

Post by SyberJedi »

"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Quadelan

Post by Talen »

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