Blanca Sanchez

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Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Blanca Sanchez

Post by Moon »

Name - Blanca Sanchez
Gender - female
DOB - 13/13
Age - 26

Personality - Once she was carefree, all she has worked for during the last few years has turned to ash. She has her goals and will seek this to just about any length. She is desperate enough to perform any action, short of violence or serious crime. Blanca is often subtle; delivering well aimed barbs as compliments and will cover her words by saying something else. Determined to be as happy as she can, the young woman faces each challenge with a fire that was nearly quelled by all the wrong choices. Blanca remains largely self reliant and somewhat friendly to everyone.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 148 lbs.
Height - 5'8"

Features - Despite blond hair and blue eyes, Blanca is of American-Mexican decent. She is tall, slender, and has a scar running down the side of her leg. A dragonfly is tattooed between the lines of her shirts and pants, on her lower back. Large loop earrings decorate her ears, slightly dimmed from age. Her skin has the darker tone associated with many from Hispanic descent. There is little fat on her body, having lost the bulk from hard work.


Character Model - Cameron Diaz

Mother - Maria Sanchez
Father - Jose Sanchez
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children - Demetrio 'Deme' Sanchez

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Born to a happy couple as a bright and happy child; a ray of sunshine in their lives. Her father is a gardener, specializing in orchards of apples, oranges, pears, and other similar fruit. Her mother works side-by-side with her husband, harvesting the fruit he encourages to grow. In the custom of her mother's people, Blanca was given her mother's family name.

By the time she was fifteen, Blanca's normally happy nature changed for the worse when she discovered herself with child. Shame and pride refused to let her ask her family for aid. When the her only son was born, Blanca's labor became difficult. The baby was larger than she had been prepared for, and the difficulty of his birth robbed her of the ability to bear more. Both mother and child survived the complications of birth, but life became more difficult as she attempted to provide for both of them.

Debt drove Blanca to seek out a career for which she was considered ill suited for. Failing to achieve either a path as a military officer or as a Brawn, Blanca Sanchez placed a request for placement at the first plausible opening as a non-commissioned officer. With a young son, Blanca waited tables and worked in a military store until she received word from her commanding officer. She and her child would be shipped to the newly rediscovered colony on Pern. She was assigned to the dragonriders and would have a single turn to change things around for themselves.

Upon her arrival, Blanca was introduced to the Weyrleaders and allotted a position among the younger candidates. Her son, Demetrio, was fostered with a Dolphineer master until her training could be completed. A week later, Blanca was given a flit egg by her son as a birthday present which later hatched a green firelizard she then named Grace.

Name: Shoriath
Personality: A Gold within a Green's body, Shoriath is maternal and fierce.
History: a pale mint green with a teal mask, points and wings
Extra Ability- Search Dragon
Egg Title/Description - Diamond Heart Shadow Egg

Name: Grace
Color: green
History: given to Blanca by her son Deme.

Pets -
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Notes -
I will EDIT! :o
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