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Post by jackharper »

Name - Briallen
Gender - Female
DOB - 09/22
Age - 17

Personality - Briallen is quite opinionated, and not afraid to speak her mind. She often says exactly what she is thinking, with little regard for whether or not it will get her in trouble, or offend the people around her. She has a slight disregard for rules, and she still gets in trouble now and then. Her mind is constantly moving, thinking and figuring, but her body and mouth keeps up perfectly with the pace of her thoughts. She likes pants because they are less limiting to her movements, and the activities she engages in, such as boxing, and other forms of fighting, for exercise. Briallen is a bit feisty. She is determined to succeed wherever she feels weak. Her temper is not easy to excite, but she can be ruthless when completely angry.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Kineth, Copper, singer
Dislikes - Authority
Hobbies - playing her gift harp,
Ambitions/Dreams - becoming a strong female dragonrider and a recognized female bluerider.

Hair - black
Eyes - brown
Weight - 169 lbs
Height - 5'8"

Features - With tantalizing curves that give her perfect figure, silky black hair that falls in waves, piercing blue eyes that capture light in interesting ways, and plump red lips that stand out against slightly pale skin, Briallen is a beauty, and knows it. She is not exceptionally tall, in fact she is slightly on the short side, but her personality makes up for what she lacks in height. Although wearing appropriate clothing for a woman when necessary, Briallen prefers clothing that she can move around more freely in

Character Model - Demi Lovato

Mother -Hellena (Dragon Healer)
Father - B'rin (bluerider)
Siblings - Four older maternal half brothers
Two older maternal half sisters
Six older paternal half brothers
Nine older paternal half sisters
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - doesn't want any

Craft - Bluerider
Rank - Weyrling
Master -

History - Born as the youngest of a brood of twenty one half siblings, Briallen grew up in the Creche at Southern Weyr. Her mother was often too busy with her patients, and her father was too busy with his dragon, and her half siblings were significantly older than her. Briallen was clever though and was easily able to entertain herself. She exhibited intelligence that most children had when they were a few Turns older.

Briallen had a generally happy childhood, if not a little lonely. She became very self aware, and learned how to take care of herself. When she got a little older there were younger children in the Creche, and the nans asked her to help out sometimes. At the age of ten Briallen realized she didn’t have a maternal bone in her body. She didn’t like crying and whining children, she was uncomfortable dealing with bodily functions of children, and any child that was considered infant or toddler, she didn’t know how to act around.

Briallen was convinced she would never have children, and she has held true to that. She couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to care for a crying, screaming, often smelling, dripping fluids from several places, child, let alone more than one.

At the age of fourteen, with no real escape from the Weyr, no craft to specialize in, and very few friends in her life, Briallen wanted to try something new. She wanted to get out of her birth place and have adventures, find out what it meant to live beyond the Creche walls. She heard of a Weyr, The Star Stone Weyr, where it would be possible for her to become a Candidate and Stand at a Hatching, a dream Briallen always had, naturally after growing up in a Weyr.

She was accepted into Candidacy, and went in search of a new existence.

Dragon -
Name - Kineth
Color - blue
Sire: Nicorth
Dam: Kililath
Personality - Kineth has a thing for the ladies. Bold and fearless, he's willing to chase anything that flies, be it Green or Gold.
History - Hatched from a Copper Cloud Egg at Star Stone Weyr and Impressed to Briallen.
Description - A small dragon, the shade of blue the color of the sky found at twilight when it's starting to deepen to purple, even in color. Kineth has extremely long wings for a Blue, which makes him look clumsy on the ground, yet will allow him to be extremely maneuverable in the air.

Fire lizard -
Name - Copper
Color - Bronze
Sire: Wild Bronze
Dam: Ryu-Chan
Personality - Brassy and bold, Copper is also a very critical bronze. He scolds and admonishes when he feels disrupted.
History - Hatched in the Candidate Barracks at Star Stone Weyr. Friend to Briallen.
Description - A reddish bronze, more of a coppery color, hence the name, evenly distributed over his hide with a few speckles of darker, brownish bronze on his wings.

Fire lizard - Desceased
Name - Singer
Color - Green
Sire: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
Personality - Bold, loud, bossy, and demanding
History - Hatched at Star Stone Weyr in the Weyrling Barracks. Friend to Briallen.
Description - Sparkling, emerald green

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
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