Dragon Submissions Required

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Dragon Submissions Required

Post by Moon »

I need every player who wants to Impress a dragon to submit to the admin team three dragons. Color is not required. We want personality, a very brief description that is workable from any color angle, a name, specific things you are capable of naming for a dragonet. The due date is January 8th. Plenty of time people to get done with this. There will be no extensions.

All five bronze dragons plus additional changes are also required to post at least three threads per month until hatching is done with. I will not say when or where this will even begin to end. If you are unable to make a thread count of 15, please do three stand alone posts of 250 words each.

Thank you and have a pleasant week. :)
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Dragon Submissions Required

Post by Talen »

Description A dragon with a odd but bright coloration. With darker swirls of color along the dragons back and down all four legs a darker shade then the base color. A lighter shade on the bottom and along the inner wings showing a darker shade on the veins along the membrane of the wings giving them a almost spider web effect.

Personality This dragon is a mellow soul. Greeting their chose upon waking with a warn and glowing greeting the warms the very heart. This dragon is quite a endearing loving dragon. Just touching its mind is like a ray of sunshine bright and flowing like music.

name suggestion : Parath Lusoth Birroth
Description This dragon is dark as the elements. The rich color of their hide shines threw with a deep dark color that seems to be embedded in the hide a pure even color from head to foot. The only variation in color is the under wing which is only a hair lighter then the dark color all around the dragons sleek body. This dragon is more muscular then its siblings along the wing muscles probably built for a longer flight then its siblings.

Personality This dragon is conceited and full of themselves. This dragon feels that this dragon is more fit then the siblings and therefore it better then all of them. The others probably don’t like to be around them cause of their better then thou personality.

Name suggestion Cinolith Eolith Zenith

Description This dragons shade pales in comparison to their siblings being a pale shade of coloration that lacks even the hint of darkness. This shade is so light you can almost miss it if you didn’t look closely at the hide. The underbelly and wings are a slightly lighter shade of a already light hide. There are little darker swirls along the back and sides giving it a light pattern that gives it a very odd looking appearance.

Personality This dragon is shy and quiet. Unlike this dragons siblings it likes the peace and quiet and beauty of nature. This dragon is mellow beyond belief never striving for anything just content to be relaxed and go with the flow of it all. This dragon will never fight with its siblings preferring to be peaceful and quiet above all else.

Name suggestions : Lenith Corinth Syrreth

Re: Dragon Submissions Required

Post by jackharper »

Personality: Quiet and unusually subdued for a dragon. Praise and compliments don't elicit preening and glowing. Takes a lot to rouse a strong emotional response, unless mating lust is in the air. Introverted seems the best term to describe this dragonet.

Description: Solid color underneath with ripples of darker color flowing over hide. Has an almost zigzag or striped appearance.

Name: Shreikinth

Personality: Has awkward footing and seems clumsy and looks almost unnatural when trying to maneuver on land. Sky and water are the easiest ways for this dragonet to look graceful. Great flyer, but an even better swimmer. Has a fascination with the dolphins.

Description: Dark, dark in color with highlights on underside of wings and along back, and low lights on under belly and inside legs.

Name: Thensinth

Personality: Wants to be heard, but is not bossy or obnoxious. This dragonet thinks what he/she has to say is always important, so will strive to be heard. Has been known to wander into minds other than his/her rider's just to get a point across or make sure someone is listening.

Description: Pale coloring with bronze streaks on tail, stomach, and inside of legs. Gives off a metallic glow in those places.

Name: Chyinath
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Re: Dragon Submissions Required

Post by KBear »

Medium colored body with white swirls here and there that remind one of clouds playing. Mixed with a veriety of other colors make one think of a brightly colored marble. On each flank is a shape that resembles a snake eye that seems to follow you as you move. The swirls continue faintly across the wins. Throat and underbelly color is so dark it seems black.


This Dragon is on the go all the time. it goes until it drops. Almost as if its afraid it will miss something if it closes its eyes and rests. This is a happy go lucky in nature and loves to visit with its clutch mates. Other dragons love this dragons company as its a good listener.

NAME SUGGESTIONS Whispeth or Marbath
Light to Medium colored with dark slashes of coloring that resembles spider web lightning. When this dragon opens its wings, it the lightning coloring continues down the sail ribs and onto the sails, when it gets close to the edges of the wings the lightning spreads out like it wants to continue into the sky.

This dragon is stand offish and quiet. It would prefer to be left alone. Other dragons give this one a wide berth. This dragon is also a stuck up snob. It displays a quick temper which makes others leave it alone and give it a wide berth. It obeys orders only after a arguement and is reluctant to give in including to answering a queens orders. Its prone to tripping its rider anytime it can, including nudging or using its tail to knock one off their feet. It will snap at other dragons if it wants to be in their place. This one thinks its better then any others and hates flits even if its rider has one.

This dragon is even colored and covered with poke a dots. It reminds you of someone with chicken pox. Only 2 colored makes this dragon interesting to look at. Its face, legs from the knees down and its under belly to is tail is a solid color. The ribs on the wings are the same solid coloring with lighter spots on the wing sails.

This is a quiet and steady dragon thats a bit shy at first. No matter its color this will be a goo ddsearch dragon. It just seems to know from hatching. It loves everyone including the difficult ones. flits fight over a place to curl up om this dragon. they can be seem sunbathing with this dragon giving it coloring it lacks elsewhere. Quick learning and helpful, this dragon would make a good healer helper where keeping a injured dragon calm is most important.

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Re: Dragon Submissions Required

Post by KBear »

Is there any particular place you wish the 5 dragon plots to be posted? And the new characters you had us create, is it them you wish us to post and not the 5 original bronze plot or both? I'm sorry I'm so confused.
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