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Post by Talen »

Name -Kylen
Alias - K'len
Gender -male
DOB -5/12
Age - 20

Personality -He tended to take more after his father then his mother in looks and mannerisms. He most the time was quiet and shy specially around people that he didn’t know. Course once you got to know him that was another story. He would and could talk your ear off then specially if he had something he wanted to say.
He can be a bit shy and unsure of himself. he never really got the hang of talking with girls. His voice is low and sounds somewhat doubtful almost hesitant at times. But he is nice and fun loving. He enjoys nature and likes to dance. You would usually find him somewhere admiring the nature around him.

Sexual Preferences - bi

Likes - family, friends , his companions
Dislikes - veggies
Hobbies - dance and nature
Ambitions/Dreams - To be able to live his life without fear and uncertanty.

Hair: black
Eyes: green
Height: 5’9
Weight: 155

Features -A tall slender young man with soft wavy long jet black hair that occasionally falls toward his face.He stands currently at 5'9 and still growing. He wears his hair pulled back in a braid but the wisps of bangs always work loose and fall into his eyes. He seems to brush his hair back behind his ear constantly in a nervous gesture. He has eyes the soft color of jade and they look kind and welcoming.
He like to wear colors that either match his eyes or of the area around him that he will be in. His boots are usually a deeper darker color. He has a light scar above his left eye from when he was younger and got hit with a rock while playing in a area he wasn’t suppose to be in. Though it is barely visible unless you know where to look.


Character Model -Jared Leto

Father Mikelen Farmer (41)
Mother kaylena weaver (36)
SiblingsBrother Kaymin 21 Sister Mikala 19
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft -dragonrider
Rank - weyrling
Master -

History -He was born on a hot midsummer night to Mikelen and kaylen. He was born in the small cothold to the south of the Weyr. He was a quiet child ever since he was born. He was the youngest child of their union. He has a older brother and sister kaymin and mikaya. When he was younger he was fascinated by the dragons and he decided that when he got old enough thats what he was not going to follow in his fathers footsteps. He greatly admired the dragon riders that he saw flying in the air. He knew deep in his heart there was someone out there just for him. When he was ten he was out playing with some the other children and got hit above the eye with a rock. There was much of a to do about it but they realized that it was just a accident and they patched him up. He watched and waited and dreamed of life outside the small hold he was at. He liked being around nature and the first ever knife he got he started to learn to whittle and started making small animals out of wood. It was more of a hobby then a profession though. One day a blue came to his home and made his wish come true it was a search rider and he had been picked. His parents decided to let him go as long as he promised to keep in touch. Course he didn’t need to be asked twice

Dragon Information
Name: Rhyseth
Color: Green

A dragon who is never going to fit in with the crowd, Rhyseth is a bit eccentric. When other dragons are sunning and socializing she is inside thinking about things that other greens don't think about. She is very independent and does not need or want to be around other dragons unless its absolutely necessary. She has a hard time coming across as the friendly dragon she is because of her detachment from the others. At times she can come off as a bit cool and unfeeling.

She is idealistic and wishes the world were the way she envisions it instead of the way that it is. She would clash bitterly with her sister in a conversation because where her sister believes you have to see or touch something for it to be real, Rhyseth believes something exists regardless of the facts and goes more off of what she feels. Opinionated to the point where she might drive someone crazy, the green will be assertive in telling her rider exactly what she wants and how she feels. Certainly she is not someone to let events unfold before her without involving herself in them.

History. a green tumbled out of the shell of the Opinionated Freedom Egg. She was a bit dizzy after her roll and took a moment to regain her head before standing up. She walked towards the girls for a moment and then seemed to change her mind abruptly. The green was fairly big for her age but still much better on her feet than the larger hatchlings. She walked at a quicker pace than her siblings but took just as much time in making her decision.
The boys whom she found unworthy she did not walk by again. Finally coming to a halt before a tall young man with dark locks that seemed to fall into his face more often than not. Rhyseth is hungry, K’len mine. Hurry now.
For a moment he was breathless but he kneeled down and touched her in disbelief. You are hungry my beautiful Rhyseth lets get you feed.
Yes hungry much hungry mine K’len feed me.
He smiled brightly and lead her over to the area where the others before him went to feed their dragons. He was still height from the impression and the excitement and felt like he was almost in a dream. Its coming my darling green, Its coming Rhyseth .


This larger than average green is athletically built. She has a muscular body for a green and is a bit more stocky than her sisters. Rhyseth is more likely to be able to last half a fall than her clutchmates but still her stamina may not even match that of a blue. She had a strength of body though that will allow her to excel as a dragon in a wing. She should grow to be one of the largest greens at the Weyr at about 25.0 meters in length.

Jungle green is the main color of Rhyseth's hide. Splashes of other dark greens swirl around her hide so it is nearly impossible to tell where one color ends and another begins. This swirling occurs on all places of her body although less prominent on her face which looks to be almost all one color. Each of her claws is a different color green.

name smudge
Color - brown
Sire- Gunther
Dam- Ryu-chan
Personality - here one moment and then he's gone. a real vanishing act that one. you might see him as a blur or smudge if you look closely before he runs off again. Always flighty this brown can never stay in one place to long. But he does love his person and will flutter in and out to check on him during the day.
Description - A dark brown with large patches of milk chocolate coloring, sort of piebald. Has a spot around the left eye.
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