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Post by Talen »

Name -Gillan
Alias -G'lan
Gender -male
DOB -9/11
Age -21

Personality -G'len has always been shy. He always feared that he was doing things wrong and messing things up. He couldn't do anything right and cause he was growing so fast and getting tall so quickly he was clumsy and unsteady.

Sexual Preferences -bia

Likes - people
Dislikes - being alone
Hobbies - reading
Ambitions/Dreams - He wants to find love.

Hair: blond
Eyes green
Height: 6’4
Weight: 155

Features -: He very tall and lanky with soft blond hair and bright sky blue eyes. His hair is long and usually tied back or held tightly in a braid. He always liked having his hair long even though it did tend to get into his way a lot. He has a nervous jesture of pushing it back away from his eyes. He generally will wear a tunic and pants in blues or browns. Blue is his favorite color though sometimes he is known to wear green.

He's a bit on the clumsy side being so tall has him trying to get his bearings not quite grown into his body yet. a bit shy and unsure of himself he never really got the hang of working with his father he always knew he wanted to do something different with his life.


Character Model- Eric Christian Olsen

Mother - Ishella( Deceased)
Father -Lyendal (Deceased
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner - C'sar
Children -

Craft -dragonrider
Rank -bluerider
Master -

History -He was born in a small cothold to Ishella and Lyendal. His mother was a crafter a sewer and his father was a tanner. They worked hard together and made many beautiful things. After he was born and as he grew up his father had him help him many times but G’lan had never gotten the hang of it. That and he was always dropping or tripping over things which made things even more difficult. Other then that life was good for him until that fateful day when everything went wrong. A heavy avalanche destroyed his cothold home and with it took the lives of his parents. He was devastated and didn’t know where to turn to. He had barely escaped with his life as his family told him to run Unfortantly they did not make it out with him.

He went to live with one of his cousin’s families but things did not go very well there. He was another mouth to feed and they didn’t think that he was worth the effort. So when dragons came to search where he was staying he made sure to go see them. Not that he though he ever had a chance to be searched. His confidence had taken a turn for the worse and he was always blamed for everything that went wrong at his cousins farm. But to his great surprise and everyone else’s to he was searched and left that night not even looking back. He regretted nothing as he moved on and started to take candidate classes and made many friends.

He again had lack of confidence though when he went to stand. He was constantly standing there thinking about wither or not he had what it took. But he did impress and blue Hermeth and without any more doubt in his mind he became a weyrling. As training passed they grew and changed faced many hardships and losses followed by much joy and friendship. Now that he graduated he is moving on to bigger and better adventures or so he hopes. He received as a graduation present a fire lizard egg. But he never did find out who gave it to him since it was left at his doorstep with a small note. The note gave no clue to its sender.

Dragon -
Name -Hermeth
Color -Blue
Personality -Gregarious, but mild-mannered this blue cares deeply for those around him. He is remarkably intuitive and insightful, and shows promise of being a likely Search dragon in the future.
History -
Description -Born a pale,almost icy blue, this blue is sure to cut a striking figure and attract the attention of many. As he gets older, his unusual coloring will fade to a pleasant sky blue.

Name Izzy
Color green
Description little tiny emerald green fire lizard . Her wings are just a tad lighter shade.
PersonalityA fluttery inquisitive little hatching. She is always into things.

Fire lizard -
Name - Greta
Color -green
sire/dam Gold flit Precious and wild bronze flit
Personality -This is a helpful little flit that isn't too sharp. She triesso hard she is clumbsy. She has a tail thats too long and a longer nose then most flits. It all works out in the end.
History -hatched from Earth Day Egg - solid dark green with no markings.
Description -Lovely little leaf green flit that has darker areas like polkadots. This flit could easily hide in a tree it so resembles.
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