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Post by Talen »

Name - Jerhreal
Alias -Jer'al
Gender -male
DOB -2/14
Age -22

Personality -Jer'al is carefree and easy to get along with, cause he likes everyone and doesn't seem to hold any grudges, Though he can get annoyed at times or even upset, he tends to calm down pretty fast despite the fact. He likes to be around others and hates being alone, but he will walk alone in the late hours of the night before bed to calm him mind so he can rest easier. He cares about others sometimes more so then himself and always puts their well-being first before his own.

Sexual Preferences - Bi

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - blond
Eyes - blue
Weight -6'1
Height -155

Features -Jer'al has sandy blond hair that is just barely above his shoulders. His hair is curly and falls in waves along his shoulders. His eyes are a light sky blue in color with specks of light brown. He is about average height. He has a young baby face a very kind and endearing look about him. He likes to wear the color green.

He has a small scar on the bridge of his nose that he got when he fell down as a child. His mother always said that it gave him character so he don’t notice it anymore. He started out a slim build his clothing used to hang loosely on his body but he is finally starting to fill out since he’s been a rider now for a while. He is starting to develop the muscles needed and he is starting to fill out his clothing much better now.


Character Model -Ryan Hanson

Mother -: Readalia
Father -Jerelle
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - dragon healer
Rank - apprentice
Master -

History -Jerhreal was born to a very small family on the outskirts of the weyr. He was the only child. So he was loved and got almost everything he desired though he did not desire all that much as a child. He did have to work hard and help out around the house . So he was always used to hard work.

When he was young he had a fascination with healers. But later on he started to developed a fascination of dragons. He had seen them many times flying overhead and dreamed of dragons from then on. Therefore he moved his sights to dragon healing. Cause there his two fascinations and desires became one. He worked very hard and impressed many with his eagerness to learn.

There was a shortage of candidates to stand so he asked to stand and was granted permission by the Master Dragon Healer. Since the Master Dragon Healer decided they had enough apprentices at the time he was given permission to stand.

Finally, It was down to the last egg and he though he was not gonna impress and was prepared to go back to his craft when suddenly the last shell simply did burst forth and out tumbled a tiny little green beauty the color of deep dark emerald. She knew exactly where to go and slowly got to her feet and carefully and surely not missing a step walked right up to him. So he had to put his craft on hold for now and work on bonding and learning with his beautiful green. Something he wouldn't of passed up for the world. Werylinghood was trying but He survived and finally graduated not at the top of his class but he did pretty well.

Dragon -
Name - Xeyth
Color -green
Sire/dam Apostelth and Tianianth
Personality - Xeyth is quick in the air but slow on the brain. She is constantly flighty about whatever topic she is on. She has been know to flip from one topic to other sometimes without warning. But she is very devoted to her rider and would do anything for him.
History -
Description - Xeyth is a beautiful light green in color. Her wings when spread out have a lighter shade on the underside The top of a wing are a darker shade. .She has almost a diamond pattern on her muzzle in different variations of her light green coloration.

Abilites and weaknesses: She is fast and dexterous. What she gained from speed and dexterity she lost in intelligence and wit. She must be reminded to stay on task at times but usually will stay if she reminded.

name: Flutter
color: Green
sire/dam Ja'vosh's rescued eggs are wild flits, colors unknown
description: This girl makes you think of a fluttering butterfly. She is almost fragile in appearance, belying the energy this girl exhibits when her attention is engaged -

firelizard *christmas egg*
Name Doyen
Color - blue
Sire-wild flit
Dam- wild flit
Personality – doyen is a naughty little blue, full of mischief and trouble. He tends to get himself into tight little spots that he can’t always work his way out of. But he a endearing little blue that you just can’t seem to stay angry with.
Description - A deep dark blue coloring, that looks like a swirling sea in the darkness.

Fire lizard -
Name - Claus
Color - brown
sire/dam -Gold Precious and wild bronze
Personality -Bossy, pushy and insistent this firelizard does his best to keep his owner on their toes. He wants his way and he wants it now. Although he can be won over and bribed into almost anything with a treat no matter how insistent he was previously. If handled right, he can become a complete push over.
History - Hatched from the petrified forest egg.
Description -Quite camouflaged, the little brown is hard to see in the forest. He has a hide of browns, tans and almost black colored brown in disproportionate splotches along his body. If sitting on a rock at the base of a tree you might miss this little fella, he resembles his background closely. He is slightly smaller than average for a brown with a stocky, built body type.

Name; Kashi
Color - brown
Personality - A mischievous little brown who likes to be right in the middle of it all. He is constantly getting into things and wanting to know what everything is.
Description - he is as brown as muddy and murky pond water.

Name Klepto
Color - bronze
Sire- Gunther
Dam- Ryu-chan
Personality - little theif he likes shiny things and nothing is shinier then a gold beauty. But he also steals shiny object if you leave them out and jer'al is always gonna have to chase him when things go missing cause he likes to play.
Description - A pale bronze coloring, that when in sunlight, almost looks like molten bronze.
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