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Post by ThessKitty »

Name - K'vir
Gender - Male
DOB - 3/12
Age - 25
Location- Dragonweyr Station

Personality -
Outwardly, K'vir is nearly always cheerful. He has a smile for everyone. Sometimes it is a mocking or sarcastic smile, and sometimes it is a wicked smile promising future mischief, but always a smile. He is happy to play the fool off duty and let others think he isn't paying careful attention to everything around him, though he is and is very shrewd about picking up on things. He is also an absolutely shameless flirt with pretty much everyone, be they female or male (though a keen observer might note that the flirting is a bit more in earnest when directed towards men).
The one thing that can crack his smiling and flirty facade is seeing someone being bullied or otherwise abused. He hates bullies and those who think being bigger or stronger or having more power means that they can hurt others and not face consequences for it. With time, he has learned better than to jump in and start giving the bullies the thrashing they deserve directly, but it is hard for him to resist doing so.
Despite a bit of a fondness for mischief, when it comes to work he is very focused and deadly serious. He is responsible and driven and gives his all at everything he does. He encourages those he leads to do the same, wanting them to excel and give their best like he does and he is always happy to patiently work to bring out that best in them and help make it even better. K'vir is loyal to his friends and wingmates and does his best to help where he can and protect them at need. Mess with his friends and he will find a way to make you regret it.

Sexual Preferences - Grey Asexual, mostly Homoromantic though he does have Panromantic leanings

Likes – Flirting, Dancing, Stargazing, Martial Arts
Dislikes – Bullies, Messes, Disorganization
Hobbies – Martial arts, Sewing
Ambitions/Dreams – To be wingsecond or maybe even a wingleader someday

Hair – Rusty dark brown and carefully styled to look naturally handsomely tousled
Eyes – Greenish Hazel
Weight – 195 lbs
Height – 6' 5”

Features – Fine features that make him look younger than he is, almost elfin in appearence


Character Model – Jarred Blakiston

Mother – Vrilla, leathercraft apprentice
Father – K'mon, greenrider
Siblings – none
Spouse – none
Partner – none
Children – none
History -
Raised in the common creche of weyrbrats at Fort Weyr, young Kavrim spent little time with his busy mother and almost none at all with his greenrider father. He always felt a bit odd around the other boys his age and fought his own quiet battles with bullies who saw anything different as bad. Overall, he had a relatively ordinary childhood for a weyrbrat. He was neither always blissfully happy nor was he always miserable and outcast. He did grow to despise bullies in all forms though, and this only strengthened with time. He got into trouble more than once over fighting, though it was rarely a fight to defend himself, usually it was because he was trying to help some other target of the bullies to fend them off.

He became a candidate and stood for a hatching as soon as he was permitted. He did not impress on his first, second, or even third tries. It was not until a hatching which occurred on his own 17th turning day that he finally impressed his own brown Vertith, shocking everyone who had been betting that the (then) rather scrawny lad would impress green like his father if anything.

His weyrling training went well and he graduated among the top of his class. Those prone to bullying others were confined to small things under the watchful eyes of the weyrling master. K'vir only got into a very few fights and was never caught in any of them (though he gained a suspicious reputation for "falling down" a lot, as did his opponents). During his weyrling training, he became quite close with another weyrling, T'sil a boy who had been searched from a nearby holding and who had impressed a rather outgoing and playful green.

After graduating to the fighting wings, K'vir seemed sure to be at least a wingthird if not wingsecond someday. He was good at organizing things and seemed to be a natural leader among his friends. This all came crashing down the day he lost his best friend (and lover), T'sil, during one of the unpredictable threadfalls. He sunk deep into mourning and depression for quite a long time. When he finally came out of it enough to start caring about the world around him again, he put in for a transfer to a new weyr, where he hoped he would be able to avoid the painful reminders about his lost love.

Dragon -
Name - Vertith
Color - Brown
Sire- Bronze Ingtoneth
Dam- Gold Nimalenth
Personality - A bit more outgoing than the average brown, Vertith enjoys company of all sorts, human, dragon or otherwise. He is rather fond of youngsters and enjoys getting to help out with the weyrlings a bit when allowed.
History -
Description - He is average size and a dark shade of brown, fading to a lighter shade on his underside and and even darker shade on his tail-tip, toes, face and wingtips.

Notes -
Last edited by ThessKitty on Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: K'vir of Brown Vertith

Post by Moon »

Approved, pending Talen, Kbear, SJ, Bladesong
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: K'vir of Brown Vertith

Post by SyberJedi »

He has my approval.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: K'vir of Brown Vertith

Post by Talen »

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Re: K'vir of Brown Vertith

Post by KBear »

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Re: K'vir of Brown Vertith

Post by Bladesong »

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