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Post by jackharper »

Name -N'tari
Gender - Female
DOB - 11/28
Age - 19

Personality - Natara was raised believing that the expression of emotions, other than anger, was a weakness. She has made great strides since leaving her troublesome home, but she still doesn't emote as often as others. Once she was completely apathetic, shutting down completely from everything and everyone, but since she has become a Candidate, her moods have begun to show. She has some problems with physical contact. She doesn't really like to be touched, and she doesn't often offer touches as a form of comfort or greeting. She will sometimes become rigid and angry if someone touches her when she is not expecting it.

Sexual Preferences - Lesbian

Likes - Bree and Rebel, dragons
Dislikes - being touched, being weak
Hobbies - running, swimming, weight lifting
Ambitions/Dreams - to become a female brownrider

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 200lbs
Height - 6'

Features - Natara's build is that of a voluptuous woman that has spent a great deal of time running, swimming, and otherwise working out, so she has a solid, sturdy look about her. Other than her long, curling, flaming red locks that cascade down to her lower back, Natara is generally tom boyish. She prefers wearing mans clothing, and won't make exceptions even for important gatherings where appearance is looked at. She feels more free and likes how her movements aren't limited by mans pants, and the shirts are less constricting on her body. She also refuses to wear makeup of any kind. She cut all her long hair to shoulder length, and dyed it dark brown as a way to start fresh when she was at Star Stone Weyr. Standing at six feet, Natara is not gangling and lanky. She is graceful and fluid, looking like she is dancing as she moves through life. She enjoys running, swimming, and other forms of sweat inducing exercise. Even though she is on the young side still, Natara looks many years older than she is.

Character Model - Eliza Dushku

Mother - Nadene (Unknown to Her)
Father - Ditrian (Steward)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft -
Rank - Weyrling
Master -

History - Born in Nabol Hold, Natara was raised by her father, who did not like to deal with other people, or their emotions, or anything about them really. He only kept Natara because he saw her as a way of marrying into a richer, more powerful family. Unfortunately for him, Natara grew up to be rather willful. She liked things to go her way, and this caused her father to get angry with her. He would often hit her to keep her in line, and to instill fear in her so that she would not express her needs and feelings.

At fifteen, Natara wanted to leave her father. She knew that he was essentially sucking the life out of her, and she needed to get away. She tried to leave with a romantic interest of hers, but he proved to be as low as her father. In the cover of darkness he raped her and left her alone in the woods. That was when Natara shut herself off. She refused to feel, to be touched, she cringed from everything, and promised herself to never be in a weak, vulnerable state like she was with her father, or that boy.

At sixteen, when Natara had become less hostile, a little more comfortable being around people, and had recovered a great deal from her traumatic experiences, she was Searched and brought to Fort Weyr. She stood twice without Impressing. Natara was not discouraged, and the Candidate Master told her she would probably not Impress if she had a lot of negative memories that still plagued her. Natara knew what was inhibiting her, but those thoughts, memories, and feelings weren't something she could forget, she simply chose not to think about them, hence why she was apathetic. If she didn't like what she felt, she wouldn't feel at all.

Soon after her eighteenth birthday, after standing a third time and not Impressing, Natara asked to be moved to another Weyr. She was sent to the under populated Star Stone Weyr where she continued as a Candidate and began to show some signs of improvement. Although Natara has begun to open up again and turn herself on to the world, she still has a long way to go, and probably won't Impress for quite some time.

Name: Darth
Color - Brown
Sire- Apostelth
Dam- Tianiath
Description- A small Brown, no larger than the first dragons. Darth's color is so dark that he appears almost black. He has unusual markings, as his eyes are rimmed with first red then with yellow. His mouth is also the same, except at the corners where it's just red, making the appearance of blood dripping down the corners of his mouth. His wings shade down from the almost black shade of brown to red to yellow at his wing tips. He looks almost ominous.

Personality- Loyal and devoted to his person. Protective. Will do anything to keep his rider safe. Extremely intelligent. Loves to listen to music and stories. Would watch videos if possible. Enjoys learning.

Egg Description- Crystal Gem Egg. This is a medium to smallish egg that is laying on more on its side then straight up and down. Its a beautiful blue colored egg that seems to have facets. When you look closely you can see them clearly. This egg looks like a Dragon's eye or a beautiful Gem sparkling in the light.

Name: Bree
Color: Green
Sire: Wild Bronze
Dam: Ryu-Chan
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr. Friend to Natara.
Personality: Mysterious, Like her best friend, Natara, but always willing to offer comfort, soft, and warm.
Description: Pale minty green across her hide with a few streaks of darker leaf green down her neck, legs, and tail.

Name: Rebel
Color: Brown
Sire: Wild Bronze
Dam: Precious
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr, special friend to Natara
Personality:Rebellious almost boarding on defiant he is not an easy brown to handle. Where he may finally give in and become obedient after a bit of coaxing, he can also become resentful when being kept from doing what he desires to do. Because of his size he seems to have a score to settle with almost everyone. He tends to start fights with other male flitters when he feels they are belittling him.
Description: Dull medium brown, in color, the Rebel Without a Cause firelizard, is almost muddy in appearance. He sports bright bronze gunshot glass spots on each flank. He is small sized brown, with a medium build, between stocky and lithe. He has a deep chest area.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
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