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Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm


Post by KBear »

Name - Sh'iam
aka: Shammy
Gender - Female
DOB - 7/7
Age - 18

Personality - Bold but not bossy. She can lead if she needs too, but follows instructions . Being a follower has its advantages in some things but there usually ends up needing to be a leader too. She is quiet as a normal, but can giggle and be loud with the rest of the girls. She prefers music over discord and will try to advoid others quarrles. There just isn't time for it at the Harper-Hall.

Sexual Preferences - undecided

Likes - everything music and dragons
Dislikes - long hours studying theme
Hobbies - music
Ambitions/Dreams - To be either Wing leader of part of a all girl wing. To walk the tables.

Hair - long, Dark Brown
Eyes - Kelly Green
Weight - 120
Height - 6'2"

Features - Shammy has a heart shaped face with pale skin tones, her kelly green eyes look huge for her face, she has brown hair that reaches below her butt, and its always braided up in some fashion or another. Her build is slight and she hasn't developed yet, but from what Shammy feels and sees its starting to, finally. She is in the middle of a growing spurt, which makes her happy for she won't be the shortest one around anymore.


Character Model - Miranda Cosgrove

Mother - Sharmen, head laundress
Father - Tamar, Cotholder.
Siblings - Tashman, Brother. Baby, deceased
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - harper aprentice
Rank -Senior Weyrling. Star Stone Weyr
Master -

History -Shammy is the middle child of 3. Her older bother is at the Harper hall as a journeyman. Her younger sister died shortly after birth when she was 5 turns old. She remembers holding her for a few moments, then leaving her mother to rest. Later the baby was gone.

Shammy was sent to the Harperhall to apprentice. She has perfect pitch and a memory for songs and words that is uncanny. She didn't get a chance to get lonely for her family was close and she was just too busy most of the time to worry about it. On her off days she helped her mother when she wasn't busy with lessons.

On a cold day she was sitting in the court yard thinking about an assignment when she saw the blue dragon come in for a landing. That in its self was unusual enough, but when she went to look the huge blue spoke to her. She remembers it taking awhile to truly understand that she had been searched. When the handsome rider asked if she would like to come with him, she almost fainted in surprise. Did she want to go with him?

The chance of becoming a dragonrider was every child on Perns dream. Oh yes she did want the chance, and perhaps she could even further her studies with the resident Harper. Saying her good byes to her family wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. She kissed her mother and told her for the 100th time that she would be in touch, and when she could she would write. Someday she promised that when, not if, she became a real dragonrider, she would come visit when they allowed her to.

So here she is with the other Candidates, learning and waiting for the day they would get thier chance to impress a honest to goodness Dragon. She hoped it would be one of those big browns, other then the Gold Queen, she loved them the most. She knew she wasn't queen material, but perhaps the brown would like her, if not the brown, maybe a blue one. A beautiful Harper Blue dragon would be great too.......

Dragon -
Name - Dunath
Age - 4
Color - Dark Earthy Brown with lighter brown and grey splotches that resemble the rocks one would find in that dark fresh dug earth he so resembles.
Personality - Protective of His. Dunath is un-flappingly loyal to His person. He is patient and considerate to those beyond her, but none of them can ever equal his level of devotion to His. He also seems to take great pride in his focus.

History -Stumbling, Dunath worked his way across the Sands until he reached his destination. He was quite sure she was the one. Even if there were some sucked in breath's of air, this was his person. She was perfect for him. And he didn't care if she was a girl or not.

(Sh'iam), he announced, (I, Dunath, am hungry.)

Impression - This was a strange day indeed. Once they all got out on the sands, it was noticed the other batch of eggs were also hatching so everyone spread out a bit further to include them.

Things happened so fast, shells flying, eggs rolling everywhere and some even spinning. One thing led to another and Shammy watched as both gold eggs cracked with a pair of browns right on their tails.

She hadn't been paying much attention to any one thing as she was busy watching the golds and then the browns then back to the golds. Once the golds had chosen, the browns were next. She almost missed the little one speaking to her until Handsome tugged sharply on her ear for her attention.

(Sh'iam), he announced, (I, Dunath, am hungry). Came the insistent voice.

Dropping to her knees she hugged the little brown, and Handsome claimed him too by going to his tiny head knobs. What a wonderful feeling that filled her up inside. Every little nook and cranny now felt like it was full of love. Love and Hunger!

Fire lizard -
Name - Handsome
Color - Bronze
Personality - Sassy little thing, loves to talk back. sometimes he even sounds like he is grumbling. Dependable and loving to everyone.
History - Gift to a lonely girl
Description - bright light colored, not gold, darker then that, but not as dark as some of the bigger Bronzes at the Weyr

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Aug 10, 2019 8:33 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: Sh'iam of Brown Dunath & Bronze Flit Handsome

Post by Moon »

This character does not meet required specifications. We require the month and day to be in numbers. 13/13
I will EDIT! :o
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