
Rarely used characters.
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Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm


Post by KBear »

Name - P'san
Gender - Male
DOB - 1/11
Age - 20

Personality - As funny as he looks sometimes when he wears the odd colored stuff people don't understand him. Which don't make sense to Pasman either. But he won't let that hinder his open and helpfulness toward anyone. He may be embarrassed at times, but when put in a situation he rises to the occasion and exposes calm and confident person.

Pasman is a honest hard working lad, he likes things organized and neat. It's much easier that way, it keeps things less complicated. He can organize activities around him often delegating chores to others just as easily as taking orders and doing his part. He isn't the last to volunteer nor is he the first. He isn't lazy but he don't over do himself either. He isn't slow or fast, but steady.

Sexual Preferences - TBD but open minded

Likes - organized and neat
Dislikes - messy work places
Hobbies - Pasman don't have any hobbies to speak of, he is good with figures though.
Ambitions/Dreams - To be a Dragon riding Tanner with a flit

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Dark Silvery Grey
Weight -130
Height - 5'7"

Features - Pasman stands 5'7" tall with long brown hair thats kept braided and tucked inside his tunic out of sight when he is working. His Gray eyes don't miss much around him. Looking at himself in the ponds reflection, he is glad to see that he is starting to fill out. Still on the gangly side, he hopes his voice will mature soon too. Its an embarrassment to himself that his voice has chosen to still crack when he talks.

He is just starting to notice girls, and they seem to love his hair. Even the older ladies tell him that they wish they had his hair. Pasman isn't vain but close to it. He considers himself quit striking. Shrugging he doesn't understand it, but accepts it as fact, girls are weird through and through.

He doesn't take interest in clothes, he likes the brighter the better, comfort rises above all else. It usually results in his wearing red, orange, yellow and green all at the same time. He doesn't understand the how it all works as long he's covered. He tosses the thought aside not really caring cause as long as he is honest and hard working, what does what one wear have to do with it.

As funny as he looks sometimes when he wears the odd colored stuff people don't understand him. Which don't make sense to Pasman either. But he won't let that hinder his open and helpfulness toward anyone. He may be embarrassed at times, but when put in a situation he rises to the occasion and exposes calm and confident person.

Pasman is a honest hard working lad, he likes things organized and neat. It's much easier that way, it keeps things less complicated. He can organize activities around him often delegating chores to others just as easily as taking orders and doing his part. He isn't the last to volunteer nor is he the first. He isn't lazy but he don't over do himself either. He isn't slow or fast, but steady.


Character Model - Bruce Boxleightner

Mother - Shaman, 43, Baker
Father - Palamar, 45, Heardsman
Siblings - Salma, 20, Seamstress
Talen, 15, Apprenticed Tanner
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children - None

Craft - Apprentice Tanner
Rank - Weyrling
Master -

History - Pasman was born and raised in a small cot hold. Family life was full of fun and chores. His natural skills as a organizer had him getting other children to help each other to get chores done so that they could have more time to play. Having a normal childhood also meant the normal things that one did that got one in trouble. Often though it was doing things that his mother thought were too advanced for his age. He was trying to keep up with his older brother.

Helping with the animals was a normal thing to do, he loves all creatures. Some day he hoped to be able to find some firelizard eggs, the only thing that would top that would be to become a dragon rider. The day his brother was run over in the stampede was the hardest day of his life. Tamar considered it his fault that he couldn't get the gate open fast enough for his brother to escape. Even though its been a few years, the pain is still very sharp.

He tried to apprentice to the tanner where his younger brother Talen is. For some reason, keeping the mixing of certain chemicals and the order they went in was just not something he could remember. He ended up doing the books instead. Being good with figures helped him out in this area. He did a good job too, it always came out right.

He decided on his turn day that he didn't want to do this for the rest of his life, he wanted much more. He had heard that Weyrs were a hive of activity, and always looking for help. Pasman decided to go do just that. Saying good bye to his family he headed out to see what he could do to make things better. Maybe with Dragons.

Appon arriving at the Weyr Pasman asked the first person he came to about helping somewhere. It seemed the drudge he talked to was headed to the stables. Not real sure of protocol, Pasman followed the drudge. All in all after meeting so many people he couldn't remember who was who and for the life of him he couldn't remember the Weyrleaders name, nor the Headwoman either. He knew that was most important to know. He would just have to keep his ears open and catch the names as he went.

He found himself helping with the heardbeasts. He enjoyed helping with the heardbeast tally and keeping the figures. He was surprised at how many went to feeding the dragons, and how many went to feeding the Weyr itself. While out taking a tally of the beasts in the pen for the dragons, Pasman met a bluerider leaning on the fence while his blue prepared to feed. Before catching his first buck the blue seemed to give Pasman a long stare. Next thing Pasman knew he was looking for the Candidate master.

Dragon -
Name - Petroth
Color - Blue, Petroth’s hide is a dark blue, lighter than a navy blue but still seen as a darker color. There is not a single blemish on his hide though he has a dorsal stripe of darker blue that runs from the top of his neck to the tip of his tail. Reaching about 26.0 meters.

Personality - Petroth is a reserved sort. He is more likely to think over something before putting it into action. A good listener, he is often in the company of more talkative dragons and more often than not gives them input when asked of it. His input is often well thought out, even clever. His reservedness does not hinder him from finding and making friends. Most dragons find him to be quite friendly if a bit shy at first. He may not be the life of the party but he is the ears.That said, the blue is quite the little gossip. He likes knowing what is going on with who and why. He may not speak much but when he does it is sure to either be helpful or very interesting information.

Greens are most often in Petroth’s company of all dragons though he comes off as more of a friend than a flirt. Petroth knows how to balance his life well. He can work and play and never have to worry about the one interfering with the other. He is a great multitasker and in a wing will be a wonderful addition for this reason. Sometimes though, it can be confusing to think of several things at once. He might just mix up coordinates if his rider is not paying good attention to details.

History -The last two eggs, rocked and rocked, seeming to take forever. The dragonet inside seemed to be at odds with itself. The solid gray egg shattered into a million pieces first. The blue Dragonette was small for his color. At first the tiny dark-blue seemed completely dazed by the light and the people. He walked toward the boys followed by another that had also just hatched, their color was so simular they could have been twins. The Dragonhealers were instantly worried that perhaps the dragonet was malnourished for how small he was. Still the dragonet was walking as steadily as any dragonet could manage.The darker blue was first to impress. He looked into the eyes of a young man with grey eyes and long brown braided hair. The young man could not be prepared for what was about to happen.

(Hello P'san. Petroth is yours. Yours is hungry.) Stunned and full of love P'san turned to the crowd and said in a squeeky voice. "His name is Petroth, and he is hungry." P'san put his forhead against Petroth's head a moment before turning and escorting the tiny dark blue hatchling toward his first meal.

Description - Petroth is a small sized blue when hatched. The dragon is never going to be the largest of blues, the Healers think he will be just fine even though he is very small at hatching. Petroth’s hide is a dark blue, lighter than a navy blue but still seen as a darker color. There is not a single blemish on his hide though he has a dorsal stripe of darker blue that runs from the top of his neck to the tip of his tail. Petroth's claws are the same color as his chosen lifemates eyes, a deep silvery gray.

Fire lizard - none
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets - none
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -
Notes -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: P'san {{REMASTERED}}

Post by Moon »

Alright, a couple of things. No character needs to be put into BOLD or have the words {{REMASTERED}} added. Those two things need to be fixed.
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: P'san

Post by KBear »

Is this one ok now?
Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: P'san

Post by Moon »

This one looks ok.
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: P'san

Post by KBear »

Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: P'san

Post by Moon »

Looks good. Can be returned to normal parameters.
I will EDIT! :o
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