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Weyrling Master
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Post by KBear »

Name - Mystique
Gender - Female
DOB - 9/11
Age - 21

Personality - Mystique is almost stubborn to a fault. When she is right, she is right. When she is wrong she sometimes won’t admit it. Prove it then she will believe it. She is a happy girl most of the time, but when things go wrong she comes out fighting. She has a terrible temper, it matches her flaming red hair. This was rarely physical, but there were times she just had to deal some one a good hard punch in the stomach.

Deep inside she is very tender, she refuses to allow others to see it. She hates it when she cries because she thinks it makes her look weak. She cannot stand being made fun of. It pisses her off royally. She also refuses to tease or make fun of others, she figures that if she hates it, others must feel the same way.

Sexual Preferences - undecided

Likes - Playing games that are fair, winning and being right
Dislikes - Bullies, cheaters and snooty people and crying
Hobbies - making things from glass
Ambitions/Dreams - Dragon rider extream. A pretty green to match her eyes.

Hair - Bright Flaming Red - waist length
Eyes - True Kelly Green with no other color
Weight - 140 lbs
Height - 5'4"

Features - Mystique has waist length bright red hair that boasts its many different sun streaked highlights that range from red to white. Her wide spaced eyes that never change from its cat green, Her eyes are astonishing to look at, there is no other color to them no shade changes just a bright lime-ish green. Her teeth are perfectly straight but they are not a bright white and they aren’t in good condition either. Her skin tone is a very light color. The contrast between that bright red hair and her milky colored skin is something to see, then add those eyes…WOW! She has a birthmark on the top of her left butt cheek in the shape that resembles a flying bird or dragon, its about the size of a thumb print and perfect in shape. It's a bit darker then her skin but hides well under her clothes, considering where it is. She stands at 5'4" but she has started to grow. She is filling out in all the right places and soon will look better when she finishes filling out her medium built frame. 

Mystiques favorite things to wear were nice fitting skirts and matching blouses. When she dressed up it was always in white or green perhaps a combination of the both. Her favorite dress was one she used for a gather it shimmered in the dim lights like a thousand sunlight beams dancing on the open water. The dress is still big enough to wear it for awhile yet and she takes good care of it. Mystique loves jewelry, nothing fancy, just necklaces and things that was given to her for turning days. 


Character Model - Famke Janssen

Mystie-63 (mother), 
Staquer-65 (father), 
Tayst-45 (brother), 
Qusty-44 (brother), 
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - apprentice glass crafter
Rank - Candidate
Master -

History - Mystique was the last child to be born to her parents. All the others were gone when she came as an unexpected surprise. Her life at Star Stone Hold wasn’t easy. Her Parents fought all the time and when they weren't fighting they were drunk on some kind of cheap wine. When her father could take no more, he decided he didn't want Mystique exposed to all this drinking and fighting any more, so he took her to apprentice with Loghan the Master Glass Crafter. 

This unexpected move at 10 turns old turned out to be wonderful. She held a secret crush on Master Loghan and hid it well. She learned many things and it turned out that she was doing pretty good. She loved all the beautiful things that could be made out of glass. Choosing the right mixture of ingredients was one of the most closely guarded secrets of this craft. 

As she was getting older, more of her childhood friends were being apprenticed in different directions, many were married already. One day Mystique saw a dragon. For the first time it sparked a interest she didn‘t know she had. She could hardly believe her good luck when Master Loghan let her go with him to deliver the special order. Her eyes watched as the Dragon descended she couldn’t make up her mind of its size or make out its color it was flying very high. She wondered if it came from the Weyr or maybe it came from the Station. Mystique didn’t care she just hoped to get a closer look at it today. It was the most beautiful and graceful thing she had ever seen the way it seemed to float so high in the sky.

She made sure she stood still and straight after the dragon landed while Master Loghan spoke to the beautiful Green Dragon’s rider. Mystique didn’t care, she was awed by its size and how beautiful she was. As it turned out, it seemed the Dragon was watching her as close as she was watching her. It happened so fast. One second she was standing there, and the next she was being strapped into the riding straps in front of the rider. The raw power of the green bunching her self for the hop that would help take her aloft was felt in the quick snap that pushed her back against the rider. They made a final sweeping circle of the hold before going to the Weyr. 

Mystique made a loud whooping sound just before she fell silent as the ground gave way and they went higher. She hadn’t seen the Hold from way up here before. It was beautiful hidden under the large rock shelf it hid under. She was grateful the rider did this for her. After he explained about going between, she settled to wait for the darkness he spoke about. It was scary but wonderful at the same time.

The Green announced their arrival when they popped from between and made a slow circle around the Weyr so she could get a good look at it. She was impressed and excited. Who would have thought, Mystique was going to be given the chance to impress one of these beautiful creatures. She couldn’t wait. When they landed, she was handed her bundle of clothing. A drudge was waiting for them. She met the Weyrleaders and was greeted warmly. Then to the Headwoman who gave her several more pieces of clothing. And together Mystique and the Drudge went toward the Barracks where she picked a empty sleeping space where she put her things away and the Drudge helped her make the bed. They chatted like old friends the whole time.

It was meal time, so the Drudge helped her find the Dinning Cavern then left her with instructions on how to get her meal and left her alone. She was to return to her barracks and then in the morning she would report to the Candidate Master, he had been alerted to her arrival. There seemed to be several new people here too. They all had the same look of being lost. She choose a spot at a table by herself and she ate with gusto, the food was excellent.

So here she was, starting a new life. One that was in the strangest place. Smiling, she ate slowly and watched the different Riders and others come and go. Soon she hoped she would be counted as one of the most prestigious people on Pern. A Dragonrider!

Color Preference: 

Dragon -
Name - Onyith
Color - Emerald green

Personality - Onyith is a quiet green. She is reserved, shy, and timid. She tends to avoid bigger dragons than herself, as well as bold and loud dragons. While seeking constant reassurance from Hers is a bit necessary to coax Onyith out of her shell, so to speak, she does warm up to familiarity after a bit, and becomes more outgoing with those she feels she knows well enough.

History - The pale green egg that had grey patches lined with silver wobbled and then fell to the side. Upon hitting the Sands, a large crack formed down the side of egg, and a small green wing burst through the opening, pushing shell shards out of the way. The green wing was speckled with glittering gold flecks, and as the rest of the dragonet emerged, her entire hide was covered in these sparkles.

Once free of the shell, the green approached the Candidates timidly. One of these belonged to her! Down her neck the golden sparkles formed into a lovely waterfall of gold. She was average size for a green dragonet. With shyness, the littlegreen beauty found the one she had been looking for.

(There you are, MystiqueMine! I am Onyith, and I hunger very much.) The green said clearly to Hers. Candidate Mystique knelt in front of the beautiful yet timid green and complete love and devotion passed between them.

Description - Emerald green with glittering gold speckles covering her entire hide, and a waterfall of shimmering gold down the back of her neck. She is regular sized and proportioned for a green, and her only characteristic that really sets her apart is her golden speckles and neck.

Fire lizard -
Name - Thor

Color - Greyish Blue

Personality - Bold, inquisitive and smart. Not afraid of anything. Helps the underdog.

History - viewtopic.php?f=100&t=1075&p=6517&hilit=Thor#p6517

Description - Even Slategrayish blue all over with the eccetpion of white lightning looking strikes on his wings. a distintive darker blue hammer looking markings on his flanks. His claws are dark grey looking.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: Mystique

Post by KBear »

Is she fixed now?
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Re: Mystique

Post by SyberJedi »

Unbold the typeface you used.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
Weyrling Master
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Re: Mystique

Post by KBear »

Posts: 3307
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Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: Mystique

Post by Moon »

Thano you.
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: Mystique

Post by KBear »

Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Re: Mystique

Post by Moon »

On Hold
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: Mystique

Post by KBear »


thank you ladies
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