Janothen Star Stone Lord Holder

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Janothen Star Stone Lord Holder

Post by KBear »

Concept:Pc Holder character for Star Stone Hold

Name: Janothen
Age: 64
D.O.B. 3/18

Features: Janothen has short white hair, so far he isn't balding. He's stoutly built and short for a man born to Pern. His compact body is fairly muscled from his work as a Holder. His brown eyes are serous, most of the time. But he is also quick to have fun. His hands are callused and he walks with a funny step, much like those that have been to sea a long time. More like a rolling gate, it gets him from place to place quickly. That's a good thing for there is lots of ground to cover at the Hold. Janothen is a hard but fair man. Those that live and work at the hold are content with his ruling. He's not easy to anger, but will react swiftly once he snaps. He isn't physical but chores are a never ending project when you live in adobe type cliff dwellings. Something is always needing done.

History: Janothen has never been married, he's just been too busy improving the Hold. He has been the Holder here sense he was forced into it, more like dropped on him from out of the blue when his father died from a fall when he was building up a wall that was threatening to collapse. It wasn't long after his father died, his mother passed from grief. For awhile he was at a loss but the demands of holding took over and kept him busy.

It was a good thing he had grown up here and spent countless hours helping his father to build and repair the walls that made up the outer shell of this unusual hold. It was built up in several layers and thick enough to keep out the never changing harsh desert elements.

Star Stone Hold was a beautiful thing to see from a distance, it was built into and under the rock that soared above it, helping to shelter those that lived here from the strong sun. He was proud of his work. He has managed to create better underground water caches that help the Hold and the Weyr survive.

The many caches assures their green houses and facilities will never be thirsty. He has been working on a pond system that circulates the water back to the creche. This Keeps the pond full and fresh for Dragons and desert critters alike, including the wandering two foot ones that chance crossing the desert.

Janothen has a sister that left when she was young to marry a local Beastcrafter named Shardan. Kalene had only one child that he knows of, a son, Kalderan. The last he heard from her, the lad had impressed a Brown Dragon and changed his name to K'dan. 

Rank: Holder
Hold: Star Stone Hold
Weyr: Star Stone Weyr (is where the hold tithes to)

Name - Little Man
Color - bronze 
Sire- Little Lord 
Dam- Stitch 
Personality - Loving and Faithful is Little Man. Very smart for a flit. He learns very fast. A gentleman at all times he even acts like the lord of the manor. You can count on Little Man to deliver your messages. He is playful and full of pranks.
Description - a copper color with gold markings.
Weyrling Master
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Re: Janothen Star Stone Lord Holder

Post by KBear »

Approved? Bump?
Weyrling Master
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Re: Janothen Star Stone Lord Holder

Post by KBear »

bump approved?
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Re: Janothen Star Stone Lord Holder

Post by Moon »

please redo following pern character sheet
I will EDIT! :o
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