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Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon


Post by Moon »

Name - Gryft
Birth name - Lyric
Gender - male
DOB - 05 M / 27 D
Age - 20

Personality - Blunt, honorable, capable of killing and doesn't enjoy it, he's a survivor and willing to do anything to keep his freedom. Gryft is honest though wary of trusting anyone too quickly. He'll warn people to set aside their weapons or try to find a means of peace before pursuing a fight. Negotiating, tactics, and exploiting a target's weaknesses are a few of his strengths. His primary weaknesses are his inability to read and paranoia of being locked into small, dark places. Gryft shares an empathic bond with his mini-drag Sun, who helps him magnify a 'sense' of others around him. This ability is primarily directed at discerning the threat others around him pose.

Sexual Preferences - straight - tri

Likes - the sky, learning, choices
Dislikes - pirates, killing, restraints
Hobbies - observing people at peace, navigation charts
Ambitions/Dreams - To be able to pursue a dream, even if he hasn't figured it out yet.

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 178 lbs.
Height - 6'02"

Features -

Character Model - Jamie Bamber

Mother - unknown
Father - unknown
Siblings - unknown
Spouse -
Partner - Thatcher (deceased)
Children - unknown

Career - former slave
Degree - n/a
School - Stars Bright Primary (3rd grade)


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Name: Twilight Bellonna
Type: planetary cruiser
Serial Code: n/a
History: Sold and stolen too many times to count, this small craft spent its last hours in Gryft's hands.
Description: scrap metal, the largest piece as big as a large boulder.

History - Gryft's early life has been forgotten in the horrors of his life as a slave. Like many of the children that have found themselves in Enid Ark's ship, he was taught to be a tool. A weapon, entertainment, and often a mere body to fill in where others could not. Gryft was taught basic navigation, how to swim, and placed in charge of others at various times. His partners were once fellow creche siblings, one of which turned on him to gain his own freedom during one of Enid's broadcasted blood fights. In slaughtering his partner Thatcher, Gryft won a basic respite. He was sent to a deadly planet for a 'vacation' in which he eventually earned Sun's company for the rest of his life. One day, he escaped and fled to the planet Pern.

Niall was three years old when he was taken captive by Enid Ark and tossed in among the children she had enslaved. The creche group he was placed in was also the same one which a 12-year-old boy by the name of Gryft was in. Little Niall quickly came under the care and tutelage of Gryft. The older boy taught the younger one everything he knew about defending himself, killing other people and coping with it, survival, along with his letters and numbers. Niall would be the only family Gryft would acknowledge, in heart or mind.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name - Dawn
Color - green
Personality - Romantic, flirty, curious, loyal, and social.
History - Part of a clutch that Gryft had begun to eat when he first arrived on Pern. He handed out eggs to people he thought needed companionship. He ended up keeping one for himself.
Description - A lime green color with grass green zebra-like striping all over. Has a broad body with a long tail.

Pets -
Name - Sun
Species - mini-drag
Personality -
History - Gryft shares an empathic bond with his mini-drag Sun, who helps him magnify a 'sense' of others around him. This ability is primarily directed at discerning the threat others around him pose.
Description - A winged snake, multiple colors

Notes - To become a teacher
I will EDIT! :o
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