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Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:02 pm
by KBear
Name - Davylle (Dah-ville)
Gender -Female
DOB - July 10
Age -20

Personality - She is the younger sister to a Bronzerider that that died when she was 2 years old, she doesn’t remember him, but she does know his name was D'van. Her father had too much to drink one night when she was 10 and talked about D’van, and his argument with mother over being his wanting to be a Dragonrider. With some gentle prompting she learned at least that much before he woke up. She doesn't understand why no one talks about him. She thinks being related to a dragon-rider is just the bees knees. The only thing that would make it better then that would be becoming one herself.

She can be stubborn if she thinks something is wrong, you can't change her mind until you can show her why it needs to be that way. The childish part of her comes from when her feelings are hurt. She doesn't like to let people know she has a tender side that can be bruised easily. She has a hidden backbone of steel, standing up for what is right or standing up against what is wrong is normal, she will defend either way to a fault. She won’t let you see her cry. She will hide somewhere until she is over it.

Davylle takes delight in shocking her peers and especially her elders by changing how she looks or by jumping out and scaring them, watching other people jump is fun. Her siblings, despite their being younger, are the most prone to being her victim of the pranks she likes to play on them. She takes return pranks either well or not so well depending on the prank. She isn't mean and doesn't like to hurt people, she just loves to see their reactions to different things. She is a scary story enthusiast, even if she has to make them up. She loves to tell fortunes. Making up scary jungle stories about being stalked by the big felines are her favorite. Never once has she been out alone in the jungle, it just wasn’t done and it isn’t safe.

Davylle makes friends as easily and delights in being in the presence of others. Normally she loves to be in a crowd, but the times she wants or needs to be alone is just as important to her. She never goes far, and never out in the jungle, but like everyone else, sometimes she just needs her own space.

She isn’t friends with everybody. There are a few people she just can’t tolerate. She will work with them if she has to, but will avoid them any other time. She can argue with the best of them but refuses to lower herself to call names and deliberately hurt some one. Beating them in a wrestling contest is much funner and easier way to get even. You don’t get in trouble that way.

Sexual Preferences - TBD

Likes - She doesn't have a fancy dress, but if truth be known, she would love to have one to wear and to have her hair done up so she was pretty. It's not something she would admit to, but something she dreams of having someday. Scary stories about the jungle even though she has never seen one. Making people jump. Wrestling and Dragons.

Dislikes - She don't like being bullied or seeing someone else bullied.

Hobbies - Davylle doesn't really have any hobbies, other then wrestling, that's the one thing that she is good at. She would like to learn how to make glass things. Oh, she can tell you what the drums are saying if you ask.

Ambitions/Dreams - To become a Dragon-Rider. Like all girls, she would love a gold and wants to wait for one. Who knows if fate will decide different for her. She wants to help send Drum messages to the holds.

Hair - Redish-Brown with a natural black stripe that can only been seen when up close.
Eyes - Clear, Bright Aqua-Blue
Weight - 130
Height - 5'9"

Features - Her eyes are a clear, bright aqua-blue and can seem to pierce right through you. Her face is fairly plain with a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her mother calls her plainly pretty, she considers herself just plain. Her eyes are a clear, bright aqua-blue and can seem to pierce right through you.


Character Model - Penelope Cruz

All the work that the farm requires, has her long fingered hands callused, and her nails pretty rough. Her mother calls her a late bloomer. All she knows is that she doesn't have all the curvy places that most girls have at this age but things are starting to change and look a bit more hour-glass in shape. She knows she is skinny, but she is too active to get past the 130 pounds she currently weighs

Mother - Yavlle, 50, Farmers Wife
Father - Davan, 52, Farmer
Siblings - D'van-brother - Deceased Bronze Rider; died at age 14 during a Between lesson.
Vanella-Sister-age 10
Yanell-Sister-age 8
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft -
Rank - Blue Wing-Rider
Master -

History - Davylle was born to hard working farmers. They didn't have time for frilly things, so as Davylle got older, her father let her have the scraps left over from the leather he had tanned, this is what started her leather wearing. It all started with a worn out pair of chaps her father cut down so they would fit her so when she was doing chores she could help protect herself and her clothes. It was love at first smell.

The learning all the kids got was from their mother and a Harper. She was taught how to write and to cipher. She caught on quickly. Often the Harper would ask her to copy things for him in her tiny neat writing. She can't sing worth a lick, well, she can sing, but she can't carry a tune. The drum messages were her favorite lessons. She loves to hear what they say, and is secretly glad she knows what others don’t.

Her father taught them how to take care of the farm and each other. On the side and without her parent’s knowledge, Davylle began teaching herself to hunt the varmets that made a home near their grain storage. She made a sling and learned to throw rocks. She got pretty good at it. Small game and some kinds of smaller birds she could get. The larger stuff she never bothered trying. Her and her friends were the best. She keeps her friendships close, rarely does she have a enemy, and if she does, it can be for a very long time.

Davylle has unknowing followed her older brothers footsteps to Star Stone Weyr after a disagreement with her parents, he too wanted to become a Dragon-rider when he was 13. She learned one night when her father had drank too much wine that her brother had the same fight with their parents. They wanted him to stay and take over the farm. He ran away to the Weyr where he was accepted and searched.

She asked her father when he was drunk about D’van and where he was. That was when she learned he had run away to Refuge Weyr and become a Dragon-rider that died during a training exercise when he was 14. No wonder she didn’t know him, he died when she was 2 turns old.

Davylle rebelled when she turned twelve after seeing a Dragon-rider and his beautiful bronze dragon that came to visit when they were at the cot-hold doing business. She had mentioned to her mother that she wanted to become a Dragon-rider and the fight was on. Normally she follows orders to a tee rarely refusing to listen to suggestions on how to do things or carrying out her duty or chores without supervision. But this day it was going to be different.

Her heart broken and in tears, Davylle couldn't understand why her mother was so against her trying to impress a Dragon. Wasn't that what all kids dreamed of besides getting married and having children? The girl's attitude changed in a heart beat, from working hard to rebelling over everything. Her parents were at their wits end until they decided she would be sent to apprentice somewhere far away from the family farm. Davylle couldn't stand it she ran away in the middle of the night.

She joined a trader wagon train that was headed for Star Stone Weyr. They were not so happy for the extra mouth to feed. But they couldn’t say no to a starving girl that needed help. They ended up being glad for the extra help when they found out she could use her sling and help keep the smaller vermin away. She worked hard helping with the animals that pulled the carts. It wasn't a easy trip there were hardships everywhere you turned. It took them almost six months to get near Star Stone Weyr. During this time her quietness and sour attitude soon faded as the days progressed.

When a couple of men from the caravan found out she could wrestle, they helped her hone her skills. Soon she was competing with the older kids in the caravan. Being a bit smaller then most of them made it easy to slip out of their grasp and move quicker then they could. She never could beat this one boy though, no matter how hard she tried. He was always just one step ahead of her.

One of the old women told fortunes, or thought she did. She took a shine to Davylle when she started bringing the old woman wood for her fire and extra to eat. She taught Davylle all she knew about the art of fortune telling. Davylle didn't think it was real, but she had fun practicing on the caravans children. By the time they reached the Weyr, a few of the older adults indulged her by allowing her to tell their fortunes too.

She made friends with most the other children in the caravan and delighted in scaring the wits out of the younger ones as the caravan traveled through the desert. Together they would gang up and scare each other and any unsuspecting adult. They all soon learned who had good attitudes and didn't mind, and who didn't. They worked and played hard together and soon formed friendships that would last forever, except for that one boy she couldn’t beat at wrestling. He just wasn’t going to be friends with anyone. He made her feel pretty creepy at times.

When they arrived at Star Stone Weyr, Davylle had to talk to the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman before she could stay. She gladly agreed to work in the stables and where ever else she could, she didn't want to go back to the farm. She refused to tell them where she was from and never once mentioned her brother just in case. She hopes that some day one of the dragons would find her worthy to stand on the sands.

The first time she laid eyes on a Golden Dragon it was all over for Davylle. Never had she ever imagined there could be something so huge. She stood there with her eyes wide and her mouth open. She thought the Golden Beauty was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. One day, and she hoped it wouldn't be long. She wanted to be the rider of one of Perns most gorgeous Dragons ever to grace the skies.

Dragon -
Name - North
Color - Frosty Blue
Personality -
- Pauses to think for a long time in conversations.
- Constantly checking own appearance in mirrors, ponds etc..

motto - Self-contempt can do more harm than good.

Egg Name - Complex Joy
Egg Color - bright pink

History - Davylle felt more then heard the humming at first. Sense she was attending her first hatching she wasn't sure what it was until Taya urged them to all hurry and get their robes on. It's hatching time. Squeeling Davylle was struggling to gel into her robes. Tishu watched a bit then stepped up to help. "Hold still, I'll help you. Don't forget to put your boots on those sands are h o t HOT!"

Once she got Davylle straightened out she hurried around the room helping where she could. She headed for the color and stood with the others that were ready. "I can't believe its time already, it went by so fast." Tishu whispered. "Didn't it? I'm so excited. Thank you for your help with my robes." Davylle answered then gave Tishu a quick hug.

Davylle stepped out on the sands they were Seperate between boys. Ralphie was next to Tishu and Gn'dolf found himself next to Mystique he liked the pretty redhead. They were just as nervous as everyone else was. Funny Gn'dolf felt much better after his talk with Gryft. He had made sure to stuff Squeak so she would sleep for hours. They all checked their spacing and had made sure to greet the green just like they would if she had been a gold. This was a unusual and special hatching. A clutch from the green.

It seemed like everyone had just barely gotten in place when two eggs rocked hard before crashing into each other causing the shells to crack open and spill their contents onto the sands. The Bright Pink eggs occupent was in a hurry and didn’t waste time heading to the candidates looking for his person.

The coloring on this one was interesting. He is a frosty blue with dark blue spots that run across the shoulders. He is medium built and plump. His legs look funny he has more legs and elbows then any thing else. He won’t look awkward when he grows into his legs. This Dragons motto is self contempt can do more harm then good.

A piece of shell that still had some of the liquid in the lid caught the blues attention a moment as he paused to check out his appearance. Moving on he stopped before several Candidates, pausing as if to think a long time before moving on. He stopped in front of one and didn’t move before making his decision.

(Da'vyMine, my tummy hurts and is making funny noises. Can we go eat now? Your North is very hungry.” He said as he put his head under the hand of his chosen asking for some pets. Nothing else was said until they reached the edge of the sands. “He says his name is North." Grinning the pair headed for the healers and food.

Description - markings - spotted with dark blue across his shoulders
size - medium
build - plump, with more leg and tail then anything else

Fire lizard -
Name - Summer Storm
Color - Green
Personality - Snuggly but not to bright. Will be able to take messages to the right people.
History - Summer Storm was hatched while Da'vy, North and Akira were out on a fishing mission. The clutch was spotted hatching and eating each other on the beach. Da'vy had North land quickly and she got a egg that was cracked to Akira in time for it to hatch a green that she named Misting, then a blue found her also and she called this one West. While Da'vy was watching Akira with her flits, a little green attacked her boot and impression was made with lots of loving thoughts and many bites of food later.
Description - Green with yellow swirls and hightlights that resemble the sea during a summer storm, thus her name.

Pets - none
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Davylle is from the EP site and was being molded into a Gold rider. She doesn't have to be one. I'm wondering how fun it would be to be bonded to a watchWeyr???

Re: Da'vy of Blue North & Green Flit Summer Storm

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:08 pm
by Moon
Da'vy needs edited information on the basic stuff. Please fill in the correct format for name and alias.