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Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm


Post by KBear »

Name - M'lan
Gender - Male
DOB - 11-22
Age -27

Personality - M'lan is a stubborn, young man that tends to be a bit rash at times. He doesn’t like to take orders from anyone, not willingly anyway. Despite this fact he has become a Wingsecond. He is a bit snobbish at times too. Most people consider him arrogant, and he doesn’t care. He comes across as being more superior then everyone. Almost a know-it-all.

When he makes a friend, he is fiercely loyal. He would prefer that everyone just leave him alone. He can be short tempered, he says what he thinks, and don’t care who it hurts or makes mad. Like his big Bronze Thorath he doesn’t really care for those under him.

He spends many hours in training, drills and sweep riding. On his rest days, he, Sneakers and Thorath find some warm sunny place to be away from all the racket and hubub of the Weyr. Sometimes he takes some one with him, normally a woman, but usually he is alone with Thorath and Sneakers.

Sexual Preferences - open

Likes - Runners, dragons and women
Dislikes - men/boys that beat up girls
Hobbies - 7 turns apprenticed to a beast crafter taking care of runners.
Ambitions/Dreams - To become a Wing leader someday. Perhaps Weyrleader someday.

Hair - short and Black. Small black beard that’s kept short.
Eyes -brown
Weight - 200
Height - 6'5"

Features - M’lan is a good looking fella, the ladies think so too. He has a darker tone to his skin that resembles one that lays out in the sun naked. His hair is shoulder length and black, he keeps it fairly short because he tends to sweat easy, and being in his full riding gear makes him miserable. His dark brown eyes are serious looking most of the time. He doesn’t let others see his fun side, at least not often. He has a small beard that he keeps short, it almost resembles stubble, there is a cleft in his chin that bothers him when he shaves, but the ladies think it makes him more handsome or rakish looking.

M’lan works out as much as he can; he has taken to lifting firestone sacks to keep in shape. He is 6'5" tall and fairly muscular, he is straight up and down with no real definition to his body shape. He dresses nice at all times, preferring the darker colors for pants, and he likes the white shirts the sailors wear, he thinks it makes him look good. He has a way of looking down his nose at everyone, or at least that’s what it looks like. Those that know him know better, or they think they do.


Character Model - Richie Sambora

Mother - Miri (mother) 50. Kitchen worker
Father - Alamon (father) 52. Gardner
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - Lussa, Female, 4 turns
Herthman, Male, 3 turns
Manny, Male, 2 turns.

Craft -
Rank - Wing Second
Master -

History - His mother was worried about him when he was young, she thought he was way too angry, and he took things too seriously. He is an only child. He didn’t play with the other children, they were all older then he and some of the boys always picked on him. He learned to defend himself when he was very little. He gave his cousin a black eye when he was only three turns old, and he refused to apologize for it. There were just some things he couldn’t tolerate, and beating up a girl was one of them, even at that young age.

His family life wasn’t much to brag about. M’lan is very much like his father, he doesn’t look like the man, and he isn’t as mean to the woman he decides to have in his life from time to time. He didn’t like they way his father treated his mother. He refused to do the same thing; he remembers how sad his mother always was. He learned to help out around the house when he was little, doing the little things that made his mother happy and giving her less work. He had a best friend when he was about 7 turns old.

Together they would pretend to be dragon riders, and always they had Bronzes, never blues or greens. They fought the pretend thread by the hours, or watched the sky at night. Even though the lad was older then Almiri by a few turns, it didn’t bother either one of them. He missed his friend terribly when he was old enough to apprentice. He never made another close friend after that.

He was sad the day he turned 11 and his father told him he was sending him to learn to take care of animals. Although M’lan loved animals, he didn’t want to leave his mother alone without him. Those days became a blur to the lad; he was sent to the nearest cothold and learned fast and well. The runners were his best friends now, and he took good care of them.

The best thing that happened to him was the day a blue dragon and his rider stopped by on a search. He was so fascinated at the huge Dragon he just had to have a closer look. The next thing he knew he was at the Weyr, just in time for hatching and his 18th birthday.

Dragon -
Name - Thorath
Color - Bronze

Personality - Thorath is well named, like his rider; he is arrogant and doesn’t think much of those under him. He doesn’t care for the pretty greens, but will fly one to ease his and his rider’s needs. He has won a Gold flight, and looks forward to winning more of them.

He hasn’t any real want to become the leading Bronze. At the moment he is content with what they are doing. He will obey his orders to a tee, he isn’t a lazy Dragon, just the opposite, and he prefers action. He and his Amirimine often do sweep flights just to break up the boredom of drills and doing nothing. All together the pair is very good together.

History - Thorath wanted to be first to hatch, he was impatient to say the least. His was waiting out there on the sands some where, he could feel it. After a few attempts his shell cracked and he took in his first breath of air. He could hear the older dragons humming encouragement and his shell was becoming confining and uncomfortable. Giving one more mighty kick, he busted his shell sending them flying in every direction.

Standing up he shook himself free of the last few bits of shell that was clinging to his dark shinny hide. He took a look around the room, checking out those that were standing on the sands in a semi circle. The girls he totally ignored, they weren’t for him, let the greens have them. He took his first step, it was harder then he thought it would be. Looking up at his mother, he tried again. He started off slowly, it wouldn’t do for him to fall like some silly green, he was a Bronze after all, and he would do his mother proud.

So that he didn’t show how unsteady he was, he walked slowly down the line of boys, he knew who he wanted and he wasn’t going to stop until he found him. There he was, near the end of the line. Thorath walked up to a dark haired boy, stretching his wings out like he was showing off to every one just how wonderful he was, Thorath looked the lad straight in the eyes. (Mine-mlan I am Thorath, I am yours aren’t I wonderful. If you are ready, others can stare at me later, I am very hungry. Please feed me.) He told the lad as he regally arched his neck and gently nudged the boy in the chest, taking care to be gentle, the lad looked like he was about to fall over.

Description - Dark rich coppery color with brighter and lighter coppery highlights. From Thorath’s chin, down his throat and belly to the underside of his tail is that lighter coppery color. Achilleth has a few funny looking dapples along his side that resemble the spots of some felines, they can be seen most clearly when he is wet or freshly oiled.

His head knobs, and wing sails are also that lighter brighter coppery color. He is big and well put together. His claws are a darker shade of his main color, almost a reddish brown. He has lighter colored stripes down his legs from knee to ankle.

Fire lizard - Runner Shoe Egg
Name - Sneakers
Color - Brown
Personality - This joyful little flitter loves to fly. And he loves to fly fast and recklessly. Diving into tight spaces where one wrong move would mean smushed flitter is just right for him. He’s either very lucky or very skilled.
History - When sneakers hatched he made M'lan's day.
Description - The Runner Shoe flitter is a lovely shade of chestnut brown. Most of his coloring is very even though on his belly he has a lighter patch of coloring that resembles the shoes on his egg.

The fire lizard’s arms and legs are both a little longer then normal, giving him the advantage of being able to push off the ground with more strength then most flitters. Until he reaches his full size, his flight will be a little awkward but once he stops growing he’ll get use to his longer limbs.

Pets - none
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
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