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Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:16 pm
by KBear
Name - T'mar
Gender - Male
DOB - 5/11
Age - 17

Personality - T'mar is an adventurous type of lad. He loves to explore new places and to try new thingsd. He always has a scrape or cut or something along trhose lines just because of the places he found himself in. One time it was a tree he was stuck in for over night. Another time he was lost in a cave and worried about running into a tunnel snake or something such ther thing. Good thing her ids strong and a good climbree, it is what saved him in the end. Alto he never did climb up a tree he couldn't get out of or a cave he was lost in again, he learned from his experiences and went much better prepared and he was more selective of where he held his adverntures.

When he was with a group of kids, it was always a ingeresting time. He tried to be a follower most of the time, but eventually it seemed he was leading the pack, it wasn't that he pushed his way into the leader roll, it was his natural ability and manner that ended him upo int h role. He tried to make sure they were back in time foir chores, and altho ugh it didn't always work oiut that was, he had done his best. He wasn't going to leave one of the kids behind because they were youg, slow or tired. Even if he sent the others on ahdead he made sure all got home safely.

T'mar has a good sense of what's fair and what's not. He's even started a few fights and he didn't always win them either. Mostly it was because he couldn't stand some oone bullying some younger and weaker then the bully was. If there was a fight iin progress, he tried to stay out if it. Usually he was the mediator. That didbn't bother him as much as them wanting him to choose sides. He liked things well laid out. Rules were rules. You got what you got if you didn't follow them. And someday it might get you killed or worse, someone else could get hurt. He had taken thhis fair share of a strapping when he had it coming.

Sexual Preferences - undecided

Likes - Adventures, playing fair and being around others
Dislikes - Bullies, cheaters and liars
Hobbies - Climbing trees and snooping in caves
Ambitions/Dreams - T'mar is like most boys his age, he hopes to be searched so he can become a dragon rider. If not that, maybe he can be a explorer.

Hair - Dark Red
Eyes - Hazel
Weight - 165
Height - 6'0"

Features - T'mar has a light complexion and dark bronzy red hair and a scattering of freckles. His eyes are a hazel color that vchanges from green to brown to blue depending on his mood and what he is wearing or both. His light colored skin really shows off his freckles. They are an embarrassment to him because of the teasing.As he is getting oldfer he has noticerd that some of the dang things are fading. He hopes as he gets grown they will all go away. His build is slight as he is stilol young and he isn't as tall as he will be some day, nor as filled out. So far he is still scrawny and is resenting it. His voice is even becoming squeaky. At least it's a sign of his growing up. His feet are big for his ageand his parents tell him he will grow into them someday. T'mar sure hopes so.

Character Model - Ron Howard

Mother - Shandmar
Father - Tandher
Siblings - Sandy (sister), Handamer (brother)
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Bronze Rider
Rank -
Master -

History - T'mar grew up as Tamar in a cothold. His mother helped in the laundry, andhis father worked in the fields. Tamar helped in both places. Normally thought he would be watching his younger brother and sister. He was glad when his neighbor difd it for him so he could help his father instead. Life wasn't easy, nor was it overly hard. It was what it was, and hard work was always the key. At the end of the day, laughter, food and family time was the best. The happiest times for Tamar while growing up was the nights his family spread a blanked and looked up at the stars. They were so beautiful. Tamar knew the red star was up there too so it wasn't all good.

The day the blue dragon came searching was quite a day. Tamar was coming in from the fields with his father for the noon meal. Together they watched the dragon come in for a landing. They reached the Dragon and Rider as the Rider dismounted. What a wonderful handsome creature the Dragon was. Beioong raised politly, T'mar stood slightly behind his father and waited while he talked to the Rider. He was admiring how wonderful it would be to become a Rider and how pergfect this Dragon was in his eyes when the next thing he knew there was a large blue nose in front of his face.

The warm meaty breath of the Dragon washed over him as the slightly spice smell of the beast reached his nose. Oh how his fingers itched to be able to touvh that wonderful face. Nect thing he knew the Rider was standing in front of him giving him permission to touch and just where to scratch for pleasure. It was almost too good to be true. After scratching, Tamar got another surprise, it seemed the Blue thought he would make a good Dragon Rider, even if he was young and the Dragon was so sure. So before he knew what was happening, he found himself packed and heading for the Weyr to be a Candidate.

Could life get any grander?

Dragon -
Name - Mith
Color -Bronze
Personality - Mith is adventurous and slightly out going. He can also be shy. At times overly so. It doesn't over shine his outgoing chcaracter. He loves to do new things and see new places. Sometimes this adventurousness can get his rider in trouble. He is good natured and tends to listen more then being outspoken. He loves the ladies, but is a bit shy about chasing. That will change as his Rider gets older.

History - The day Mith hatched he wandered the sands looking for his person. He went clear down the row of boys and didn't find him. He knew he was there, where was he? He stumbled when he turned to go back down the line once more. He stopped here and there to look a boy over, they just weren't quite right. Then he saw him, the small frightened red headed boy that was smaller then the reest. He was almsot hiding behind a much bigger boy. Mith stumbled in his haste to get to the lad. He righted himself at the last moment by butting his head against the lads chest. They both almost went down. If it weren't for the lad wrapping his arms around the bronzxe's small head they would have. (T'marmine, there you are, I am Mith, why were you hiding? I cvouldn't find you. I am so hungry, please feed me. I'm sooooooooooo hungry.)

Description - Bright redish/bronze in color that is close to his riders hair color but much darker. His lighter places are mostly his belly and his sails, those matvh the color of his Riders hair perfectly.. His talons are almost black like he had been digging up vcoal. He doesn hae a darker bronze dorsal stripe from his ears to the tip of his tail. He will be a good sized Dragon when he is full grown. He won't be the largest but close to it. He and his partner will make a formable pair when they are done training.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: T'mar

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:39 pm
by KBear
Approved? joining the Bronzes? bump