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Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:20 pm
by KBear
Name: Gn'dol
Alias: Gunsdolf
Age: 22
Hair: Chalk white, short white beard that’s growing out and a matching mustache
Eyes: deep set teal colored
Height: 6’ 9”
Weight: 200lbs

Gn'dolf stands very tall and lean at 6’9”. He towers over almost everyone he comes into contact with. His low forehead shows off his bright teal colored eyes that are set deep in his face. The most stunning feature is his chalk white hair. Its very fine and does its own thing. When he tries to tame it, it reminds you of a strange headdress. He is trying to let it grow out with his beard and mustache, hoping that might help its strange appearance.

His hair and beard are something that really stands out with his deeply tanned skin. He got this way from his time out doors as a rider and a wanderer. If you were to just take a quick look at Gn'dolf you might think he resembled a lizard. His movements are quick, and so are his eye movements. He moves just as quickly and silently as a lizard when he wants to. He is deeply muscled from his time as a rider, they are just hard to see because of his height and lanky-ness.


Character Model: Daniel Radcliff

Gn'dolf was born to a busy bossy leader couple in a caravan. They didn’t have much time for him. They considered him a freak of nature with that unusual white hair and those un-nerving eyes. His mother gave him to another woman in the caravan to raise. Although he knew who his parents were, he didn’t consider them mom and dad.

He grew up fast and lean, learning quickly how to survive and how to take care of himself. He also learned how to steal, it was something that all trader children in this caravan were taught to do. He was quite good at it. All it took was seeing one child get caught and the resulting events of being caught to tell Gunsdolf he didn’t ever want to be caught. As a result, he got even better at it.

He learned to hunt at an early age. He could set traps and catch most everything he set them for. His foster-family ate well, and he grew to resent his parents feeling that because they sired him, he should feed them too. He didn’t voice his opinion, but he didn’t like it. He learned to trade with the best of them. He had his own little hidden stash of coins and trinkets from doing some bartering of his own. Mostly catching or hunting something for the people they were visiting. Its how he got his warm clothing and shoes.

As he grew, he also found he liked colorful things, mostly green as they hid him from view while they were traveling. He looked well dressed even if his clothes were simple in style. His clothes told that he was a trader, but he didn’t care. He learned to wear a hat to cover his unusual hair. It was the only way to stay hidden when out hunting.

He learned to be a leader just like his father. The children of the Caravan flocked to him. Through their play, they learned to work well together. He had a regular set up going from stealing to hunting and different chores that were assigned. The adults didn't seem to mind as long as they stayed out of trouble and out of site when they needed to. It was fun and easy to be their leader. He wasn't at all the oldest, but it didn't seem to matter. He learned organization skills being their leader, he could just about tell you where anyone was and what task they were attending too without having written it down. He did that once, made a list. He will never do that again and leave it where it can be found. He hid his lists he did make well, and only the other children knew where to find it at any time. Life was hard but good.

Sense they were traders, they had no set home base, so if you were to ask Gunsdolf where he was from, all he could truthfully tell you was ‘Pern’. The boy never lied. He hated lies, his whole up bringing was lies. He learned you didn’t have to answer with the whole truth either. If you worded something just right, it wasn’t a lie, it just wasn’t the whole truth either. Like the day he got in a fight with a holders son. The lad tried to steal from Gunsdolf, and as a result, the lad beat the holder's son to a bloody pulp, then left him laying there. When he was asked if he had seen the boy, he answered truthfully. “No, I haven’t seen him in hours.” But he didn’t tell them where, they didn’t ask him that, they just asked if he had seen them. He figured they would find the boy sooner or later. By that time they would be gone, and at least the caravan would protect him from harm if they decided to try to find him for his crime.

The day came when he was searched. It was an accident really. The Caravan just happened to be at a hold when a pair of search dragons filled the skies above. Being curious, he slipped off to the side of a building to watch as the holds children lined up for inspection. He had seen dragons in the skies from time to time, but they had no business with their Caravan. He wanted to see them up close. They were beautiful and the riders one male and one female looked wonderful in their riding leathers. He watched as several children were turned away and a small few still stood there waiting. Gunsdolf didn't realize that he had left his hiding place by the building until he found himself face to face with a large blue face. Slowly swirling eyes caught his attention and held it for what seemed forever. His fingers itched to reach out and touch that wonderful huge face.

Then it came, one moment he was looking at a Dragon, the next moment a rider was telling him the dragon thought he would make a good rider. After all was said and done, it was the second best day of his life. He got to ride a dragon and it was wonderful thing being up so high in the air. Then the Weyr almost took his breath away, it was so huge and set in the most beautiful set of mountains he had ever seen. The sun was just setting as they came in for a landing. Life was different here. A whole set of new rules. No longer did he have to steal anything, all he had to do was ask and he could have it. Chores were a way of life anywhere you went so it didn't matter that he had some.

Life was fun and again his natural leadership abilities came to the forefront of things. He led the other Candidates in chores and play. Those that knew how to hunt chose him the leader, but Gunsdolf wasn't stupid, he was new to the place so he made sure he chose someone that knew their way around to lead the way and to get them back. It didn't take long to learn the area, but until then he wanted to make sure they were all safe. He did well in classes and was soon chose to lead a few things by the Candidatemaster.

Then the day came they got to visit the eggs, it was wonderful and exciting. He was scared to death the Queen wouldn't let him on the sands. He didn't take too much time around the eggs, he only touched a few. He didn't know where to start they were all so beautiful. Soon the day came the eggs were to hatch, the humming started and he found himself in his white robe and on the hot sands waiting to see if there was a dragon for him.

The first eggs started hatching, then a bunch were hatching. He was knocked down by a stumbling sky blue hatchling, instinct had him putting his hands out to help catch the tiny blue to keep from hurting himself or Gunsdolf. This turned out to be the best day in his life when Belboath looked at him and called him Gn'dolf. Instantly he filled up with emotion, love, and wonder. He never knew what he had been missing until that moment. He finally knew what love was.

Life with Belboath wasn't all easy. He was lazy and stubborn, all the things that Gn'dolf wasn't. They made a great pair but it took lots of patience to get his sky blue dragon to do anything. He argued he was tired, he didn't want to, he was hungry, or he just said 'no'. Once Gn'dolf learned how to manipulate Belboath into doing things, they did well. He wasn't a small blue, but he wasn't huge either. And when he set his mind to it, he could out fly a green. Together they learned to be an outstanding pair.

His life was now complete and being a lifemate to a totally loving dragon that was all his was what he had been hoping for all his life. Someone to love him for him, and someone that would never leave him or hate him. Being accepted for who he was for who they both were made up for anything they might have been missing.

They were still considered Weyrlings when the sickness took Beboath in the middle of the night. One minute things were fine, and the next minute Beboath was wheezing and sounding funny. Gn'dolf was quick to get to his dragons head trying to help. Nothing helped, Beboath said he loved him then made a funny coughing sound and went still. Gn'dolf screamed like a little girl, he didn't care. Beboath's passing tore the heart out of him, and he didn't care who knew it. No sooner did the scream stop that blessed blackness engulfed him.

He woke up in the healer's room. There was a glass of juice next to him and a healer assistant sleeping in a chair at the foot of his bed. Thirsty he drank the glass down and went back to sleep. He didn't know the juice had fellis in it. It didn't matter, he didn't have to think. When he woke up, they told him Beboath had caught that virus that was taking so many of the others, keening filled the air still and brought back the memories of his beautiful blue dying in his arms. He didn't panic, he didn't scream but the tears did fall down his cheeks in silent grief. He stayed inside while they took his Beboath between. He was asked if he wanted to go or stay. He wanted to do both at the same time. He just told them he would think about it and they left him alone. He was watched for many days before they seemed to trust him alone.

Sense the loss of his dragon Gn'dolf has been quiet and withdrawn. He loved his dragon with all his being, but he just wasn’t sure he wanted to end his life. He was grateful for all the help the weyr was giving him, he was just so lonely. He wandered all over the place, never going far away. When they sent him to the station it seemed to help. He wasn’t in close vicinity with the dragons every day, but he could visit them in the holding area if he liked. His favorite were flits they being near him helped heal a small part of his heart.

One day ran into the other as he took care of the tasks he was set to do. Sense he had no dragon, he could spend all the time up on the station if he wanted. He did mention to someone once that he wished he could get a flit, he desperately needed to fill that empty space inside. One day Adam Sanchez mentioned re-impressing to the lad. He wasn't sure that Adam wasn't pulling his leg or making fun. He asked a bunch of questions and found that sometimes they tried to let someone try to reimpress, if they were healed and showed promise. He didn't know if one ever healed once losing a dragon, not totally anyway. How could you? The emptiness was unbearable sometimes, work seemed to be the only way to blot it out sometimes. All the while he kept busy, his natural self started to come through. His leadership abilities started to emerge more often. And he found himself the leader of a work detail that helped unload and load ships that came and went.

Re-impression was something he was thinking seriously about more often these days. Was it really possible? Would they really let him try? Could he really do it? He loved Belboath with his whole being, would he be betraying the blues memory? Part of him felt guilty, the rest of him was starting to like the idea. Who knew? Maybe another dragon wouldn't want him now that he was considered damaged goods.

Rank: Dragonrider

Gangloung, father 44
Dolfina, mother 43

None that he knows of unless they were like him and given away

Name: Thelxith
color: Brown
Egg: Egg of Drama- Light grey in color with sparkly bluelsh white flames along one side.

Personality: This Brown is all about the drama everything is about Him. His world is a stage and everyone should be paying attention to Him. This Brown gives conceited a whole new meaning. All the world is a stage and everyone in it is merely plagers he likes things to go his way and can argue up a storm whenhe thinks your not following his lead in things. He can be argumentative and combative but is also very devoted when you agree with him.

Gandolf was watching as others impressed. He grinned widly as Aylaria was chosen by a blue. He was still watching when the egg in front of him started cracking. The dragonete inside was taking it's time hatching.
With each crack it would cry. It took him a bit before it dawned on him the hatching Brown was calling for him. He was so shocked he went to his knees just as the Dragonette was free from his egg and he tumbled onto the sands in front of him.
The overwhelming hunger and need hit Gandolf like he had been punched in the gut.
He reached for the Hatchling with trembling hands. As he made contact the little Brown spoke to him.
Gn'dol mine , I am Thelxit and I am for you. I am so hungry.
The shock and worry about being good enough left him as he gently cradled his dragon.
''Let's go do something about that shall we?'' Gn'dol said in a whisper as he got to his feet. Placing his hand on the Hatchlings head to help guide him, Gn'dol headed off the sands toward the waiting buckets of chopped meat with Thelxith his new life mate.
The love and need was so strong between them, Gn'dol was overcome with emotion. His heart was no longer empty, the gaping hole that had been there a few minutes ago was gone. He was once again a Dragon Rider of Pern.

Impressed to Gn'dol on 8/18/19

Description: This Brown has a colorful swirled coloration all over his body but with lighter Brown wings. He is the colors of swirling mud after a rainfall in a puddle that has been disturbed the color washes though in a swirling pattern all over his body.

Dragon: Deceased
Name: Belboah
Color: Sky Blue with white cloudy is hidelooconst.king patches across his belly and underside to his tail. Short grey claws adorn his feet.
Personality: Lazy and stubborn, fun and irritating. Beboath doesn't want to do anything that doesn't include sunning himself, eating or getting oiled after a bath. He is very lazy and can be super stubborn. Not much gets him moving or motivated. Sometimes it takes the threat of missing a meal to get him to do it. He can be outsmarted into doing something, or told he said he would. Sense his memory is short he couldn't /argue that he didn't say it. He takes pride in what he does when he does something. He knows his purpose is important and will give his all for wing practice and his duties. His queen could tell him to fly to the red star and he would do it, but anything else...? Well, maybe.

He knows how to be fun, have fun and irritating at the same time, just ask his rider. As long as it doesn't have to put too much exertion into it, he could be talked into joining the other dragons in play or swimming. But he would want to make sure he had his nap in the sun too when they were done. HE took his weyrling lessons to heart, but most of the time he had to be woken up to participate. There wasn't anything wrong with him, he was just too lazy.

When Belboath finally was able to crack open his shell, he was content to lay in it for quite awhile until his dam leaned over and snuffed at him. His extra long wings tripped him up a few times as he finally made it to his feet after sending his shell shattering all over. He started toward the line of boys knowing his was there he just had to find him. He made it past the first couple of boys with no problems before tripping over his right wing and stumbling into the tall lanky white haired boy that was in his way.

They landed in a tangled heap with Belboath laying on the boy's belly with his head on the lad's chest. The boy had wrapped his arms around the tiny blue to help protect them as they fell. The blue lifted his head and looked all around not finding the one he wanted, he could feel him, where was he. When the one he landed on raised his head to look at him, Belboath perked up at once.

There you are Gn'dolf-mine. What are you doing down there? Your Belboath has been looking for you. I am very hungry can we please go eat?
The little blue asked as he reached up to nuzzle the lad's chin. Once they were straightened out and on their feet, they did just that.

Impressed to Gn'dolf then died at age 2 of the plague

Belboath is the color of a perfect sky that has large white fluffy clouds floating lazily by. His hide is that beautiful blue and his underside from under his front limbs to his tail tip has those white fluffy cloud shapes dotting here and there. If you looked at him just right you might swear those clouds are actually moving. Every breath he takes sets them in motion.

Belboath was larger than some blues but not as large as others. His wings were a bit long for his streamlined body making him awkward on land, but graceful and fast in the air. He was a bit longer than most blues too. It didn't hurt his agility, he could keep up with the greens in the air easily. His head seemed a bit small for his body, but no one ever said so where he could hear it. He was heavily muscled and well built, his claws were grayish color and a bit shorter than most dragons. It didn't hinder his movements any.

Name: Squeeky
Color: Blue
He is pleased, but many mistake it for being petrified, very courageous, and preoccupied.
Blue-grey with patterns of electric blue patterns around his spine. His wings share the same blue pattern as the rest of his body, like tiny veins standing out. Dark blue crescent shapes stand out from under his eyes.
This flit loves shoes, rugs, and midnight snacks.
Squeeky loves to eat trundle bugs.
This flit is short and muscular.
Squeeky likes toys and loathes whistling.

History - Gn'dolf was given the flit egg while he was in the healers after he had fallen off a ladder in the boy's barracks. He was talking to a sick offworlder named Gryft who had come to his room with his pet mini-drag. After they talked about impression being worth it even though his dragon died from the plague at age two. Gryft gave the egg to him at that time. He was told that the egg had a day or two before being ready.

Gn'dolf was reading while relaxing on his bed when his egg started rocking. He had been keeping a fresh supply of meat chunks that the drudges had cut up fine for him sense his arm was in a sling. He sat up and cleared a spot on his bed before he made sure the next was close enough to reach easily.

It didn't take long for the flit to break out of his egg. Gn'dolf was ready with a chunk of meat. His thoughts were of food and welcome. Once the flit had dried a little he could see it was blue with interesting markings. The sounds the tiny hatchling made reminded Gn'dolf of a child's squeeky toy. Smiling as he coaxed the clumsy baby onto his lap the tiny one bonded to Gn'dolf and started a squeeky crooning. Laughing the dragonless rider spoke to the flit.

"I think I will call you Squeeky because of the sound you make when happy. What do you think of that little one? The response was quick and loud. Squeeky hummed and leaned into his person's hand for more pets. Gn'dolf was more than pleased to obey. Squeeky ate a few more bites before crawling up his person's chest and snuggling down into the warm confines of his sling. Once inside there, Squeeky circled around a bit Che king things out before he wrapped his tail around the splints and stretching out so that only his tiny nose was sticking out. After wiggling a bit the flit snuggled closer to Gn'dolf's body and fell fast asleep.

Any one entering the barracks would find the pair fast asleep. One softly snoring and the other making a squeeky purring sound, and the egg fragments on the bed and the bowl of meet next to the man.

Name - Shimmer
Color - Gold
Description - Bright shinny gold color like a freshly polished ring.
Sire - Wild
Dam - Wild
History - Was found on the beach by D'en and given to Gn'Dolf

Re: Gn'Dolf Dragonless Candidate & Blue Flit Squeeky

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:50 pm
by Moon
Date issue with the dragon hatching date. Please revise, update ages of persona. Gn'dolf does not have a known character model on this sheet.

Re: Gn'Dolf Dragonless Candidate & Blue Flit Squeeky

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:57 pm
by SyberJedi
Character image was removed, since the model's name was not listed, and the model had been chosen for another character.