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Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:37 pm
by KBear
Gender - Female
DOB - 12/25th
Age - 18

Personality - Aisynn is a fierce optimist, believing the best in everyone and trusting that everything will turn out in the end, no matter what the situation. This doesn't mean that she's overly-trusting, for while she does have no problem with trust and giving it to people whom she deems deserving... oh wait. Maybe it does. Oh well, that's something that she deals with, and she trusts that people won't manipulate her. She hasn't had any problems with it yet, so maybe she'll be a lucky one, and can carry this optimism and trust throughout life. Or not.

When she gets an idea into her head, she doesn't let go of it. Aisynn is stubborn to a fault, and will argue with just about anyone over a situation. Especially pessimists. Although she usually gets along with a wide variety of people, pessimists who speak their views like she speaks her own tend to clash with her. She will defend her beliefs and views to her last breath, and won't accept the idea that the world in general is less than giving. Very dedicated to her own ideas, she has trouble accepting that they sometimes may be wrong. Maybe it has back ties to being so short.

Even at 16, she has a few people whom she deems 'projects'- people that she can fix. She doesn't see it in nearly so harsh a light, instead viewing it as being a good influence on people and hoping that they will learn and grow as individuals. And maybe it words... maybe it doesn't. However, it means that, while she has her pool of friends, many of them optimists and generally pleasing people, themselves, Aisynn also spends time among those whose views vary. As mentioned previously, this could be a volatile experience, but she doesn't mind, as she thinks that she's doing the right thing.

Despite all of this, she's actually not a social failure. Aisynn truthfully is a very pleasant person to be around, liking to talk to people, and make friends. She's not an unfriendly person by any standard, but she is very headstrong. When she decides that someone is her friend, it takes a lot for her to let go of them. With her trusting personality, she may someday decide that a not-so-good person is her friend, and they could use it against her. However, that has yet to happen, so Aisynn enjoys the company of those she surrounds herself with, and has little problem meeting new people.

Admitting to her vanity, Aisynn acknowledges that this is a fault, but it isn't anything that will change. She enjoys looking good, and while she doesn't spend candlemarks in front of any available reflective surface, she does make sure that she doesn't leave her own privacy looking less than she has to. It's completely something that has to do with her image: while she should have the optimism that people won't judge her on appearance, she was raised to believe that making sure that you don't look terrible is a good thing, and that it allows for self-respect.

Sexual Preferences - male/female ummm normal??

Likes - Likes talking to People and making friends, her Dragon.
Dislikes - mean men during a mating flight. Liars and sneaky people that use you for their own personal gain.
Hobbies - She doesn't really have any hobbies. She can sing ok.
Ambitions/Dreams - Aisynn dreams of having a good bed partner for Shivath's next rising which is soon. She wants a partner that will stay with her. She would love to become a search rider or relay pair.

Hair - Dark, rich blonde that hangs down Aisynn's back, cut off at the bottom of her shoulder blades.
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 120
Height - 5'3"

Features - Dark, rich blonde hair falls down Aisynn's back, cut off at the bottom of her shoulder blades. Her hair is just between curly and soft, manageable waves- meaning that she can't drag a brush through it without hair going everywhere, and she can't not style it in some way, so that it looks halfway decent. It's difficult to manage, but she manages it well. A little less than a Turn ago, in a fit of frustration, she cut off a few front strands... and ended up with bangs. She quite enjoys the shorter hair, which is just long enough to sweep away with a clip if she needs, and short enough to not disrupt her vision too terribly.

Her hair frames her diamond face well, making her pretty. Aisynn's not stunning or lovely in any form or fashion, but she's pretty in her unique way. Large, doe eyes blink out from behind her bangs in a brown just a little darker than her hair, and a petite nose peeks out beyond them. Small, light pinkish lips are followed directly by a stubborn chin, which frequently juts out so as to accentuate her obstinate attitude. Ignoring that, however, her face could be considered soft and, with the focus on her eyes, especially, innocent.

As a child, Aisynn was always small... and it was something she never grew out of. ((← intentional pun. XD)) The girl stands at 5'3” optimistically, and is constantly dwarfed by most other Pernese. Her form is slim and hard, as her height has never kept her from pulling her own weight at the Weyr. She isn't particularly muscled, but she has the calluses of a working girl, as well as the firm grip. Her skin, too, represents her Southern lifestyle- it has been tanned to a golden-brown, despite the probability that she would look better if she was paler.

Still, the Southerner is a girl. She likes feminine clothing- skirts, dresses, and the accessories that correlate. Although Aisynn doesn't get many chances to explore this more feminine side of her wardrobe, she will spoil herself when the opportunities arise. Otherwise, the trousers and loose shirts that most of the weyrfolk adorn usually cover her body. She isn't picky with color, but is admittedly vain enough to want the clothing to flatter her features, and often wears blues and greens to contrast her coloring.
Character Model - Kelly Preston

Mother: Niasyn, 39, kitchen worker
Father: Aidelen, 40, field worker in a minor hold
Orinon, 42, weyrfolk (adopted-father-kinda-yeah)
Siblings: Or'yn (formerly Orisyn) 16, half-sibling- rider of Bronze Rath from Fort Weyr
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft -
Rank - Wingrider
Master -

History - Aisynn is the oldest child of Aidelen. She didn’t know or remember what happened between her parents she was two turns old when Orisyn was born. To her, Orinon was the only father she ever had. She was closer to her mother then Orinon. Orisyn was close to both of their parents. She loved the little boy and they spent many adventures with each other. Both of them being stubborn and both thinking they were right. Things weren’t too bad, she stuck with her chores, where Orisyn learned to skip them more then doing them. Still she loved him and even when it meant more work for her, she knew that he would make up for it later.

She remembers wishing Orisyn was neater then he was, he didn’t care what he wore or what it looked like, they were both short which is unusual for Pernese. She stands at a small 5’3” and poor little Orisyn stands at 5’6”. At this age she figures it don’t matter anyway, Who said you had to be seven foot tall for a dragon to love you. No matter how her parents talked, both Aisynn and Orisyn wanted the chance to stand. In fact she was most insistent about it. Her brother figured if he wanted it bad enough it would happen anyway.

The day came when Aeriath rose to mate finally came. Time passed quickly for them. Lessons and chores. Waiting for the day she could finally see the eggs took so long to get there. Then all of a sudden. The dragons started humming and they were rushed to the sands with the rest of the candidates. Next thing she knew, they stood on the sands together. She impressed the first hatched dragon a beautiful green named Shivath, and Orisyn impressed the twelfth one to hatch, Bronze Rath and became Or’yn. Their new live was just beginning and it promised to be a grand one indeed.

Impressing Green Shivath was the best day in her life. She didn’t Impressing Green Shivath was the best day in her life, she didn’t care if everyone was saying that it was a unlucky hatching. For her it wasn’t. If anything, things just got busier then ever. Learning how to take care of the dragonette and chores, never ending chores, and what was seeming to be never ending classes too.

Aisynn took very good care of her Shivath, she listened carefully in class, learned things quickly. She knew her little greens life depended on it. As the bond between them grew and time passed quickly. Learning to toss firestone sacks was hard work. She was used to hard work but this was different, this worked muscles she didn’t know she had.

Learning to fly was scary for her, but a breeze for Shivath. The pair got good at ferrying people around the Weyr too. Their best times in class were the days they were to fly long distance. The picnic lunches and swimming in out of the way places was fun. Shivath learned to stretch her wings too. Never too hard or too long at a time, neither of them wanted the lovely green to be injured.

The absolute scariest thing for Aisynn was betweening. Shivath kept reassuring her that she had very good visuals and not to worry. When their first time came to try, she was grateful for all the time they had spent in the air. She used this time for stopping and getting visuals of coming in to the Weyr at different times of day and weather. It wasn’t really required, but Aisynn wanted to be certain they had it right. The Weyrling master must have been paying attention to their comings and goings, for he chose a different angle to between to then they had tried. They did good, a bit higher then the others and facing a slightly different direction, but they were there in one piece.

When Shivath rose for the first time, it caught them both unawares. The pair had been doing some scouting for the Weyr, they all told Aisynn the the flight was going to be a piece of cake and to just keep control over Shivath and make sure she blooded her kills only. It was good honest work and the pair learned their territory well. They came in from their sweep when Shivath barely waited for her to pull the straps off of her before challenging the male dragons for her flight.

Shivath behaved and blooded her kills, but when she took off, Aisynn didn’t know how the lovely green was going to give them a wild flight after all the time they spent in the air. The whole affair went fairly fast, and Aisynn wasn’t sure she wanted to do it again, she ended up with a dirty smelly person that was rough on her. All the bruises just didn’t seem to be worth it to her. Shivath was satisfied with her choice. At least the greens rider would be more aware of what to look for in her dragon becoming proddy.

Dragon -
Name: Shivath (Shee-vath)
Color: Green
Age: 2 Turns
Personality - By nature, Shivath is a cheerful sort. She is never depressed and never has a moment where she feels like the world is a bad place. An eternal optimist, she very much believes that everything will work out for the best in the end. A sweet dragon she is affectionate with her rider and even with other dragons who need someone. She likes to give to those who need. Even those who need and don't necessarily want her help. This is the generous side in her. If she could she would give to anyone who wanted something from her. It is for this reason her rider might be begged to give a Weyrbrat a ride on a dragon and Shivath would agree to do it. Despite her more gregarious side, Shivath can be as stubborn as a herdbeast in winter. If she has her mind set on something it could be hard to dissuade her. Calm reason and logic will work on her if she is to change her mind.

A lively dragon, Shivath can always be found doing something, whether that is swimming, flying or chatting with other greens. She is never really one to be idle for long. Except when the occasion calls for sunning, then of course she will sun. It is hard for her to stand still during lessons and often she is fidgety to the point of being quite annoying. This might make it hard for her to pay attention to what is being talked about in lessons. While Shivath is not a dumb dragon she is easily distracted and thus misses quite a lot of what is being said and done around her. A focused rider will help her greatly.

History - Abruptly, a loud snap echoed throughout the cavernous space as a paw finally broke through the Benign Creator Egg, seen so briefly that it’s color could not be known. Claws hooked around the large hole, and two paws were now tearing at the shell, finally managing to pull away a large chunk of the egg. As it fell away, the dragonet within gave a squeak as the rest of the egg seemed to collapse, and the hatchling scrambled out quickly, spinning around to stare at the shell with wide eyes. What was that all about? Goodness, did it have to be so stubborn? As she stood, a ripple of whispers went through the cavern, an unease about the spectators. A green. A green had hatched first. That was not a good sign.

Whirling, the little dragonet surveyed them all, her eyes going even wider as she did. Woooow, so many twolegs here! Prancing forward, allowing her hide to dry, the green caused yet another slew of whispers to begin. She may have been a green dragon, but she was…beautiful! Her hide danced with an array of hues that shifted over every part of her, a gorgeous dragon by any standard.

Shortly, the green moved past the male candidates, quite unsatisfied. No, no, none of them were Hers! Snorting, she pranced over to the girls, every move cheerful and happy. Moving past the first few, she abruptly stopped, then made an excited circle before a certain girl. Oh! There you are, AisynnMine! A bell-like laugh followed those words, and the green bumped her head against the girl’s legs playfully. (You were hiding from your Shivath! Oh I do love games. Oh, but wait! No, right now I am hungry, very hungry in fact. First we eat, then play games?)

Description - Shivath has a strange hide. There are swirls of different hues of green throughout and in no one place on her body is there a single color by itself. The most predominant color is a darker sea green. She has a long body and large wingspan. The lovely hide on this dragon distracts from any possible imperfections to her form. From her head to her claws there is always more than one color green swirling about. Shivath has a delicate looking frame although she is larger than the average green.

Weyrlinghood - Shivath did fine growing up, thanks to the care of her loving life mate. They were never late for classes and even though the little green didn't remember much about some of the classes, she either remembered the most important things, or her Aisynn did. Much she remembered was purely instinct. They learned to fly, then to ferry people, then long distance flight. That was most fun for they would make the day of it. Swimming was the best.

When she rose for the first time, her lovely Aisynn didn't care for her partners rider. He was a bit rough on the girl, for that the green was sorry.

Clutch: Aeriath's 4th by Bronze Zorometh
Hatching Order: 1st, From The Benign Creator Egg

Fire lizard -
Name - Emerald (aka: Em)
Color - Green
Sire- Little Lord
Dam- Stitch
Personality - Emerald has a bright personality that matches her bright points. she draws attention every where she goes. She is happy and helpful and usually in the way. She likes to have a hands on approach to everything. She prefers taking her messages in her front paws instead of a tube on her leg. Whatever hairdo Aisynn chooses, Em fixes it her way instead.
Description - a pale yellow green color, with mask and points of a bright emerald green. Long and lanky she is big for a green.

Pets - none
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Transfered in from Expedition Pern site. Name remained the same.

Re: Aisynn

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:37 pm
by KBear
approved? bump?

Re: Aisynn

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:11 pm
by Moon