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How to Plot for Forum Canon

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:01 pm
by Moon
This is a list of rules that is being developed so we can get people actively plotting out their character stories, their forum affecting stories, etc.

1) The Administration needs to be kept informed so that we can work with plotters of forum threads.

2) Most plots are subjected to the same approval rating as what we give characters. This process is still being developed.

3) A format for plot submissions is being developed, when it's finished it'll be required to post plots using this format so that everyone can make sense of just what the plot is about.

4) We won't outright reject a plot, but we do need some base line for understanding plots that are developing.

Re: How to Plot for Forum Canon

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:20 pm
by Moon
This copy/paste plot development sheet is up for edits by all forum members. For any edits, please post it as a reply to this thread.

Type of Plot:
Where does it take place:
Which of YOUR characters is involved:
Who do you hope to involve:
Summarize the goals of the plot:
What are the parts of the plot that you feel may not work:
How will it affect character(s) in the long term:
Will it affect the forum Canon:
Can it be accomplished within a year or do you want it to get started right away: