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Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:30 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Araena
Alias- Little Speaker
Gender - female
DOB - 7/4
Age - 13 Turns (6 Turns)
Location- Star Stone Weyr
Personality - An irrepressible scamp. Adventurous, brave, bold. Loves her Da, and his dragon. Is also extremely fond of Uncvor (T'vor).
Hair - blonde
Eyes - blue
Weight -
Height -

Features -

Character Model - Drew Barrymore

Mother - Raeda
Father - A'ren
Siblings - Allrin, Alacen, Adrenan, Darnan, Arisha, Rieshen

History - The result of a Gold flight with Raeda's Gold, and A'ren's Brown Nicorth, Araena is unwanted by her mother completely. However, her father, A'ren, is completely captivated by his daughter.
Araena, while seriously ill with the contagion, was captured by Enid Ark, and taken to her base. She recovered while in captivity, and was imprisoned with Mahlie. Araena was placed onto the Hatching Sands, and came close to Impressing the Gold. However, Nicorth rescued the child and escaped with her.
Somehow, Nicorth got lost in time (unknowingly due to a future version of himself being back in time) and ended up at Big Bay Seahold, near Igen Weyr. The Brown left Araena with Ja'vosh's parents for safety, in order to try and find his way home. He was never able to return to her, leaving Araena stranded in the past, seven Turns back.

Likes - Nicorth, Uncvor (T'vor), her father, coloring, talking to dragons
Dislikes - bedtimes, being in the creche
Hobbies - coloring
Ambitions/Dreams - to be like Da

Name: Nicky
Color: brown
Sire: Brat
Dam: Bree
Personality: A regular sweet heart, with a penchant for not being a morning firelizard. This fire lizard favors fresh meat straight from the roast, laden with gravy or jam.
He dislikes bullies and likes to watch cat tails.
Description: A brown flit with tan and earthy tones of brown dappling his hide very similar to the appaloosa horse.
History: Hatched in Araena's hands just after the Hatching of Nicorth and Shoriath's clutch.

Name: Ta'She*
Color: Gold
Sire: unknown
Dam: unknown
Personality: Fierce and protective of her's. Will not accept being bossed by anyone other than Nicky and Araena.

Name: Cloud *
Color: blue
Sire: unknown
Dam: unknown
Personality: Laid back, and mellow.

* Due to unfortunate circumstances, Araena Impressed a Gold flit, due to her life being completely off track due to getting lost in time. Thanks Moon. The blue flit, Cloud, was also Impressed at the same time.