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Tiver Isq

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:22 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Tiver Isq
Gender - male
Age - 62
Location- Dragonhold Station

Personality - A caring person, who demands much of himself as well as the others around him. Wants nothing but the best for his patients.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - travelling, exploring,
Dislikes - people who refuse to take care of themselves, bullies, slavery
Hobbies - painting, reading, seeing new places
Ambitions/Dreams - to bring modern medical science to a place that can really use and benefit from it.

Hair - brown going grey
Eyes - hazel
Weight - 180
Height - 5' 11"

Features -

Character Model - Doug Barr

Mother - Angia Isq
Father - Torcer Isq (deceased)
Siblings - Danak (brother), Othera (sister), Idani (sister)
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Home world - Maxim

Career - Medicine
Degree - PhD, specializing in general, and emergancy medicine
School - Maxim Planetary University of Medicine

History -
Tiver grew up on the planet of Maxim. He is the oldest of four children- a brother named Danak, and twin sisters Othera and Idani. Tiver's father was in an aircar accident, Tiver was with him. Tiver watched his father bleed out, and vowed to go into medicine to keep other boys from losing their fathers in preventable accidents.
Tiver would put aside his childhood after the accident that took his father's life, and studied hard. He won scholarships to the prestigious Maxim Planetary University of Medicine, even before he did his pre-med courses. He graduated within the top five percentile of his class. He joined the staff of the university, which he would remain a part of for the next twenty years.
Tiver was so dedicated to his medical career, that he never made time to find someone to spend time with outside of work, nor did he ever start a family. However, he did make one really good friend during this time- Caerwyn Soang. Caerwyn would befriend Tiver, and eventually would offer him a job that would take the doctor to Pern.

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Re: Tiver Isq

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:50 pm
by Talen
looks good to me i'll give it my approval

Re: Tiver Isq

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:29 pm
by Moon

Re: Tiver Isq

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:29 pm
by KBear