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Posts: 311
Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:04 am


Post by Bladesong »

Name - Aleeatia
Gender - female
Age -

Personality -extremely shy to the point her own shadow can spook her, she has no confidence in herself and questions everything.

Sexual Preferences - none

Likes - soft things, fabrics textures, and colors.
Dislikes -yelling, conflicts, the dark.
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams - feeling the wind fly over her skin and to watch the sun rise and set, to see the whole array of colors that can be offered in its many forms. To be free to do as she wishes.

Hair - dark brown almost black with red and gold highlights that has a tendency to curl gently
Eyes - dark amber gold color
Weight - 175 lbs
Height - 6'1"

Features - long hair that tends to curl that falls about the middle of her back. she has an oval shaped face with high cheekbones


Character Model - Zoey Deutch
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