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Post by Talen »

Name - Koni
Gender - female
Age -
Location- not sure

Personality – cocky self centered full of herself. She is quick to anger and is a war with the world. She find little peace in the world around her and is angry and argumentive all the time. She doesn’t always know when to back off and let things be.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes – hunting, killing, destruction
Dislikes - being though of as a prissy girl
Hobbies - hunting
Ambitions/Dreams – to take the world by storm and kick its butt.

Hair - red
Eyes - blue
Weight - 125
Height - 5'6”

Features - Koni has long red hair that goes down to her waist, she has bright blue eyes that sparkle when she laughs but that is few and far between times. She dresses in darker colors mostly browns and blacks and wears thick boots on her feet. She usually has a set of knives in her belt and boots at all times.


Character Model - Anastasia Baranova

Name - Kyniaieth
Color - Gold
Personality - uninhibited, compassionate, independent,
History -
Description - This girl has the build of a racer. Her broad and powerful wings are perfect for sending her speeding through the sky. She has a very streamlined and sleek body and head. Her tail is a bit long and whip like. She has rather plain coloring, a bit darker than average with a slightly lighter shade on her snout, tail, and wingtips.
When fully grown, Kyniaieth will be twice the size of a full grown fire lizard.

Egg Name - My Broken Dream: this egg is dull with dark sparkles on its surface
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