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Taylor Black

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:31 pm
by Bladesong
Name - Taylor Black
Gender - Male
DOB - 11/14
Age - 22

Personality -
He's a daydreamer who is extremely creative and intelligent,who enjoys myths and legends often trying to learn more about them. often writing stories of the different aspects for his own entertainment
Adventurous, eager to explore and see new things or will try anything at least once,and perversely if told he can not do something that holds a real interest for him he will do it anyway and isn't above using any shortcuts he finds if he doesn't see to many down falls or strings to them.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - Books and weapons. and to explore.
Dislikes - feeling like a captive, or his possessions being handled
Hobbies - myths and legends. reading about them or creating stories in his mind dealing with the creatures of myth or legends.
Ambitions/Dreams - to wander where he pleases free to explore. his childhood dream was to leave earth and see places and things he was told were just make believe or fairy tales

Hair - Black
Eyes - Black
Weight - 220 lbs
Height -6'8"

Features - wears his hair long and loose much like traditional American Indians who he strongly resembles with his golden tan that he wears year round and high sharp cheep bones. his body is sculpted muscles that are kept toned at all times. with a tattoo of a dragon and phoenix done in a yin yang style on his right arm


Character Model - Rodney A. Grant

Mother -
Father -
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner -
Children -

Career -
Degree -
School -

Serial Code:

History - Taylor grew up in a violent home and at the age of 7 lost his parents and was thrown into the foster system. Where he bounced from home to home always having to fight to protect himself. His possessions often stolen or destroyed, some times used to either torment him or have those who would try to manipulate him to get them back. He separated himself from others and paired down what he wish to have to almost what he could keep on his person or conceal. His favorite place to hide things was with in his mind.

the one exception to this was a fellow foster sister who followed him around and annoyed the daylights out of him. But when he was accused by the actual son of doing something in their foster home she stepped forward and took the blame and he was made to watch as she was whipped for it. It was the first time anyone had tried to protect him. She did this a few other times in silence for similar things. When they were removed he kept track of her. She encouraged him to try things, He tried to look out for her and failed when she was killed in front of him, again for something she hadn't done

At the age of 14 he was taken in by his grandfather, a strict , cruel and demanding man who was the final authority as he tried to control all aspects of Taylor's life. Often confining him to small spaces like locking him in a closet, when he grew to tall to be hit. He learned as many forms of martial arts a possible as well as any other techniques he could manage. He grabbed any and every opportunity that came his way to escape from the Foster care system and then from his grandfather. Teaching him skills in both mechanics and flight.

When he asked for aid to go off world after he finished high school (top of his class), he was told the only way he would do so was to join the military and possible become a brawn. Then had been ordered to go to a college to study something he had no interest in.
When presented the chance to leave Earth with out being in the military he accepted, keeping mostly to himself doing as he was told and hiding away in a small area he had cleared out for himself hording any money he could so as when the chance came he could leave his current ship.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - likes using and handling as well as throwing knives and using Asian style swords. Trained to handle a bow and arrow and is a decent shot at a distance. a Mix of Cherokee Indian and Japanese/Asian clashing where his heritage fights with how he was both raised and trained, he's searching to find how he is suppose to be and fighting to shape his future to what he wants on his terms

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:01 am
by Moon
This 'he doesn't like to think about it.' goes in to Personality.

What makes him have a bad ass attitude when things annoy him? Why is he fiercely loyal to people? You can use your character's history to supplement this, but I don't see where he'd become fiercely loyal to someone if he doesn't trust authority figures.

Too many characters dislike confined spaces. Can you use something else?

All of your characters likes can be considered Hobbies, believe it or not. Try and use something a bit more like foods, clothes, designs, etc. I'm going to be after people to fix these things on their characters.

Why are hobbies too dangerous for him? What does he do with his free time? The 'dangerous hobbies' thing would go into history or personality depending on how it is worded.

I have a final thing: Space out your paragraphs. Bunched together paragraphs are hard for me to read. I also think it'll help others read the histories better on each character. I'll be making an announcement on reading screens later today, but I most often use my phone to go over things on here. It's why I'm able to respond quickly in most cases.

People hate fillers... I require them on characters. People are 3d. Think about all the little different things you like and dislike about your job. Or how annoying I'm being here. Try and use different things to show me 'how' you see this character. Use your notes section to specify certain skills, etc.

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 10:10 pm
by SyberJedi
Translating what Moon has told me- you have 4 different characters here. Nothing matches between his personality and his background. There is no cohesiveness where this character is concerned.

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 11:50 pm
by Moon
Please do not make further edits until character assessment has been finished. This will take time.

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 11:58 pm
by KBear
He doesn't like being told what to do and will only follow orders in his own way, but he he laid low and did what he was told.

There are too many different personalities here for me to follow. They all look interesting but who is for Taylor?

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:31 am
by Moon
Bladesong wrote:Name - Taylor Black
Gender - Male
DOB - 11/14
Age - 22

Personality - highly intelligent as well a creative. he's a bit of a daydreamer but hides this as well as his softer side behind being a smart ass.

those who prove worthy of his loyalty receive it, almost to a fierceness that scares those who don't know him. He doesn't mind a good fight and has no problems defending himself or those he chooses to protect. he's always looking for the next opportunity to get himself closer to his goals.

Distrusting of those around him, he has the habits of being a Loner. he can work around others but he does it on his terms, using his own style to accomplish what he's trying to do.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - Books and weapons. and to explore.
Dislikes - feeling like a captive, or his possessions being handled
Hobbies - myths and legends. reading about them or creating stories in his mind dealing with the creatures of myth or legends.
Ambitions/Dreams - to wander where he pleases free to explore. his childhood dream was to leave earth and see places and things he was told were just make believe or fairy tales

Hair - Black
Eyes - Black
Weight - 220 lbs
Height -6'8"

Features - wears his hair long and loose much like traditional American Indians who he strongly resembles with his golden tan that he wears year round and high sharp cheep bones. his body is sculpted muscles that are kept toned at all times. with a tattoo of a dragon and phoenix done in a yin yang style on his right arm

Character Model - Rodney A. Grant

Mother -
Father -
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner -
Children -

Career -
Degree -
School -

Serial Code:

History - Taylor grew up in a violent home and at the age of 7 lost his parents and was thrown into the foster system. Where he bounced from home to home always having to fight to protect himself. His possessions often stolen or destroyed, some times used to either torment him or have those who would try to manipulate him to get them back. He separated himself from others and paired down what he wish to have to almost what he could keep on his person or conceal. His favorite place to hide things was with in his mind.

the one exception to this was a fellow foster sister who followed him around and annoyed the daylights out of him. But when he was accused by the actual son of doing something in their foster home she stepped forward and took the blame and he was made to watch as she was whipped for it. It was the first time anyone had tried to protect him. She did this a few other times in silence for similar things. When they were removed he kept track of her. She encouraged him to try things, He tried to look out for her and failed when she was killed in front of him, again for something she hadn't done

At the age of 14 he was taken in by his grandfather, a strict , cruel and demanding man who was the final authority as he tried to control all aspects of Taylor's life. Often confining him to small spaces like locking him in a closet, when he grew to tall to be hit. He learned as many forms of martial arts a possible as well as any other techniques he could manage. He grabbed any and every opportunity that came his way to escape from the Foster care system and then from his grandfather. Teaching him skills in both mechanics and flight.

When he asked for aid to go off world after he finished high school (top of his class), he was told the only way he would do so was to join the military and possible become a brawn. Then had been ordered to go to a college to study something he had no interest in.
When presented the chance to leave Earth with out being in the military he accepted, keeping mostly to himself doing as he was told and hiding away in a small area he had cleared out for himself hording any money he could so as when the chance came he could leave his current ship.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - likes using and handling as well as throwing knives and using Asian style swords. Trained to handle a bow and arrow and is a decent shot at a distance. a Mix of Cherokee Indian and Japanese/Asian clashing where his heritage fights with how he was both raised and trained, he's searching to find how he is suppose to be and fighting to shape his future to what he wants on his terms

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:30 pm
by Bladesong
ok changes have bee made to the personality. please assess and let me know if anything more needs to be done or if I can start playing him

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:36 am
by Moon
Almost there. Amend the history to include the training. I'm not fond of the Foster History or Abuse bit because of that. You can either have the weapons training with a criminal history to include the original history, or you can send him to a monastery for the training and still include the stern taskmaster in an elder. Mostly, it's just a continuity problem. The history has very strong points, but I'm not sure what kind of back story he has yet. Yes, all these things can happen to a person, but.... I wouldn't be able to work him into Pern.

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:45 am
by Moon
I'm going to give approval to this character under the following rules.

The same rules that affect Gryft, Niall, or any other character with similar bases will apply to Taylor Black. He will not be allowed to be even a candidate for at least one turn.

Dragon color will be decided independently by the administration should he choose to Impress a dragon.

This does not apply to the Firelizards or any type of Exotic Pet.

I'm not happy with the history however it is your character. We'll try to find him a place on Pern, the Station, or anywhere else we can work him in.

I still require capitalization at the beginning of the sentences and periods.

If there are any questions, please pm me.

Re: Taylor Black

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:18 pm
by Bladesong
OK This is My Final rework of Taylor. I Think I have ALL the Kinks ( I Hope) worked out.

Name - Taylor Black
Gender - Male
DOB - 11/14
Age - 22

Personality -
He's a daydreamer who is extremely creative and intelligent,who enjoys myths and legends often trying to learn more about them. often writing stories of the different aspects for his own entertainment
Adventurous, eager to explore and see new things or will try anything at least once,and perversely if told he can not do something that holds a real interest for him he will do it anyway and isn't above using any shortcuts he finds if he doesn't see to many down falls or strings to them.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - Books and weapons. and to explore.
Dislikes - feeling like a captive, or his possessions being handled
Hobbies - myths and legends. reading about them or creating stories in his mind dealing with the creatures of myth or legends.
Ambitions/Dreams - to wander where he pleases free to explore. his childhood dream was to leave earth and see places and things he was told were just make believe or fairy tales

Hair - Black
Eyes - Black
Weight - 220 lbs
Height -6'8"

Features - wears his hair long and loose much like traditional American Indians who he strongly resembles with his golden tan that he wears year round and high sharp cheep bones. his body is sculpted muscles that are kept toned at all times. with a tattoo of a dragon and phoenix done in a yin yang style on his right arm

Character Model - Rodney A. Grant

Mother -
Father -
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner -
Children -

Career -
Degree -
School -

Serial Code:

History - Taylor grew up in a violent home and at the age of 7 lost his parents and was thrown into the foster system. Where he bounced from home to home always having to fight to protect himself. His possessions often stolen or destroyed, some times used to either torment him or have those who would try to manipulate him to get them back. He separated himself from others and paired down what he wish to have to almost what he could keep on his person or conceal. His favorite place to hide things was with in his mind.

the one exception to this was a fellow foster sister who followed him around and annoyed the daylights out of him. But when he was accused by the actual son of doing something in their foster home she stepped forward and took the blame and he was made to watch as she was whipped for it. It was the first time anyone had tried to protect him. She did this a few other times in silence for similar things. When they were removed he kept track of her. She encouraged him to try things, He tried to look out for her and failed when she was killed in front of him, again for something she hadn't done

After the death of his friend, he took Solace in an old priest, partly to rebel against those who told him not to and partly for the comfort the old man gave him. He took time with Taylor that others didn't seem to have training him where he can in skills of hand-to-hand combat or weapons, or finding teachers to cover what he could not. Going to see him was often an act of rebellion, as well as expressing an unvoiced need.
The priests saw in Taylor many things and encouraged the bright spark of light in him, teaching besides ways of protecting himself a joy of art particularly that of animals either real or of myth. He gave the encouragement that others would withhold, encouraging the mind to be active as well as the body.

At the age of 14 he was taken in by his grandfather, a strict , cruel and demanding man who was the final authority as he tried to control all aspects of Taylor's life. Often confining him to small spaces like locking him in a closet, when he grew to tall to be hit. He learned as many forms of martial arts a possible as well as any other techniques he could manage. He grabbed any and every opportunity that came his way to escape from the Foster care system and then from his grandfather. Teaching him skills in both mechanics and flight.

When he asked for aid to go off world after he finished high school (top of his class), he was told the only way he would do so was to join the military and possible become a brawn. Then had been ordered to go to a college to study something he had no interest in.
When presented the chance to leave Earth with out being in the military he accepted, keeping mostly to himself doing as he was told and hiding away in a small area he had cleared out for himself hording any money he could so as when the chance came he could leave his current ship.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - likes using and handling as well as throwing knives and using Asian style swords. Trained to handle a bow and arrow and is a decent shot at a distance. a Mix of Cherokee Indian and Japanese/Asian clashing where his heritage fights with how he was both raised and trained, he's searching to find how he is suppose to be and fighting to shape his future to what he wants on his terms