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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:14 pm
by jackharper
Name - Troy Calder
Gender - Male
DOB - 08/13
Age - 39

Personality - Troy has a good sense of humor, but only with those he considers close friends. He is a ship captain, and his crew doesn't obey him because of his charitable nature. He is authoritative, smart, and stern. The rules set aboard his ship are always followed, or consequences follow. Troy has some muscle from being aboard a ship most of his life, and his skin is very tan from always being out in the sun.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - sailing, the ocean, ships
Dislikes - land, standing still
Hobbies - sailing
Ambitions/Dreams - To make sure he can get his clients whatever they ask for, no matter how illegal, dangerous, or unorthodox it is

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Green
Weight - 200lbs
Height - 6'

Features - Troy has some muscle from being aboard a ship most of his life, and his skin is very tan from always being out in the sun. Long blonde hair that is often messy and salty from his trips over seas, Troy generally keeps his hair tied back, although the wind is always causing strands to fall loose from their holdings. He has green eyes as restless and wild as the sea itself. Tr

Character Model - Russell Crowe

Mother - Amelia Calder (Sail Maker)
Father - Robert Calder (Sailor)
Siblings - five sisters
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

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Name: Deliverance
Type: Sailing, wooden
Serial Code:

History - Born on Gaia, ever since Troy could walk he wanted to sail. His father was a sailor, and he wanted to be just like him. When he was old enough, Troy dropped out of school and enlisted in the Navy. He became a military sailor, and excelled in his studies. Once old enough to be considered for a higher ranking position, Troy began to rise through the ranks faster than his father even. When he made Ship Captain, his parents were very proud of him.

The oceans were his home. He spent more time away at sea than on land, and he would build crews that were exceptional in their work. Troy never settled in one place long enough to have a land bound house. His ships were always where he spent most of his time and were the only places he felt comfortable living for long periods of time. He had itchy feet when on land, always wanting to go somewhere and see new things.

At the age of thirty, Troy had become quite a successful military sailor. Unfortunately, since his life still belonged to the military and their decisions, they decided a change of pace for Troy, moving him to space to be Captain in the stars.

Troy got caught up in the space expeditions that were building space stations and contacting remote planets. He thought ocean ships and space ships would be similar. Not liking space at all, and missing the movements of waves, Troy dumped himself on the closest Space Station above Pern, and left the Navy. He was given a dishonorable discharge for leaving before his time had been served. Troy didn't mind, he was just pleased to be able to sail the oceans again.

Settling at Sandy Foam Seahold, Troy became a strong importer and exporter of goods to and from the Western Continent. His ship, named Deliverance, became well known around Pern for her speed. Deliverance was a different type of ship than was normally found in the area, and she was speedier than most large ships. This helped build Troy's business, as he could deliver and pick up goods much faster than some of the other ships.

In his travels he acquired two Newfoundland puppies. A male he named Romeo, and a female he named Lupe. They later had a small litter of puppies that Troy gave away, all but one. He kept one of the male puppies, naming him Kaleb. The dogs became important parts of his crew, as they were trained to rescue anyone found at sea, or that fell overboard.

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Name: Romeo
Breed: Newfoundland
Color: Black
Age: 5
Personality: A water loving dog, Romeo was the first dog in the brood to be trained as a water rescue dog. It seems impossible to keep Romeo out of the water. He seems slightly clumsy on land, but is a big teddy bear most of the time, loving to be patted and having his belly rubbed.

Name: Lupe
Breed: Newfoundland
Color: Brown
Age: 5
Personality: Lupe is the only brown dog among her small family. She is smart, and mild tempered, so training her was very easy for Troy. She is a very independent dog that enjoys the company of Romeo and Kaleb more than most people, besides Troy. Lupe likes to sun herself on the ship's deck, but prefers not to be petted by the sailors.

Name: Kaleb
Breed: Newfoundland
Color: Black
Age: 2
Personality: Kaleb is a little bit of a wild dog. He hasn't settled down from his puppy years yet, and thinks he is a little lap dog. Kaleb ofted tries to fit in places he is far too big for, and begs for attention from anyone passing by. He has been known to give hugs and love slobbers to some of his favorite soldiers, and of course, Troy.

Notes - Born on Gaia
Ship Captain/ Master