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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:15 pm
by jackharper
Name - Karine
Gender - Female
DOB - 09/22
Age - 28

Personality - Karine is calm and understanding. She is maternal and gentle. She is sweet and beautiful. She is also strong though. She is just and hard when it comes to dealing with the Holdfolk, and her orders and requests are obeyed without question. She does not invoke anger, ruthlessness, physically violent, or any other manner of merciless tactic to keep her people in line an loyal. Her tender sweetness, but firm authority, generates loyalty and trust.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Oasis Hold, Children, Her siblings
Dislikes - death, loss
Hobbies - sewing
Ambitions/Dreams - to outlive the Holders before her

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 134lbs
Height - 5'7"

Features - Slim in the waist with nice feminine curves, slender limbs and fingers, Karine is a very proper woman. She holds herself high when she walks, always dressing appropriately for her station. Her legs are long and smooth, her fingers are delicate and dainty. Karine wears lip coloring that makes her plump lips stand out against pale pinky skin. She likes the colors green, purple, gold, and brown to make up the majority of her wardrobe. She is elegant, keeping her long blonde hair pinned to her head in braids and other fancy twists. Her hands are soft and of the most delicate nature, but they are strong, and can not only cause tender pleasure but replace it with pain in an instant.

Character Model - LeAnn Rimes

Mother - Kara (Lady Holder) (deceased)
Father - Tarin (Lord Holder) (deceased)
Siblings - young sister Tara, and younger brother Takar
Spouse - Mathew Dunham (Left Pern)
Partner - none
Children - Makarin (deceased)

Craft -
Rank - Lady Holder
Master -

History - Loosing her parents at a young age caused Karine to grow up fast. She became responsible for her siblings, and a family friend, looked after Oasis Hold as she grew up. The mystery of her parents' death haunted her as she tried to understand what had caused their demise. No one knew, they had just vanished after a Gather in the South, not even a body had turned up. It was suspected that they were attacked by a wild animal and would not be returning.

In her younger teen years, Karine was convinced she did not want to be Lady Holder, and she did everything possible to get away from that part of her life. She tried running away, refusing to do things required of her, even going on hunger strikes, but the knowledge that it was what her parents wanted, always broke her, and she would fall back into place. She just never felt like she belonged there, like she was an outsider.

At the age of seventeen she was officially named Lady Holder of Oasis Hold. She met her soon to be husband just after the celebration. He was an Offworlder named Matthew Dunham, and they were married after he properly courted her for a Turn's time. Karine finally felt like she belonged to Oasis, now that she had her husband, her siblings, and her own family would be starting soon.

At the birth of her son, Karine and Matthew could not have been happier. He was perfectly healthy and a wonderful child. Karine was living a completely blissful life. Her Holdfolk were becoming used to her authority and had begun to take her seriously, even at her youngish age, she had the love of her life by her side, along with her brother and sister, and now she had her son too.

After two turns of complete happiness, a strange sickness befell Makarin, Karine's two Turn old son. The healers didn't know what to do, and Karine even brought in some offworld doctors to look at him. What he had was spreading so fast and growing so rapidly that there was nothing any medicine or surgery could do. Makarin died in his mother's arms.

After the death of their son, Karine and Matthew grew strained, and finally they separated, Matthew leaving Pern to return to his home planet. Karine wanted to turn Oasis hold over to her siblings, but they convinced her to keep going as Lady Holder. For six Turns she silently grieved, never showing a sign of weakness in her authority. She was changed, slightly, not as happy as she once was, much more serious about her responsibilities, but she retained her kind, gentle, caring, maternal nature that kept her Holdfolk loyal to her.

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