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Post by ThessKitty »

Name - Faena
Gender - Female
DOB – 3/28
Age - 17
Location- Dragonhold Station

Personality -
Faena often strikes people as a quiet, shy sort on first meeting. She seems to follow the rules and be a generally obedient and compliant young woman. Outwardly, she would seem to be the model of a well behaved and traditionally reared young lady of Pern.

This is, however, not truely the case, as her quietness is more the result of a rather clever and contemplative nature than of shyness. She can actually be quite bold in her opinions once she has thought them through enough to finally mention them aloud. She is plain spoken and a bit blunt, but is also quite thoughtful and doesn't venture to offer opinions on something until she has thought those opinions through very carefully.

Though the face she shows the world most of the time is a somewhat reticent one, she loves a good tale or joke and is always among the first to join in when a dance starts. The gather dances are among the few times she really cuts loose in public. Under her otherwise reserved and apparently docile front, she is actually a bit of a prankster. This is all the more effective and enjoyable for her since she is so often the last person anyone suspects of pulling pranks.

She doesn't particularly care for babies or small children and has occasionally been heard to remark that newborns look "weird and squishy like a wiggly sausage." She likes animals better than children, but doesn't feel a need to acquire a menagerie of pets. If asked why not, she would answer that caring for a flock of pets would interfere with the time she would rather spend studying. On top of everything else, Faena is an unapologetic bookworm with a wide range of interests, particularly about the lives of people and places outside of Pern.

Sexual Preferences - Undecided, asexual leanings

Likes – Reading, History, Jokes
Dislikes – Babysitting, Messes
Hobbies – Dancing, Puzzle and riddle games, pulling off especially sneaky and clever pranks, Whittling
Ambitions/Dreams – To travel to planets beyond Pern someday. To become a truly outstanding brawn, hopefully for a partner who has a good sense of humor.

Hair – Brown
Eyes – Brown
Weight – 170 lbs
Height – 5' 9''

Features - Solid and stocky, almost boyish with only the barest hints of feminine curves. She wears her hair long and usually just quickly tied up in a tail, bun or braid.

Character Model - Gina Carano

Mother - Narissa
Father - Ferint
Siblings – Narrint (15), Feris (12), Fanar (8), Rinna (6)
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children - None

Craft - Brawn
Rank - Apprentice
Master -

History -
Eldest child of a Farmcrafter family, Faena grew up in a mixed gaggle of many siblings and cousins. Her family were very strongly traditional and largely kept to themselves and other farmcrafters aside from the times they traveled to sell their crops and make deliveries. It was expected that Faena would eventually marry someone else in the farmcraft or maybe in the beastcraft, but there was little pressure to hurry this along. What with so many other children around, most of them more inclined to get into mischief than Faena, she tended to fade into the crowd and escape the notice of her parents, aunts and uncles.

Early on, she daydreamed about going to study to be a harper, but it quickly became evident that while she had an excellent memory for tales and history and was generally an outstanding student in whatever classes she took, she was utterly abysmal at music. She thought for a time that she would have to resign herself to being a clerk or the wife of some other traditional farmcrafter and though she tried, she knew she could never be happy in such a situation.

Her chance to change this fate came rather unexpectedly. She had been rather fascinated by Dragonweyr station ever since she first learned about it. She was even more fascinated by the offworlders and studied every scrap of information she could about them. So when rumors of a scholarship and apprenticeship to train to work with the “brain” of Dragonweyr Station started to pop up, Faena pounced on them and was among the first to send in her class records and a rather passionate essay on why she wanted to be a “brawn”.

She tried not to hope too much. Time passed and the more she was able to study about the offworld brawn and brain partnerships and all the things they did together, the more she wanted to be one. She had almost given up when she finally received her invitation to come and study on the station under the current station brawn.

Her family were rather apprehensive about the whole thing, but she managed to convince them, and they really did want her to do what would make her happy (even if they still thought she'd be happier and safer settled with a husband and family). So she set out on her journey to her new apprenticeship, determined to make the most of the good luck that had landed her this chance.

Notes -
Last edited by ThessKitty on Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Faena - Brawn Apprentice

Post by KBear »

I mostly like this person, but there seems to be something missing... I can't put my finger on it . Maybe its just broken?
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Re: Faena - Brawn Apprentice

Post by SyberJedi »

"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Faena - Brawn Apprentice

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Faena - Brawn Apprentice

Post by KBear »

I would like to see a bit more in her personality.
other then that I approve
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Re: Faena - Brawn Apprentice

Post by ThessKitty »

I've expanded and edited her personality section a bit. Hopefully it gives a better picture of who Faena is now!
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