
Main written characters.
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Post by Talen »

Name - Sorean
Gender - male
DOB – 12/31
Age - 17
Location- starstone

Personality – Soren is a kind compassionate boy. He can be a bit naive and trusting of the world around him seeming just to see the good in everyone instead of the bad. He likes to explore the world around him and discover new plants to make his healing potions with. He spends most his time looking for items to make healing salves then staying inside the safety of the weyr. He has a playful spirit and joyful look on life and it hard to bring him down.

Sexual Preferences - Bi

Likes – exploring, traveling, and good friends
Dislikes – bullies, death and drunkards
Hobbies – exploration. Making salves and potions. studying plant-life
Ambitions/Dreams – To be the best healer he can be and never again to feel afraid or helpless again when he heals someone.

Features: Sorean has long wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes. He is fair in face and likes to wear dark colored clothing. He takes more after his mother while his siblings have darker hair and eyes like his father. his face is fair and free of blemishes taking on a more youthful appearance. Most likely due to one the creams he made for his skin.

Hair - blond
Eyes - blue
Weight -165
Height – 6’2

Features -

Character Model -Austin Butler

Mother – Rishara( dead of illness)
Father – Darden (drunkard)
Siblings – Dazhra, Risar (older sister and brother)
Spouse –n/a
Partner –n/a
Children –n/a

Craft - Healer
Rank - apprentice
Master -

History – Sorean was the youngest of three children who were born to Rishara and Darden. He was always a inquisitive child much to his parents dismay. He was always out fluttering about the wood and bringing home various plants to study. He aspired to be a healer at an early age it was mostly due to his mother taking ill and him wanting to save her cause when his mother took ill he was very determined to find a cure. He began his apprenticeship at at a early age with one of the local healers they were surprised when he quickly grasped the knowledge and grew in his strength as a healer. Unfortunately by the time he turned 13 but his mother’s illness took a more drastic turn for the worse and he lost her. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t save her from her illness. His father had taken to drinking when his mother got sick not wanting to face the fact that his wife was getting sicker and sicker by the day. Sorean now was disheartened and spent a year in a cold state of grief over the loss of his mother. He almost gave up healing but knew in his heart that his mother wouldn’t have ever wanted him to give up his passion for the art of healing. There were still others who needed to be saved He wanted to make a difference in the world and save lives more so now that he failed to save his mother. He swore to himself that he would learn all he could so he would never feel as helpless as he did when he lost his mother. He still believed that his failure was due to him not being good enough. Even though others had told him it was not his fault. So he left his home despite protest from his siblings who though his grief was driving him to move on irrationally and he went to Starstone to study under one the Masters stationed there in hopes of gaining even more knowledge of plants. He didn't really have much of a life with his siblings them being older then him they all did their own things leaving him mostly to his own devises. Not that they didn't love their little brother but their interest had always strayed away from his own. And its not like they didn't get along its just that his siblings were so different in age, looks , and personalities that they never did mesh well.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -He's been doing research on a specialty in Botany/Herbology/Pharmacology cause that is where his interests are showing.
Last edited by Talen on Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:36 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Sorean

Post by SyberJedi »

Sorry, but you are unable to use the name Denara for his older sister. D'en and Sh'ara's daughter is named Denara.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Sorean

Post by Moon »

Please make the suggested changes....

What rank is he and can you be a bit more precise on craft?
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Sorean

Post by Talen »

lol opps dinna realize i named her the same . ok edited
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Re: Sorean

Post by Moon »

I'm giving approval pending SJ and another Forum member.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Sorean

Post by SyberJedi »

A bit bland, but with the requested changes made, he'll do. Approved.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Sorean

Post by KBear »

I don't know the proper age for being a jr. journeyman. I'd like to know a bit more about his childhood. And I didn't find the paragraph for his discription. Hair short, long, sticking straight up?
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Re: Sorean

Post by Bladesong »

I'd also like a little more detail on the appearance, right now it sounds generic nothing to make him stand out.

Also wouldn't in mind some details dealing with siblings others as if he's the youngest of three and what gave him the ambition to become a healer. what about his connections to them?
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Re: Sorean

Post by Talen »

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Re: Sorean

Post by ThessKitty »

I'd prefer to see him aged up to at least 18 and perhaps say that he reached journeyman at 15 or 16, as even that is fairly young to reach that rank and skill level. You could say he was considered a senior apprentice by 13 instead. There seem to be quite a lot of the 'young genius' type characters here already and we could really use some more adult healer characters. Other than the age thing, I think he's on the way to being a really good character.
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