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Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:46 pm
by Moon
Name - Ran Li-Mei
Gender - Female
DOB - 07/07
Age - 21
Location- Station

Personality - She is very traditional in the way of her people. She follows her gut instincts and is quite inquisitive about things that don't seem right. Li-Mei is doubtful about trusting things that seem to be marginally wrong about situations. She is able to talk her way into gathering information and trading her limited skills with painting fans into getting a few credits or marks to her name. She has no work skills and doesn't feel comfortable talking with men or women who are attractive. She is deeply orientated to her family origins and religious beliefs.

Sexual Preferences - Bi-curious

Likes - Calligraphy, Geology, Tai-chi, Painted Fans
Dislikes - Ferns, Cats, and Dogs
Hobbies - Painting Fans with Chinese Symbols, fan-dance,
Ambitions/Dreams - She knows she'll never go home and has decided to take what she could of her home with her.

Hair - Mid-length Black
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 145 lbs
Height - 5'6"

Features - Slightly taller then other females on her planet, Li-Mei is used to keeping her features impassive. Her nose is straight and when she isn't paying attention she smiles quite often.

Physical Appearance - She dresses in the silks that her people are known to sell to others outside their homeworld. She carries a number of hand painted fans strung around her waist and a small pouch of incense on her left hip. She wears silk slippers and has a 'soft' look to how she moves.

Physical Traits - Li-Mei keeps her hands folded in front of her. Her hair is either braided around her head, worn loose, or tied back in a low ponytail. She is quick to bow to people she views as superiors, her hosts, or in general as a greeting.


Character Model - Shu-qi

Mother - Ran Suyin (painter)
Father - Ran Ming-hua (comedian-play-write)
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Career - student
Degree - no degree
School - The School of Higher Learning on Planet Heng


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Born on a world that didn't know the meaning of class or finances and worships dragons as part of it's economy, Ran Li-Mei pursued studies of art and calligraphy with the rest of her age mates. She learned about the planet's foundations in Tai-chi when she reached her seventh year. Things such as math, science, and medicine were foreign to her world so when a plague hit there was no saving the city she lived in. Thankfully, help arrived with the Bellona and her world was quickly changed to accommodate their planet's first and only medical officer. When Ran Li-Mei was born, illness had never breached their sanctified walls. As part of her higher learning class she was assigned to interview the medical officers of the Bellona and she came to realize...

Not all is what it appears to be.

The planet named Heng banished Ran Li-Mei when she challenged their proclaimed hero. Forced to flee her sanctuary like home into the cold depths of space, Li-Mei stumbled onto a passenger ship that would take her to the Dragonweyr Station on it's journey to the richer planet of Gaia. Her ticket only covered partial fare and without the ability to comprehensively earn her keep, she was forced to stay behind.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Ran Li-Mei was born onto a world that worships dragons and is strictly traditional in that women and men should be quite when conducting themselves. This will effect how she interacts with others.

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:03 pm
by Bladesong
Ummm. More information on this character please

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:05 pm
by Moon
She's a WIP. Writing in progress characters aren't on the to be approved listing until requested by the author.

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:28 pm
by SyberJedi
I like her, a lot.

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:39 pm
by ThessKitty
I like her! I would like to see a smidge more detail in the history section, but that is mostly to satisfy my own curiosity. XD

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:41 pm
by KBear
I like her and I agree with Kitty

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:55 pm
by Talen

Re: Ran Li-Mei

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:47 pm
by SyberJedi