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Post by jackharper »

Name - Connor
Gender - Male
DOB - 13/08
Age - 45

Personality - As a Harper, Connor exhibits a certain level of cleverness and intellect that some others outside of his craft don't always understand. He is quick witted and can pick up on subtle subtexts in in conversations. He has excelled at writing, his baritone singing voice is near phenomenal, and he has a special talent for guitars. His temperament is pretty even. He is most often in good spirits, especially in large social settings, and if there is wine being offered, but he isn't afraid to use his deep, projecting voice, to call others to attention or show his authority as a Master Harper. He is loyal, when loyalty is due, and he is just, always maintaining an unbiased, neutral standpoint in matters he is called to oversee.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Harps, singing, guitars, writing
Dislikes - Conflict
Hobbies - anything involving music
Ambitions/Dreams - To be remembered as a great Harper

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Green
Weight - 225lbs
Height - 6'9"

Features - Looking a bit older than his age suggests, Connor wears the weight of years and experiences seen. He keeps his brown hair, which is starting to show a few signs of grey, cut short to his head with only a little shag. His green eyes are a deep, smoldering emerald that bear the burden of witnessing unwanted scenes. He is tall, but does not appear out of balance or clumsy. Connor is quite proportionately built, and has some muscle that can be seen externally. His skin is dark and tan from being outside in the sun most of the time.

Sticking to more traditional Pern garb, Connor enjoys wearing tunics, furs, wherhide, and more neutral colored clothing.

Character Model - Jeremy Irons

Mother - Carinn
Father - Farock
Siblings - Two younger brothers, one older sister
Spouse - Deceased
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Harper
Rank - Master
Master - None

History - Carinn and Forock decided to partake in one of Pern's oldest traditions, fostering their children. Connor was never close with his blood siblings, or biological parents, but he was close to his foster parents. He grew up in a home full of love and joy, and had nothing in his early childhood to complain about.

When he was ten, Connor was sent to Apprentice at the Harper Hall. He excelled in his studies, rising quickly in the ranks. Through his teachings, Connor was exposed to many different settings. He saw Gathers, Hold politics, Weyr politics, Happy encounters, disputes, and he became a great mediator among his peers.

At twenty Connor fell in love with a sweet young Hold Daughter. He wrote her poems and songs, sang to her, and brought her gifts. She received everything with smiles and small kisses, but she was engaged, and hadn't told Connor. On the day of her wedding she simply told him that it had been too good to last. Connor was heart broken. He couldn't imagine how someone who he had thought was so sweet, kind, and innocent could treat anyone like that, especially him, the man she proclaimed to love.

Putting every focus and effort into his Harper training, it was only another ten years before Connor became a Master. He was thirty, a slightly young age, buy fairly typical for Master level. He had not engaged in any love affairs since his first broken heart, but he soon met another Harper. She was kind, and honest, two traits that drew Connor to her.

Between the two of them they made beautiful music and shared a lot of love. Unfortunately the woman Harper was struck by an illness that could not be treated in time by the Healers, and she passed away. Connor mourned her for a very long time, and now, ten years later, he still doesn't feel fully recovered from the shock of his loss. Now he has been asked to join the Dragonhold Station in the West, and become a Harper on the Station to help build the population.

Dragon -
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Name: Gareth
Color: Brown
Sire: Tath
Dam: Glessy
Personality: Kind and fun, one track mind to sleep.
History: Hatched at The Station, special friend to Connor.
Description: Golden brown, like honey almost.

Pets -
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