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Cesario "Kit" Kitello

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:28 pm
by ThessKitty
Name – Cesario "Kit" Kitello
Gender - Male
DOB – 3/10
Age - 27
Location – Dragonhold Station

Personality -
The first thing to know is that he absolutely loathes his real name. He uses his nickname “Kit” with everyone, so almost no one but his parents (and the government records) know his real name is Cesario. His distaste for the name is somewhat understandable, considering his mother, a huge lover of Shakespeare, thought it would be fun to name her son after the alias of Viola in the play 'Twelfth Night, or What You Will'.

Most of the time, Kit is a smooth talking charmer. A bit of a flirt, though with excellent manners and a gentlemanly demeanor, it is easy to see why he often has a whole little flock of admirers. He has a particularly enchanting smile and knows it, using it to his advantage whenever he can.

Along with his charm, Kit is also a top tier small craft pilot. It is in this role that a bit more of his true face shines through, that of a highly competent and competitive daredevil. He'll take almost any challenge or dare and usually wins. He's an expert flier and can match or better any stunt he's ever seen or heard of. He's definitely a show-off and can be a real pain in the rear about it too.

Unfortunately, Kit has a secret shame besides his embarrassment over his real name. He is a pyromaniac. The man loves fire, to the point it really isn't safe for him to be around matches or candles without others present to stop him from doing something stupid with the flame. He actually did some time in juvenile correction for arson at one point. He does his best to keep this secret hidden and has been largely successful so far.

Sexual Preferences – Pansexual

Likes – FIRE! *ahem* , racing, new small flying craft, flying pretty much anything
Dislikes – Long periods of being grounded, strong flowery scents, overly sweet foods
Hobbies – Keeping a small aquarium, making models of the things he's flown
Ambitions/Dreams – Kit dreams of flying every single remotely flyable contraption known to mankind and breaking the records of everyone else who has ever flown them.

Hair – Black and cut short
Eyes – Dark brown
Weight – 165 lbs
Height – 6' 2”

Features -

Character Model - Ruman Kazi

Mother – Margret Kitello
Father – Alfonso Kitello
Siblings – None
Spouse - None
Partner - None
Children – None (that he knows of currently)

Career - Pilot
Degree -
School -

Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History -
Kit was always something of a handful growing up.

Dragon -
Name -
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History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
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Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
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Notes - WIP for now while I work out his history details. Please feel free to comment on his personality to help me polish him up! Also I'll need some FSP info for him.