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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:17 pm
by jackharper
Name - Jahzara Nantale
Gender - Female
DOB - 10/12
Age - 26

Personality - Proud of her African heritage. Jahzara is a very easy person to get along with, with a relaxed sense of humor, the ability to brush off insults and anything offending, and being able to laugh at herself and admit to her mistakes. She is generally on the shy side when first introduced to new people, but she is quick to warm up and become comfortable. Jahzara never starts fights, and if someone starts one with her, she ends it quickly. She is not a person that enjoys confrontations or arguments.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Old Earth, Africa, Pern
Dislikes - confrontations, arguments
Hobbies - playing harp
Ambitions/Dreams - Find a way to visit Africa with Malaikath

Hair - Black
Eyes - Black
Weight - 120lbs
Height - 5'2"

Features - Maintaining just enough curve of breast and hip to show that she is feminine, Jahzara is quite thin and slender. Her muscle is still developing from being a dragonrider. Her skin is dark brown and smooth. Her brown eyes and black hair compliment her skin, as do her dark colored lips.

Jahzara is short, but she holds herself tall and proud when she walks into any situation. She takes great feminine pleasure in her appearance and clothing style. Sticking to some of the Earth styles, she enjoys wearing tight jeans and flattering tops that have nice garnishings. She loves jewelry, especially big earrings.

Character Model - Sanaa Lathan

Mother - Karna Nantale (Intergalactic Ambassador)
Father - Sabiti Nantale (Intergalactic Ambassador)
Siblings - Alake Nantale
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History -Born in Africa, Jahzara's parents were recruited to join a space expedition to the Pern Space Station. Karna and Sabiti were part of an Ambassador group Jahzara was fifteen at the time, and had spent her entire life in the African heat and beauty.

When she first set foot on Pern in the West, Jahzara felt a strange kinship to the land. In a strange way the large and unique creatures and the forestry reminded her slightly of her African home. She instantly fell in love with Pern, and when she was sixteen, she begged her parents to let her take up a craft to give her an excuse to be on the planet more and on the Station less. She was accepted as a Harper Apprentice.

Jahzara progressed through her learning, and she began to excel at writing, and her voice was exotic and beautiful. She strayed some from the instrumental side of Harpercraft to focus on training her voice, but she did learn to play the guitar quite effectively as well. Jahzara spent her days writing new songs, playing them for herself, her friends, and her Masters. She also enjoyed tree climbing as a past time. There was nothing more comfortable to Jahzara than climbing into a big old tree and lounging in the branches with a pen and paper to write her thoughts and ideas down.

After being on Pern for nearly seven years, Jahzara wanted to learn more about the dragons. She had been living near Star Stone Weyr, but had yet to learn much about dragons, dragonriders, and weyr life. On a whim she attended a gathering at the Weyr, and was Searched by one of the dragons present. It was a shock, but a welcome surprise.

At her second Hatching, Jahzara Impressed green Malaikath, and her world changed. She was twenty three at the time of Impression, and went through her weyrling training while maintaining her studies as a Harper Journeyman. At twenty six Jahzara has reached the level of Senior Journeyman Harper, and she has recently come out of weyrlinghood ready to face Pern, the Weyr, and the Station as a dragonrider.

Dragon: Deceased
Name: Malaikath
Color: Green
Personality: Flamboyant, loving to make a good entrance, and interested in saying hello to everyone and everything. Malaikath is friendly, curious, and easily entertainable. She is always happy, unless her rider is unhappy, and she is always willing to go for an adventure.
History: Hatched at Star Stone Weyr, Impressed to Jahzara,
Description: Pale green with dark green swirls throughout her hide. Malaikath seems to illuminate in the sun, because her base hide color is such a pale color.

Firelizard: Desceased
Name: Little Rafiki
Color: Brown
Sire: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
Personality: friendly, sweet, little thief
History: Hatched in Jahzara's weyr after being found in a clutch belonging to a dead firelizard
Description: milky brown

Pets -
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Notes - Born on Old Earth
Senior Journeyman Harper