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Weyrling Master
Posts: 1062
Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:29 pm


Post by KBear »

Name – Bekki
Gender - Female
DOB – 08/10
Age - 20
Location - Transferring to Star Stone Weyr

Personality –

Bekki is shy and quiet around people she doesn’t know. If she gets too nervous she will start cracking jokes that are sometimes a little rank to cover up. Once she knows you she can still be shy but is much friendlier. She doesn’t really like crowds of people she doesn’t know and will avoid them if at all possible.

She can get distracted easily. If it’s something that’s really fun or important to her concentration is complete and then its hard to distract her from what she is doing. She tries to be honest and sometimes fails. She can be boarder line lazy especially if its not a fun chore. She loves to draw and work with her hands. She also loves to sing even though her voice sometimes can’t carry a tune. Many frowns have been sent her way because of her voice.

Bekki can get mad easy at times. Frustrated is closer to the truth. She tries not to be ugly but in a bad mood it shows. Sometimes it gets away from her and she snaps. The healer says its her hormones acting up. Bekki thinks it has more to do with others pissing her off. Especially stupid boys. She is also more tom boy the girly-girl. With a attitude of “What do you mean I can’t do that?” Which makes her set out to prove she can, and that she can do it better. Not that it always works, but she tries. That only wins her friends with boys, not the girls. They would rather dress up and look pretty.

Sexual Preferences - normal

Likes – Drawing and making things with her hands. Animals of all kinds and singing. Dragons and flits.
Dislikes – Bullies, large crowds of people she doesn’t know and being yelled at.
Hobbies - Art
Ambitions/Dreams – Bekki, like some of the girls she knows, longs to be a Gold Rider. After seeing a Golden Queen flying in the bright sunlight was all it took for her dreaming to start. Who knows, maybe some day she might even be chosen to stand on the sands. Now that she is a Gold-Rider Bekki has sat herself down to think about future goals. Being a Weyr-woman is a given either a Junior or a full fledged. She doesn't quite see herself as being a full fledged Weyr-Woman, yet. Maybe once she gets a little older. Perhaps she will get the chance to start a new Weyr. This will make a wonderful long term goal and Ibelleth approves.

She would like to see more Trader children get the chance to impress. Maybe she can help with that. She would also like to be able to help setting the Weyr back in order. There is lots to do and help will be needed. This is her first goal and a very important one.

Hair - Grey
Eyes - Hazel
Weight – 190 lbs
Height – 5’10”

Features –

Bekki has shoulder blade length grey hair. It’s naturally curly. It sometimes kinks up in ringlets when the humidity is high or just after being washed. Bekki has hazel colored eyes that sometimes can change color from brown to green depending on what she is wearing. She has an expressive face that almost always shows what she is thinking. When Bekki was younger she got a scar over her left eyebrow that follows the eyebrows contour from mid to end of the eyebrow. There is a smaller scar above the right eyebrow from a different accident. Her body is almost pear shaped and her calves are bigger then normal girls slim ones. It takes special made boots to cover them as they are just enough bigger then normal wear.


Character Model - Bridgit Mendler

Mother – Keni (Kenny)
Father – Brenji (Bren-gee)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft – Gold-Rider
Rank – Junior Weyr-woman
Master -

History –

Bekki was born to traders who were older then most with young children. She is a only child who was lonely for her own siblings. She played with the other children in the troupe but since she was the smallest she was bullied a lot. Also since she was the smallest they often dared her to do things. She wasn’t keen on dares, those seemed to get her into trouble like the time they dared her to stop a dog fight. That got her scares on her face over her eyebrows from claws and teeth. After that no more dares.

There was one way to get her to do something, it was to tell her that she couldn’t do it. “Go away, you are too little, you can’t do that” or “I bet you can’t climb this tree, or this rock” type things. Definitely more tom-boy then girly. She supposes that comes from being one of three girl children in the crowd of six boys. Sometimes her temper got away from her. She tried not to be ugly but there were times when boys just needed to be taught a lesson. Didn’t do her much good, they laughed harder at her until she got old enough that a good fist in the eye started hurting more then it was worth.

As she grew she learned she liked to draw. There wasn’t much hide or anything like that so she drew on the wagon canvas with charcoal from the fire or in the sand which sometimes got erased by other children trampling on them or by some boy rubbing off her drawing from the wagon. She hated being bullied. They took her to a healer at a gather once to ask about her temper being so quick. Sense she was 10 turns old at the time the healer said it was probably due to her hormones. Bekki told the healer that the boys just pissed her off and you can’t fix stupid! And boys were stupid to the max.

She learned that humming and singing was a way to make chores bearable and go by faster. Sometimes her mother joined her. Bekki’s voice wasn’t the best but it wasn’t bad either. She got looks from the times it soured but she learned to ignore them. She just learned to sing softly like almost to herself unless the whole troupe were gathered around the fire singing. Then she didn’t care.

Bekki is very shy around strangers. She learned learned this very young. Strangers were not to be trusted, you were to hide. Strangers could hurt you and sometimes took little girls. Homeless people were definitely ones to stay away from. They sometimes ambushed the wagons for supplies. Not often would they take girls if they were pretty enough, or so Bekki was told, so she always hid and didn’t trust any strangers. If she was forced to interact with children she didn’t know she would get so nervous she would start telling jokes or acting silly. Sometimes the things she told were about things other people did that she found funny. Some of them were a bit rank but it made the others laugh. When the troupe went to a group gathering of different traders, there were so many people crowded together that Bekki was terrified something was going to happen to her. As she got older all these things eased some but she stayed leery of large crowds when she could.

Bekki worked hard like all the other kids, but if she could procrastinate or go hide for a nap she would do it. Her parents called her lazy and would prod her to get her going. It was hard to keep her doing something she didn’t like doing she couldn’t stay focused on it until the task was done. Often she had to be interrupted to quit what she was doing to come eat or do something else, she would get so focused on what she was doing that she forgot the time and everything else. This was good for something’s, but not others especially when you had a list of things to do.

Sense Bekki was with the traders troupe they didn’t foster their children out, they needed all the help they could get. They often took other people in that wanted to travel the way they were going or just wanted to join them. Thus life went this way until they were at a gather where Dragon-Riders were present. Bekki had seen Dragons in the ski but rarely had the chance to see one up close. Seeing a beautiful Blue Dragon up close one day and that changed her life forever.

Searched –

Bekki had just turned 16 when she was taking a break from her families booth and was walking around the grounds checking out the other things for sale. She stayed as far away from a bunch of people as she could. She would wait until the people thinned out before entering a stall to look at the goods. She had never seen Riders up close either until she bumped into one in the stall where she had ordered a pair of knee length boots made. They were ready and she was picking them up when she didn’t hear the Rider walk up to her.
She turned around real quick and ran right into him. He caught her to keep her from falling down and she found herself in his arms.

Turning bright red she apologized for being so clumsy and tried to move away. Being this was the last stall in this row she moved quickly to her left and ran into a beautiful blue nose that stopped her in her tracks. She almost fainted when she found who it was she ran into. It didn’t help that both the Dragon and Rider laughed at her. She spun around to say something hotly when the rider introduced himself as Ri’dik Rider of Blue Zoroath, and that they were from Fort Weyr and she had just been Searched and who did he need to talk to so she could gather her things and come with him. There was a gold egg on the sands and they needed her to stand for impression.

Bekki almost fainted. Searched?? Really?? No joke?? She managed a curtsey to Ri’dik and mumbled the correct greeting before turning and heading back to her parents stall. She could hear Ri’dik chuckle as he followed her. Once they reached her parents and the rider cleared everything, Bekki found she had a sack with her few clothes in it along with a few personal things. Hugging her parents good bye, she promised to come see them when she got the chance. As she walked back toward Zoroath wearing her new boots. She was so stunned she didn’t notice the stares of jealousy from the other kids.

Once they neared Zoroath, Bekki looked at Blue Zoroath, he was beautiful. Then the rider helped her up and put the straps tightly around her. He explained what was going to happen as Zoroath gave a mighty leap before making powerful wing strokes to carry them up. Bekki didn’t listen very carefully because she was looking and feeling the soft warm hide between her legs. When she did look she gasped and grabbed a hold of the Rider around the waist tightly. They made a few circles around the small gathering of several different troupes that got together once a year so she could see what it looked like from the air. Amazing is what it looked like from up here. She found herself grinning and waving good bye.

Once they were high enough the Rider told her what to expect while they went between. So when they were ready, she took a deep breath just before it went black and she couldn’t see or feel anything. Then they popped from BETWEEN over the Weyr. It didn’t frighten her like she thought it would. She raised her fist high in the air and yelled “WOOOOOHOOOOO!” The Weyr was huge with people and Dragons were everywhere coming and going or bathing or eating or sunning on their ledges. She was overwhelmed in a instant. The rider took the long slow spiral route down so she could see. They headed for a large bowl shaped area where a few people were gathered waiting for them to land. Ri’dik had Zoroath announce they were here so the Weyr-leader and Weyr-woman were waiting.

When they landed and dismounted, and she was introduced to the Weyr-leaders, Ri’dik and Zoroath took off their job was done. Bekki wasn’t sure what to do but the Weyr-leader headed off to do something and the Weyr-woman took over. The first place they went was to the kitchen where she met the Headwoman. The Weyr-woman left her there for a meal. Once that was done, the woman disappeared for a moment while Bekki drank some Klah and watched the busy kitchen crew preparing huge amounts of food. Once the Headwoman returned with a arm load of clothes and bedding, she separated them into two piles and had Bekki carry one.

They left the Kitchen and headed for what was called the Barracks where others waited to walk on the sands. Candidates were separated into separate sleeping compartments, one for girls and one for boys. She met them all in the common room after she picked a sleeping place. The clothes and bedding were put on the bed while she was introduced to them. It wasn’t long before she decided she liked these young adults. They were from all over. She also learned that she arrived just in time as the eggs were due to hatch any moment. She stayed shy and silent for the most part but she was sure that would change as she got to know them better. This was a whole different kind of life. She had just gotten her bed made and her clothes put in the spot for them when the dragons started humming. All of a sudden there was a mad scramble. Girls were putting white robes on as fast as they could. Someone handed her one and told her to hurry.

Hatching and Impression -

Bekki hurried and changed into the white robe and tied the sash. She was told that all the Candidates wore the same thing so that nothing stood out. The Dragonets would know who they wanted. They were rushed over to the hatching sands and stood waiting just outside of them while they waited. All around them Dragons were bringing people in and flying out again as the stands filled with spectators. It was a chaotic mess. Flits flew and zipped between people while they found the perch they wanted, they too were humming.

Before she knew it the humming got louder and more urgent. Bekki had been listening to instructions on what to do while out on the sands and where she was to stand. She was with the girls and she was scared. The boys went in first and made a loose even circle around the 20 eggs that were on the sands. Then it was the girls turn. There were 6 of them and they filed out to stand near the solitary egg that was close to the largest Golden Dragon Bekki had ever seen. She almost stopped and held up the line. Her knees were knocking together she was terrified. The only thing she could think of was to curtsey to the Golden beauty before continuing onto the sands.

The humming got louder and more insistent. Eggs were starting to rock. Some eggs were rocking violently, some were spinning like tops then one burst with a loud CRACK! Out tumbled a beautiful Bronze who spilled out of his shell and tumbled into a boy knocking him down. The boy rolled out of they way and didn’t get hurt. The hatchling got up and wobbled down the line of boys before stopping in front of one and put his head in the lads stomach. Cheers went up from the crowd in the stands. Bronze was first to hatch which was a good sign, and impression made quickly. As the boy and hatchling left the sands the eggs started hatching fast, one or two at a time.

At last, the last egg was on the sands in front of the girls. It started rocking urgently before a large crack appeared and a small hole in the top where a golden nose peeked through. The Dragonet stayed still like she was either shy or just taking her time. Bekki thought the egg was beautiful. Soft pink colored egg with blotches of Gold and Silver all over it. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. There was a eerie quiet among those gathered wondering if this one was going to hatch and if they were going to loose a Queen. The huge Golden Dam stretched her long neck out to sniff at the nose peeking through the opening. It looked to Bekki that the Queen was talking to her baby. She gave the egg one little nudge and the little one inside started struggling to get free from her egg. One large crack around the bottom lifted the top part of the egg a bit before it exploded sending shards of shell pieces everywhere. A big one lit next to Bekki’s feet.

The little Queen sat in the bottom part of the shell looking around. When she was ready, she stepped daintily out of her shell and stretched. She stood looking at the girls in front of her before walking in front of them. She didn’t choose any of the girls, she headed for the exit and the meal that awaited her. No one said anything and no one moved they were all stunned. When the little Queen got ten paces away from the group of girls that stood there like she was stunned she laid down on the sand and looked over her shoulder at the girls. No one moved. They didn’t know why this was happening, it never did before. The little hatchling yawed then called out after her mother grumbled at her.

Next thing Bekki knew she heard this soft sweet voice. (Bekki mine can we go eat please? I, Ibelleth waiting for you.) Not sure she had heard right Bekki stood there with her mouth open. (Pleeeeeaaaase, I’m so hungry. I’m sorry I teased you. I love you Bekki mine.) Bekki bent over and picked up a piece of the shell then jumped and ran forward. Others tried to stop her she could get hurt and the dragonet didn’t choose yet. She broke loose then headed for the hatchling.

Bekki dropped to her knees in front of the hatchling and wrapped her arms around her beautiful neck. “She says her name is Ibelleth and she is hungry and sorry she teased me.” She helped Ibelleth up and together they headed for the food buckets. Bekki had never felt this happy and this loved ever. She never thought she would ever have a chance to impress, but to impress a Gold was the best thing ever.

Weyrling hood-

Bekki and Ibelleth ate, slept, bathed and oiled together. The move into the Weyrling Barracks wasn’t as hard on Bekki as it was the other girls. She hadn’t had time to get used to the Candidate Barracks. Everything was new to both her and Ibelleth so they had no problems learning together. Neither one would allow the other to be lazy or lag abouts. If one was being lazy the other needed or wanted something so it worked out well.

They learned to make Riding Straps together and the rules of they Weyr and what was what for flying thread. Both were grateful they didn’t need to chew firestone but they were supportive of those that did. They encouraged and applauded those who did. Then the plague struck and it struck hard. Many Dragons and Riders died. Bekki and Ibelleth were separated out with the other Queens and they didn’t get as sick as others did. When the vaccine came everyone was grateful. But it was hard to lose so many. A four classmates were lost too. It was a sad time for everyone. Bekki did her best to be of service where she was needed.

Ibelleth grumbled about Bekki’s chores, and Bekki grumbled about super early in the morning feedings or itches. Neither one really hated doing for the other but more sleep for Bekki would have been nice. When Ibelleth started to slow down in eating, both of them could be seen snatching some zzzz’s on the beach when ever they could and before someone noticed Bekki missing from a chore station.

Between things, Bekki was often separated from the rest of the class to start learning how to run the Weyr. There was so much more to it then Bekki thought there would be. The Weyr-woman did many things and she too had to learn the stuff Bekki was learning but it was hard to figure out how she did all this stuff. Then it dawned on Bekki, the Weyr-woman HAD to know HOW to do all these things, but most of the part of it was undertaken between the junior Weyr-woman. Then it made sense and Bekki quit shafting against it and applied her self more.

Before they knew it, it was time to learn to fly. Ibelleth was ready, she had been grumbling about not being able to for awhile now. They got to join the rest of the class for this. Ibelleth and Bekki hung back a bit being a bit shy about doing something alone in front of the whole class. When the smallest green in the class made it safely down the long grade, Divath decided it was her turn.

Bekki climbed on and buckled up tight. They Weyrling-Master checked them over to make sure everything was right and tight. He gave advice about how to glide and to not go flapping out into open air until they were ready. If Ibelleth did she would be grounded from trying again for awhile. This simply wouldn’t do and it wasn’t a “you can’t do this challenge” it was a “I’m worried about your safety and don’t want to have broken wings or dead riders either.”

Ibelleth obeyed perfectly. She spread her lovely wings and took two hops down the slope and soared like the Queen she was. It was a bit wobbly as Ibelleth learned to use her tail for stability and her wings for gliding. It was great and they landed safely. They got to try it many times before the class ended and they all headed for the beach for a bath and oiling. There was a picnic waiting the Weyrling-Riders and after swimming and bathing and oiling the Riders were ready for their food and the Dragons were ready for a nap in the sun. It was a workout and there were sure to be some sore wings in the morning. Life progressed and Ibelleth grew well. Filling out beautifully. She wasn’t the largest Gold in the Weyr but she wasn’t the smallest either. Divath loved to preen for the boys, Bronze or Blue didn’t matter. She liked the Greens too and had fun visiting with them also.

Once flying was down pat, they learned to ferry people here and there. It was interesting and Ibelleth balked not understanding why SHE should learn this but gave it up when Bekki told her it would be good training for accurate flying, not, that Ibelleth didn’t fly well it was more for fine tuning. Once she understood that she did just fine.

The scariest thing besides learning to fly was learning to go BETWEEN. Ibelleth was excited, Bekki was scared and excited both. Weyrlings had been lost learning this. None of this class was wanting to be the first to prove the Weyrling-Master right. So Bekki and Ibelleth practiced hard on visualizing places. The best time was flying overland learning their territory and building wing strength. It really helped learn where the Star Stones were at different Weyrs so they could safely orient on where they were going. They were cautioned about ‘timing it’ and never to do it or one could be lost forever in another when or between. So Bekki and Ibelleth made sure to get to places at different times of the day and learn where the sun or moon was for the time.

Before they knew it, it was graduation day. They had been told that some of the class would be transferring to where they were needed but those staying here would be assigned Wings they were to join. All were nervous. Would they all graduate or would some stay behind to learn a few other things.

They all Dressed up in their new Riding gear and the Dragons sported their newly made straps and the Weyrlings put on a show for the Weyr. Once they were done, the Dragons bathed, oiled and fed. The Graduating class of Weyrlings dolled themselves up and headed for the feast. All were nervous about assignments and hoped they didn’t tromp on anyone’s toes for the first dance, and they didn’t want to make a fool out of themselves for their new wings and they were excited about having new Weyrs.

The time came and they filed into the large Dining Hall that had been set up special for this and sat at their table. The rest of the Wings were at separate tables too. As the Wing-Leaders made their rounds and made their choices, the newly added Wing members would move to their Wings table.

One by one they all found out they passed. Loud shouts of congratulations from the Weyr and the shouts of victory from the class mixed together loud enough for the Dragons to chime in. Announcements for those who were chosen to Transfer to other Weyrs was first on the list so they wouldn’t be wondering what was happening. Out of seventeen Dragons that hatched and survived the plague. Seven were chosen to transfer out. Bekki and Divath among them.

All eyes were on Bekki when she received her scroll telling her where she was going. She stood and opened it carefully as her hands were shaking so bad. Her eyes went round in surprise as she saw the name. She was going to Star Stone Weyr. They had a space port. That evil woman Enid had ravaged that Weyr, stealing and killing as many as she could. Bekki and Ibelleth were to report to Weyr-Woman Tamehi in their home away from home. They would go back to the Weyr proper when it was safe. They were to be Junior Weyr-Woman there. “We are to go to Star Stone Weyr.” She announced. Everyone hooted and hollered to congratulate her. She turned pink then started to sit down, the other transferring Riders also announced where they were going. She would be traveling alone. In the morning she would make her way to Star Stone Weyr, tonight she celebrated. Ibelleth loudly bugled her joyious opinion of their new home.

Dragon -

Name - Ibelleth
Color – Gold
Sire -
Dam -
Personality –

Ibelleth is sometimes shy just like her Rider. But she is extremely loyal to HERS. She’s a beauty and knows it. She isn’t a pushover by any means but she doesn’t use her Goldness….Much.

History –

Ibelleth was the last to hatch. Twenty one eggs in all. A Bronze was the first to hatch. Ibelleth managed to break her shell at the top enough to stick part of her nose out. Then she rested and tasted the air. She didn’t move again until her Dam nudged her and told her to hurry up. When she gave a mighty heave the shell cracked all around the bottom edge creating a bowl for her to sit in. She broke her shell, scattering it all over. A few pieces landed near the one she wanted but she didn’t move for a bit. She gathered her strength to get out of her shell carefully.

In fact she decided to tease HERS and the others a bit before making her choice known. She headed for the food she could smell. She didn’t get very far before she laid down. After a bit of silence her Dam grumbled at her again to hurry up so she looked back over her shoulder and spoke to HERS:

(Bekki mine can we go eat please? I, Ibelleth am waiting for you.) Hers didn’t seem to hear her so she spoke to her again: Pleeeeeaaaase, I’m so hungry. I’m sorry I teased you. I love you Bekki mine. Bekki picked up a piece of her shell and tried to get to her, others tried to stop her but she managed to get to her and throw her arms around her neck. Then they went to eat.

Description –

Ibelleth is the color of a bright piece of gold that is unpolished. She is well put together with a long neck, tail and wings. She isn’t the largest Gold at they Weyr but she isn’t the smallest either. There is no color variation she is the same color from stem to stern. Only her claws are different, they are silver colored.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by Bladesong »

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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by SyberJedi »

"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by ThessKitty »

I still would like to see something for her dreams and ambitions section other than "be a gold rider," or at the very least something there about WHY she wants to be a gold rider and maybe weyrwoman. Also the statement that "all girls want to be goldriders" bothers me, since such is not the case at all, even among girls who grow up in the weyrs. In fact girls wanting to be goldriders as their life ambition are a distinct minority compared with those who want to be harpers or crafters or mothers or any number of other things. At least that's how things are in the books.

Otherwise the character looks really good! It's just that one little section that bothers me.
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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by KBear »

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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by Moon »

Approved. Final approval pending Talen and Kitty.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by Talen »

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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by Moon »

Final approvals are being withheld because of a plot point that was made. This character needs a goal that will carry her through beyond dreaming to be a gold rider. She already is one. So, what is her motivation or ambitions? What can she bring to the forum? You've put so much effort into her. We just want to know who she will be once she's in play.
I will EDIT! :o
Weyrling Master
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Re: Gold Rider Bekki

Post by KBear »

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