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Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:19 pm
by ThessKitty
Name - Kailu
Gender - female
DOB – 3/6
Age - 19
Location- Fort Drago

Personality –
Feisty and blunt and with very firm opinions, she rarely hesitates to speak her mind. This leads her into quite a bit of trouble that she might otherwise have avoided with even a tiny bit of tactfulness. She isn't mean spirited and not generally given to sarcasm, and she isn't really a rebellious sort who constantly questions authority. She simply says exactly what she thinks.

If you ask for her opinion, be prepared, she will not hold back to spare your feelings. Yes that dress makes the lady look fat. Yes you are being stupid. No, she will not let you have the last piece of pie that she was saving for herself, go get your own. She is, however, an extremely honest soul, so if she expresses thanks, congratulations or praise, you can be certain it is completely genuine.

She has a very active imagination and is a lively storyteller. She talks with her hands a lot, to the point where if you tied her to a chair she might have difficulty speaking at all. She also has a very open and expressive face that makes it easy to see almost exactly what she is thinking. She couldn't bluff to save her life.

Sexual Preferences - homosexual

Likes – Felines, comedic stories and songs, tales of high adventure, happy endings
Dislikes – Canines, tales of tragedy, sad songs, excessively spicy food
Hobbies – Reading, collecting shells and building fanciful and elaborate model 'holds' out of them
Ambitions/Dreams – To someday inspire a tale of adventure, or comedy, or both, that is so fantastic that people will tell it for ages and her name will be remembered.

Hair - blonde
Eyes - blue
Weight - 150 lbs
Height – 5' 6”

Features -

Character Model – Julie Andrews

Mother – Foster Mother Edea
Father – Foster Father Juppar
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - PMR
Rank - Recruit
Master -

History -
Left at a gather as a toddler, she was taken in and raised by a kind but rather poor couple. Her foster father worked as a miner, though not one of much skill or training. Her foster mother worked in a crèche, and trained Kailu to do the same. At least she tried to. While young Kailu was wonderful at entertaining the other children with stories as she grew and read and learned all she had the chance to, she just did not have the patience or temperament to ever be a really good crèche worker.

This became all too apparent after her mother received a promotion and she followed along as her aide to help tend the children of a rather prosperous hold. One child in particular had a rather inflated sense of her own importance and was not only a spoiled brat, but also a rather nasty bully. Kailu, never one to tolerate such antics, gave the girl not only a swift smack on the rear and a stern lecture the first time she caught her at such behavior, but also placed her in time out when the other children went out to play and took away her sweet for the day.

This did not go over well with the brat's wealthy and influential parents. Seeing the storm coming and not wanting to bring harm to her foster parents, Kailu said her farewells and left the hold before she could be kicked out. She had a good voice, but no sponsor or anything else she could use to get into the harper craft, and she just wasn't all that musically inclined. Nor was she inclined towards any other craft in particular either.

She wasn't sure what she wanted out of life exactly, but one thing she did want was adventure. After weighing her options, what few she had, Kailu decided that the PMR was her best chance to find the adventure she was looking for. So she set out and signed up to Stand, ready to start her new life as a recruit. Now if only she could keep from offending someone else important before she got her chance to Impress...

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
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Re: Kailu

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:55 am
by KBear
Interesting person...I like her

Re: Kailu

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:52 pm
by Talen
you umm forgot her weight she'd blow away if she weighted nothing lol

Re: Kailu

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:45 pm
by ThessKitty
Weight added

Re: Kailu

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:38 am
by Moon
I'm 5'5". I weigh 147 lbs. Your character is either very anorexic, in which case she'll be send to a psychiatrist or mind healer, or you can change her weight. Totally up to you. But I need a reason for why she is so skinny.

Re: Kailu

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:52 pm
by ThessKitty
Because the chart I found was wrong I think. XD
I'll get her weight changed, though I did want her to be a bit on the scrawny/wiry side for her build.

Re: Kailu

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:09 pm
by KBear

Re: Kailu

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:32 pm
by Talen

Re: Kailu

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:31 pm
by SyberJedi
And I'll go ahead and give my approval.