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Timing It!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:26 pm
by SyberJedi
And it's not what you might think, either. Moon and I have been planning this for a while since we decided how we wanted the whole Enid plot wrapped up. What we've decided is this- once all of the current threads, with the current overall plot of getting the Weyr re-situated is finished, the boards will go on a two week hiatus. During this time period, Moon and I will be cleaning things up. All of the current threads will be locked and relocated to the Archives, in the appropriate places. That's the only reason for the two week hiatus, is so that Moon and I have the time to get everything done. When the game resumes, there will be other changes being put into place. The first one, and the most important one is this- we will be jumping ahead in the overall story line by two Turns (years). If anyone has characters that they would like to have transferred out to another Weyr, or even be killed off, please drop Moon and I a PM here, so we can handle shifting around character sheets during the hiatus. When things restart, we plan on there being a clutch on the Hatching Sands.

Things that will be done while we're on hiatus is as follows- threads closed and archived. Character sheets gone over to make sure that they are in the proper format, have correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Character image links will be updated for the new image hosting. Cast lists, dragon lists, and pet lists will be double checked, to make sure that they are up to date. Forum rules will be gone over and revised where needed. One thing that Moon and I are going to be enforcing the implementation of is data coding all threads. It needs to be done. It will cut down on confusion as to when something is taking place.

The boards will still be accessible during the 2 week hiatus. Players will be encouraged during this time to update characters, submit new character ideas (please keep it only to one new submission, each), and come up with a synopsis on what their various characters have done over the course of two turns. Moon and I will ask that everyone coming to the boards during the hiatus to keep their activity limited to their personal areas, and the submission section. Key characters will need to have a synopsis written for them. Other characters, it's the writer's choice if they do a synopsis or not. There will be a list of key characters posted within a week or so.

Moon and I are really looking forward to the ideas that we have planned for after things get restarted. We also want to see ideas from everyone else, as well.