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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:06 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Allrin
Gender - male
DOB - 08/05
Age - 2
Personality - music lover like his father. Carefree and friendly, as long as you don't pick on his twin sister.
Hair - light brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 35
Height - 2'3"

Features -

Character Model - Matt Lanter

Mother - Blanca
Father - A'ren
Siblings - Demetrio, Araena, Alacen (twin sister), Adrenan, Darnan,

History - Born at Fort Draco while the space pirate and slaver Enid Ark was invading the Weyr.

Pets -

Likes - music
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams - Wants to be a Harper and a dragonrider like his da.