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Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:58 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Saeth
Gender - male
DOB - 7/2
Age - 2
Location- Star Stone Weyr
Personality - Quiet and very clingy where his parents are concerned.
Hair - brown
Eyes - brown
Weight - 40 lbs
Height - 2'5"

Features -

Character Model - Ryan Reynolds as an adult

Mother - D'tan
Father - Qu'ade/ Brown Saeth
"Siblings" - Rynith, Tenzith, Brat, Rascal, Imp, Minx, and Sprite

History - Saeth is the results of one of Tyas Rideu's experiments. He is named for his human father's first dragon, a dragon which he is also genetically related to.

Pets -

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -