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Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:19 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Vul'tan
Gender - male
DOB - 11/4
Age - 20
Location- Star Stone Weyr

Personality - Drool, edgy. Vul'tan can't seem to sit still for more than 10 minutes or his leg (or legs) start jiggling. If he can, he will get up and pace. If he is in a meeting, he will stand when it starts, so he can shift his weight from foot to foot. Vul'tan tries very hard to not disturb others. He is grateful that those who know him understand this unusual quirk. Vul'tan has always been this way.

He is respectful of those Riders that are older than himself. Their experience has come in handy more than once. What he really loves is the older timers stories. He has kept a journal of all he has been told, male or female, it doesn't matter. He makes sure to include the other people in his writing and include the sketches he has made of them. This way, all sides are covered. Everyone sees things differently and he wants all sides of the story.

Vul'tan has a long fuse, normally. There are exceptions where something happens that sets him off instantly. Hurting children or animals will do this the fastest. He is quick to defend the weak, but avoids conflict others if he can. Being abusive to females is a no-no in his book, and it has gotten him in trouble before. Defending a drudge has gotten him reprimanded more than once. It doesn't happen often- Thank the first egg- or Vul'tan would have found himself in more than one knife fight.

His Dragon Trysth is his greatest love. Everything goes for this wonderful creature that loves him completely in return. So far he has managed to escape a mating flight of any kind. Vul'tan is secretly scared of any human to human love emotion or commitment. He isn't sure he could handle a Dragons style of love. Besides, who would want this antsy one anyway. Vul'tar is still untried in the love making department.

Sexual Preferences - Undecided

Likes - Old timers and their stories, drawing, kids and his best friend, Trysth his Dragon.
Dislikes - Bullies to man or beast alike, and deep snow.
Hobbies - Drawing in pencil and charcoals. Vul'tan would love to learn to paint.
Ambitions/Dreams - He would like to have a flit someday, one that he could teach to fetch his drawing supplies for him. He would love to paint portraits of every Weyrleader and Weyrwoman on Pern, and to have them displayed.

Hair - brown
Eyes - brown
Weight - 200
Height - 6'6"

Features -

Character Model - Keanu Reeves

Mother - Vulressa - Head chamber maid at Telgar
Father - T'ran, Bronze Rider, Telgar Weyr
Siblings - Tannessa, 12, Telgar Weyr
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - dragonrider
Rank - wingrider
Master -

History - Vul'tan was born then raised at Telgar Weyr. He came to the Weyr when he was three. His mother insisted when she became head Chamber Maid to the Hold Lords woman. His nervous ways made him a favorite to run all over the weyr with messages. When he was old enough that is. The Nans were hard pressed to find things to occupy Vul'tan so he didn't run off exploring the Weyr and getting lost. when they offered him some pencils and coloring sticks, the solved this problem. Between running messages and drawing everything, Vul'tan settled. soon the other children got to know him better and realized he just couldn't sit still.

At age five, the Weyrs Harper gave him a handmade wooden box to put his drawing things in. It was big enough to hold a few small slates. One of the Nans gave him a piece of rope to tie around the box so it would stay shut. The boy was in heaven, he was given such a precious gift. He took good care of it and still has it today. One day, when out on an errand, Vul'tan discovered an old Dragon and his rider out sunning themselves. Vul'tan stopped and took his pencils out. They made such a peaceful picture he couldn't help himself. When he was done, the rider asked to see the drawing. Obeying immediately, Vul'tan shared.

Pleased the old Rider gave the lad a small knife to sharpen his pencils with. the Rider told him that he reminded him of himself. He started telling the young Vul'tan why and some of the things the old Rider did as a kid. Fascinated, Vul'tan started writing the story down so he wouldn't forget it, and so he could tell it later in perfect detail. The old Rider kept telling him to go "ask" this Rider or that Rider if what he was saying was the truth, thus began Vul'tans journals.

He saw a MasterHerdsman beat a Drudge half to death when he was eleven turns old. Vul'tan jumped in and gave the man a sound beating of his own. He helped the old woman to the healers. Since then Vul'tan has hated abuse of any kind. This time got him a strapping for doing the deed instead of reporting it. He didn't get many swats as the LordHolder was more pleased that Vul'tan had helped catch the abuser in the act. There had been reports before on the MasterHerdsmens rage and Vul'tan couldn't understand why nothing was done before. Since then, he reported any abuse he saw and if that didn't work, he took care of it.

When he was twelve he stood on the sands on hatching day and was surprised when Trysth chose him. Trysth was the first Brown hatched but Vul'tan was the 5th Rider chosen. The dragonette was confused by the commotion and the bright lights and tried to hide behind the other eggs. With a gentle nosing from his dam, Trysth stumbled out onto the sands.

A painful scream in Vul'tans mind startled the lad into motion. The dragonette sat on its haunches, tilted its nose into the air and screamed. 'VUL'TAN WHERE ARE YOU?' Every person in the Hatching Cavern covered their ears at the cry, everyone heard it plain and simple. It took one of the girls to nudge him in the ribs: "you fool! That Hatchling is looking for YOU!" She gave him a shove that had him stumbling through the egg shells and other Hatchlings. He made it to Trysth before he fell.

"There you are Vul'tan, I was so scared and lost. Now we are found. Can we go eat now? I'm soooooo hungry." Trysth nuzzling him made it hard to get up. Turning to the crowd with a very large smile that seemed glued to his face Vul'tan spoke: "This is Trysth and he is hungry" Together they stumbled off the burning sands and to the waiting meat pails.

Dragon -
Name -Trysth
Color - Brown
Sire- Skelbelth
Dam- Maraneth
Personality - Protective, pushy and nosey and friendly to everyone. Trysth shares a lot of the same qualities that Vul'tan has. What Trysth does is what Vul'tan doesn't. This Dragon loves to visit with others of his own kind. Always on the move, asking other Dragons for advice or just simply chatting. One will find Trysth sunning with young and old alike. All Dragons seem to love the nosey Hatchliing and put up with his presence. Trysth has no problem speaking to every human. This is something that Vul'tan is trying to change.
History -
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Fire lizard -
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Personality -
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Pets -
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