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Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:37 pm
by Bladesong
Hey all I've had a few changes with my job and in trying to get used to them have left me with little time for much writing. I am now working a set schedule that has me doing 10&1\2 hour days 4 days a week. between that and what all is going on with my kids have left me a little breathless. My Daughter Serenity has joined the JROTC in her school. Her group is doing a lot of fundraising for a massive trip next year where they will be representing the state of Tennessee in the Pearl harbor parade as well as the Navy Submarine the U.S.S Tennessee in Hawaii in December of 2020. and has acquired a boyfriend ( and his twin brother) on top of all this

I am also trying to help my sons. Alec has lost his beloved Tiger Cat ( who was his therapy Cat) we have gotten him a new Kitten who was named Panther. so were having to work on Training the kitten to be a new Therapy animal. Teach Alec how to handle the kitten especially as he was not only the runt of the litter but didn't want to eat at first. we also had to make sure that Panther Bonded with Alec as well.

My Sean has shown some of his heart and has made me extremely proud Not only has he started trying to date, but when confronted by a friend who was threatening to kill himself not only alerted adults in the house after seeing the actual Gun in his friends hands but stayed talking to him trying to get him to see he does have a lot to live for and more. His friend is still alive and his family Credits this to the fact that Sean Alerted us so we could reach out to them so the young man could get the help he needs. The Young man in question has agreed to getting treatment. He also knows Sean was instrumental in his parents' learning of his plans to end his life and keeping it from happening. Sean Proved to his friend that there are people who care about him. I'm very proud of Sean for saving the boys life. but now am having to work hard at keeping him working hard on maintaining his grades or getting them better.