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Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:12 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Laejys
Alias - L'jys
Gender - Male
DOB -13/2
Age - 55
Location- Dragon Hold Station

Personality - A strong leader. Won't take crap from anyone. Perpetual air of sadness and grief.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - brown going grey
Eyes - blue grey
Weight - 190 lbs
Height - 6'4"

Features - Laejys is a rugged looking older man, stern yet with a sad countenance.

Character Model - Liam Neeson

Mother -
Father -
Siblings -
Spouse/Weyrmate: Brycass (deceased)
Partner -
Children - R'yer (son), Jyssae (daughter)

Craft -
Rank -
Master -

History - At the age of 12, Laejys was Searched and went to Ista Weyr to Stand. He Impressed Bronze Misiloth his first time on the Sands and became L'jys. Boy and dragon grew up together, learning to become dragonriders and given training on the chance that L'jys ever became Weyrleader.
When L'jys was 20, he lucked into a flit egg. When the egg hatched, a Bronze firelizard tumbled forth into his lap. He and Misiloth named the creature Tath, following the draconic style of names.
Seven turns later, Misiloth would participate in the mating flight of the senior Queen and would win L'jys the leadership of the Weyr. The next 15 turns would see him being the Weyrleader of Ista Weyr, and the weyrmate of Senior Weyrwoman Brycass, rider of Gold Perianth. Together, they would have two children- a son named Raebyer, and a daughter named Jyssae. L'jys would see both his children Impress to dragons that were sired by Misiloth and clutched by Perianth. His son would Impress Bronze Calaroth and become R'yer. Jyssae would Impress Gold Kirenoth.
A turn later after Jyssae had Impressed, Perianth rose again. Misiloth, as usual, gave chase. However, it was a mating flight that would end in tragedy. Perianth, Misiloth, and 7 other Bronzes would die as several small meteors would rain down upon the Weyr. Luckily, the tragedy was limited to the loss of the dragons and their riders, as the meteors were too small to do much in the way of major damage. Of the riders of the dragons who were participating in the flight, only three of them would survive the shock of their dragons dying- L'jys being one of them. Among the losses, Weyrwoman Brycass.
After he had recovered from the shock of his Bronze dying, Laejys decided that it was time for him and Tath to leave Ista Weyr. He had been a dragonrider for 30 turns. While R'yer and Jyssae did not want their father to leave, they understood his reasons why. R'yer and Calaroth would take Laejys to Sandy Foam Seahold.
Laejys and Tath would remain at Sandy Foam for a turn, learning about the new environment of the Western Continent. While they were there, Laejys would discover that DragonHold Station was in need of a person that knew something about the running of either a Hold or, preferably, a Weyr to run the Station. He applied and found suitable for the position. After some training with the Dolphineers at Sandy Foam to get an idea of what zero-G was like, the former Bronzerider and Weyrleader would go into space and take Hold of the Station.

Dragon -
Name - Misiloth (deceased)
Color - Bronze
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - Strong, leader
History - Misiloth chose Laejys the moment he Hatched. He would help name the Bronze flit Tath. More so, he would win for 15 turns the mating flights of senior Queen Perianth. Misiloth would perish in a small meteor shower during Perianth's last mating flight, that would also kill the Gold and seven other Bronzes.
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name - Tath
Color - Bronze
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - Extremely smart
History - Tath would Impress 20 turn old L'jys. He would remain with his person through thick and thin. It was because of Tath's Impression with L'jys when Misiloth died that kept Laejys from following the Bronze dragon into death.
Description - A huge Bronze flit, Tath is an even bronze color, with faded bronze wings and tail tip.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: Laejys

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:23 pm
by Moon
hobbies likes and dislikes section must be filled in