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Some Things About The Station

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:05 pm
by SyberJedi
I think you should all know this.....

I will admit that the Station is my brainchild. However, Moon inspired it and she took my idea and ran with it. So I give her 90% of the credit for the Station coming into existence. However, I will also give credit to where it is due- the BoD of DSW for their decision to close Dawnsisters down. If they had not decided to close up, the Station would not have come into existence. I completely understand their reasons as to why they shut things down, and don't hold it against them. All members of DSW are more than welcome here, with their various characters.

The purpose of the Station is to give it's members the same basic uniqueness that existed at DSW, from a completely different angle. No, we are not doing things the same as DSW, we can't due to copyrights, and because we have our own ideas that we would rather do. The uniqueness that we are working to include is the whole Offworld bit. Dawnsisters is the only Weyr that I knew of that included that.

The storyline of the Station is set in what would be the 10th Pass, if Thread had truly and fully returned. The inhabitants of Pern- Human, Dragon, and Dolphin, accompanied by Firelizards, have ventured into space and have built a space station. Along with this, exploration and settling of the Western Continent has taken place. Four communities have been established- three Holds and a Weyr. One Hold, Sandy Foam Seahold, is on the coast and is home to a Dolphin Hall. The second Hold, Oasis Hold, named due to the oasis that is the lifeblood of the settlement. The third Hold, Star Stone Hold, is located a couple days ride from the Weyr. The Weyr has been dubbed Star Stones Weyr, and is also located by an oasis. The Weyr is also home to an Observatory.