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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:44 am
by Moon
Name - D'reven
Alias - Drayven, Drev, Bastard
Gender - Male
DOB - 02/22
Age - 22

Personality - D’reven is a hard-ass. He expects a lot from others. He tends to keep things simple if he can. D’reven makes a loyal backer, even if he doesn’t get along with people well. He’s serious and will quickly get in the face of someone he considers to be wrong. D’reven has never gotten along well with others, considering his propensity for arguing. Though he may seem hard-headed, and he is, D’reven shows some compassion for those who are presented weaker than himself is.He will work with others if need be, but he prefers to take charge if he feels he’s the only one suited to the task. He does his best to approach a situation in neutral regard, but this can often fail considering how young a rider he is.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 191 lbs.
Height - 6'5"

Features - D'reven is tall, lean, and can remind women often of knights from the middle ages of Earth. Other noted appearances might be he rarely if ever seems to smile and when he does, it doesn't look natural. He smirks, glares, and plans pranks. He is fairly muscled, tanned from exposure to the sun.


Character Model - Stephen Arnell

Mother - Draye
Adoptive Mother - Ambassador Nora Raven (adopted)
Father - Garen Raven
Adoptive Father - Admiral Duke Raven
Siblings - Weyrling Astrid and Green Savaroth (adopted sister) + Enid, Niall, Gryft, Liam, Mercy, Atin, Lief, Zion
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Bronze Rider
Rank - Military Lieutenant
Master -

History -

D'reven became an orphan at the age of three when his elderly foster father decided to go Between with his dragon. Raised among other Hold born children with uncertain parentage, D'reven soon became apprenticed to the Hold's Beast Healer.

At twelve, D'reven was Searched by a blue dragon and sent ahead to newly founded Star Stone Weyr where he stood to Impress. His first two hatchings yielded a little result, leaving a bitter sense of rejection behind. D'reven served a single term as a candidate aboard the Dragonhold Station before returning to Pern once more to Stand. By the time he reached his six months as a Weyrling, D'reven had been in several fights defending his honor.

D'reven met two members of the FSP sometime later and found himself being tasked with explaining Weyrlinghood to them. The three found themselves with a mutual understanding and the couple extended a family welcome to the orphan. Adopted, D'reven and young Evoth were sent to the FSP to learn more about how the Dragonriders might benefit other worlds. Completing a two-year course in a military academy, D'reven returned to PERN to finalize his training as a Dragonrider and to begin his career in the military.

D'reven graduated to full rider on T. P. M02 D22

Dragon -
Name - Evoth
Color - Bronze
Age - 7
Personality - Evoth is a hunter who prides himself on always getting what he aims for. At least as far has normal hunting goes. He despises being looked down upon, which happens quite a bit when he’s near other bronzes. He’s got a hidden agenda half the time and proven adept at planning things for him.
History - Evoth is unlike other Bronze Dragons his age. He only finished half his training before He and His were sent to a far away place for a particular training. They were gone for two years at a military academy that trained youths into becoming officers for the FSP on a special scholarship. Evoth and D'reven returned to Pern upon His' early graduation from the Academy ready to finish the training they left behind.
Description - Evoth matured late for a bronze. At 37' feet long and with a wingspan of 55'5" inches across, he's pretty average.

Name: Speedy
Color: brown
History: deceased
Description: brown

Name: Cousin It
Color: green
History: deceased
Description: green

Name: Cara Mia
Color: gold
Description: gold

Name: Cappucio
Color: Brown

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -