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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:45 am
by Moon
Name - Tavor
Alias - T'vor
Gender - Male
DOB - 07/02
Age - 25

Personality - An easy going guy, with a dedication to friends and family that is only bested by his love for his Dragon. He sees things as they are, despite how much he'd prefer things to be. T'vor loves with everything he has.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Smiles
Dislikes - Tears
Hobbies - Romance, Teasing his best friend
Ambitions/Dreams - To succeed at the things he does.

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Grey
Weight - 6'5"
Height - 224 lbs.

Features - T'vor is tall and thick around the torso and upper body. His coloring is tan and he shares the same basic facial structure to his father though there is a slight tilt to the corner of his eye. A series of small scars run across the inside of each palm from an exploration of the heights when he slipped and fell nearly three feet before catching himself on old jagged rocks. T'vor wears a stone and shell necklace made for him by his first lover. T'vor insists on 'improving' himself by running daily, doing squats, and push-ups.


Character Model - Thomas Jane

Mother - Yvena - creche nurse
Father - T'vyr - blue rider
Siblings - Taya - green rider
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Bronze Rider
Rank - Candidate Master
Master -

History -

Tavor grew up in the creche with the rest of the children around him. He was friends with many but could never truly claim the cherished spot of being a best. He has led and followed on his fair share of adventures among the last of which at the age of nine he fell from a spot on the Heights and caught himself on the rocky edge. Fading scars have marred his hands since through which he loves to tell people about.

When he turned sixteen Tavor fell subject to admiring a long time female friend. Rejection wasn't short in coming a short time later when the two fell into a short lived tryst before Tavor was passed over. The friend, as a way of making it up to him, gave Tavor a treasured accessory she collected from a trip to the Weyr's lake shore. After a time, she and Tavor patched things up, resumed their friendship, and went on with life. She eventually moved on leaving Tavor to nurse his broken heart. Another two months would pass as he busied him self with pursuing his dreams and an interest in leather working.

On the onset of a Search, Tavor was quickly rushed into candidacy and then out onto the Sands. Within half a turn the young man impressed to Malebranth.

Dragon -
Name - Malebranth
Color - Bronze
Personality - Malebranth has a sense of humor that is a bit off, but definitely funny. He remembers some jokes for some reason.
History - Malebranth won T'vor the position of Candidate Master three years after Impression when the position came open. The pair are new to the field but will gladly take up the chore.
Description - A dark bronze, with glints of red along his back and shoulders that give the illusion of flames, much like his dam, Malebranth will be a medium bronze when he reaches his full size. The striking color is even more obvious in the sunlight, when the beams catch the changes in his hide.

Fire lizard -
Name - Jim
Color - bronze
Personality - A thief and a stalwart defender of ...... his and the big bronze cousins couch.
History -
Description - Looks similar to Malebranth in coloration and build, but with the addition of a reddish mask and tips of wings and tail.

Fire lizard -
Name - Ranger
Color - brown
Personality - He's comfortable on his person's shoulder and is rarely inclined to share His person's pillow.
History -
Description - Dark brown, with a blotch of dark tan on his left wing.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -