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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:45 am
by Moon
Name - Icoda
Gender - Female
DOB - 03/19
Age - 27

Personality - Soft spoken, determined, and one to pay attention to the smallest details, this woman is one who seeks out those who need her. She prefers to heal and believes that violence leads to needless suffering. She has no tolerance for slovenly behavior.

Her stubborn will can often be the cause of friction between herself and others, as she just refuses to take no for an answer... She will never repeat herself twice unless directly ordered and has a problem with apologizing.

She thinks that if one is patient long enough, any job no matter how big can be accomplished. This is part of her failures as she won't quit until the job is done with.

Sexual Preferences - none

Likes - helping others
Dislikes - laziness
Hobbies - needlework
Ambitions/Dreams - to be the best healer she can be

Hair - Blond
Eyes - Green
Weight - 203 lbs.
Height - 6'4"

Features - A young woman with free flowing blonde hair and green eyes. She's taller then most of the women around her, with a pear shaped body and an athletic build. Her clothing is varied through light greens, pinks, blues, browns, and yellows. The occasional red, white, or grey can be found in accessories such as belts, gloves, or boots.

Her hair is cut to near shoulder length and she can often be found smiling. Laugh lines bring her face to life with high cheek bones accentuating her smiles. Some would call the tilt of her eye brows nearly arrogant, if not for the fact that her demeanor speaks other wise.

Her hands are kept soft and clean, with rounded nails that acquaint themselves to her life profession.


Character Model - Ashley Eckstein

Mother - Galli (holder, deceased)
Father - Incor (healer, deceased)
Siblings -
Spouse - Lyros (healer, deceased)
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Healer - Surgeon
Rank - Journeywoman
Master -

History - Icoda is the daughter of two lovers a healer named Incor and a Holder's wife Galli. She was conceived on the wrong side of the blankets after a night between the two. After her birth, Icoda was sent with her father back to the Healer Hall. She has several half brothers and sisters on both sides of her parentage and grew up in the Healer Hall.

During the turns Icoda spent with the Nans and Harpers, there were those bittersweet months where the young girl was sent to live with her Aunt's family. These visits continued for only as long as Icoda's aunt tolerated the neglect Icoda's father, Incor, had for his own daughter. Icoda was often packed back to the North as often as she was sent to the South until her 12th turn ended the back and forth of her life. Learning her craft trade almost from the time she left the care of nans and Harpers, Icoda showed an uncanny skill with the newly developing surgeries.

This skill brought the young woman to the University at Landing, where her skills were further developed and challenged. In this place, the lonely girl soon met with relatives from her mother's side of the family and quickly became close to her Aunt Rhijane and her cousin Tryn. Icoda also met the man she fell deeply in love with despite the numerous obstacles on their time, the people around them, and her own penchant for arguing a method until it was proven.

Shortly after becoming a Senior apprentice at the age of eighteen, Icoda married a master of the craft. While still in the first months of her marriage, Icoda's much older husband suffered an ailment and passed away in the snowy mountains of High Reaches. Icoda nearly panicked and almost perished as a result before she was rescued. With her husband's body, Icoda carried onto the Hold where they were meant to be stationed and continued on in her husband's place.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
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Name: Gunther
Color: Bronze
Personality: Lord of All He Surveys
History: Hatched when Icoda was just waking up and the Healer ended up feeding him her morning breakfast. She was left with nothing more then a cup of Klah.
Description: Bronze with a long, narrow muzzle stripped in lighter shades.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -

Re: Icoda

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:37 pm
by Moon


Re: Icoda

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:55 pm
by Moon