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Post by jackharper »

Name - Illythia Welton (Lillith)
Gender - Female
DOB - 13/13
Age - 14

Personality - Illythia always displayed a strong imagination when she was growing up. She would tell great fanciful stories and then act them out with her friends. As she got older, the imagination evolved into artistic creativity. With paints and inks, Illythia was able to construct some of the most beautiful murals and art pieces that got her great recognition throughout her schooling. It actually earned her a full scholarship to boarding school which she began to attend at the age of nine. Illythia is a bit rough around the edges. She isn't temperamental, mean or cruel, irritable, nothing like that, she just keeps to herself, and it takes a lot for her to let someone in to her personal circle where she doesn't feel judged.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - art, music, skateboarding
Dislikes - rich kids
Hobbies - skateboarding
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - brown with bright blue streaks
Eyes - Snowy, strikingly blue
Weight - 145lbs (189 lbs when an adult)
Height - 5'7" (6'2" when an adult)

Features - Due to her mother's recreational drug use when she was pregnant with Illythia, the young girl was born with some genetic alterations. Her brown hair was highlighted with bright blue streaks, her eyes were a strikingly, snowy blue that practically pierced through solid rock, and her pale, creamy skin had lovely ice blue pigmentation in various places across her body, like tattoos. Illythia was almost always wearing a deep, deep red-brown body suite with a hard shell exterior with her heavy boots and and leather gloves on her hands. The clothing was almost like a security blanket, because it his most of the blue markings on her skin, which she was self conscious about.

Character Model - Amy Acker

Young Illythia

Mother - Darma Welton (Artist)
Father - Jasper Deander (Brawn)
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Career -
Degree -
School -


Military -
Rank -
Branch -
Referral -

Serial Code:

History - Illythia's father was a Brawn who happened to encounter her mother while staying nearby. He left before Illythia was even known about, but Darma went through with the pregnancy despite her lack of financial support. Due to her insufficient funds to support herself and a child, Darma turned to selling and using recreational drugs while she was pregnant. The genetic effects on Illythia were catastrophic. Her hair, eyes, and skin were all altered becasue of it. Illythia was not raised by her mother, but in foster care. She showed a very vivid imagination as a young child, and very developed art skills as she grew older.

Her artistic skills were developed by some of the top teachers. While the boarding school was strict, proper, and high class, Illythia knew she stood out among her peers, in her physical appearance, and because of her financial situation. This caused her to become more of an outcast, and focus solely on her artwork. At the Illythia met a Matilda Prudence Raven, when they were ten.

Illythia took an immediate liking to Matilda, although their friendship was rough at first. They bonded over the common hobby of skateboarding, which Illythia kept pursuing as they got older, and spent almost as much time on as her artwork. When Matilda left the planet, Illythia felt alone. She went in search of her birth mother, and when she found Darma and realized what kind of person she was, Illythia became highly depressed. She had never understood why she looked the way she did, but to know it was her own mother that had caused her appearance. Matilda had always been so proud and open about being different, but Matilda had made her changes to herself. Illythia had never had a choice.

After vanishing from the boarding school, Illythia joined a shipping crew for shipping supplies in space. It was this time that she acquired her body armor. When she found she could conceal most of her blue skin, she felt more at ease. Hair could be dyed and eyes could have contacts. It was the eery blue skin that was too intricate to be a tattoo that made Illythia the most uncomfortable about herself. Determined to find the one friend she had felt the most comfortable with, Illythia began to traverse through the stars. It was on a small space station off of the planet Pern that Illythia heard about her inconspicuous friend. She bartered a ride down to the planet and took up residence at Star Stone Hold where she began to work as a personal assistant for one of the Craft Masters, although she did not apprentice in the craft because she was still focused on her artwork.

When she moved to Pern she began going by the name Lillith.

Name: Enthalth
Color: Green
Sire: Dantarith
Dam: Nariath
Egg: Moss Pearl Egg- dark green egg shell with glistening pearly white swirls that contrast the dark green beautifully
Personality: With the vanity of a green, and the bossiness of a gold, with non gold and bronze dragons, Enthalth is more entitled and authoritative than a green ought to be. She doesn't cause trouble, and knows who her superiors are, but she still feels important in her own mind. Very demanding of praise and positive attention.
Description: Dark, dark green, almost black, but not quite, especially in the sun. Has pale, pale jade green swirls all over her body contrasting her dark hide. On the small side for a green, and has less stamina than most, but she has very good maneuverability in flight, able to get in and out of tight spots quickly and gracefully

Fire lizard -
Name - Spaz
Color - Bronze
Sire: Little Lord
Dam: Stitch
Personality - A rather energetic flit with no concept of right or wrong. He never seems to run out of energy, and in constantly doing things he shouldn't, taking things that don't belong to him, hiding things of importance to his Special Friend, and the like. He is mischievous, but doesn't really mean to be, it is just him. Spaz doesn't set out every morning to cause trouble, he just manages to through his spastic actions. Very hard to predict.
History - Hatched in an explosion of shells, Spaz immediately tried to run off with one of Lillith's bracelets, while it was attached to her wrist. He was Hatched in the Girl's Junior Weyrling Barracks and Special Friend to Lillith and Big Cousin Enthalth.
Description - Splotchy bronze coloration

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Born on Regulus
Personal Assistant in training
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